uvos: what's the best candidate for a maemo-friendly podcast client? i think gpodder once was maemo-ized, no?
i just use firefox
you can use rss extensions
and play your podcast with ff
i think the browser doesn't automatically download the episodes
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stan: uvos is not the best person to ask for maemo specific applications, he has not been a maemo/fremantle user
thats right
uvos: hi! Seems there was some progress on libsdl, at least I was left with that impression by reading TMO. hmm?
i tried the sdl1.2 -> sdl2 shim
nothing else was done
I see
major improvement was recent - the half-screen-down shift in fullscreen mode was alleviated
I also now get keyboard input in fullscreen mode
oh, seems -devel stuff has been moved to -stable
that explains it
32-bit arm could also benefit from the NEON accelerated SDL, but these additions were taken out of upstream in 2019
afaik the reason they were pulled was that some apps were broken on 64-bit arm systems
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tmlind: so the problem is that Voice Playback stream is never considerd active by DAPM
tmlind: when starting a call cpcap_voice_set_tdm_slot ins run but /sys/kernel/debug/asoc/Mapphone\ Audio/cpcap-codec.0/dapm/Voice\ Playback remains "Off" so all downstream widgets remain off too, including the PGA
so snd_soc_dapm_route is fine
but the "Voice Playback" snd_soc_dai_driver remains off in call
Danct12: are you on -devel?
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Danct12: perhaps show us your sources.list (including the HAM sources.list)
my use-case is for a home device on ethernet to pull the feeds, then i push those to my portable devices via script
running /etc/init.d/droid4-wlanconfig restart when transferring a sd to a new device seemed to help wlan
that dose absoulty nothing except the first time
and it should run on first boot
oh wiht transfering a sd to a new deivce you mean some old install running on a different d4
yes, what should i run to re-calibrate wlan
yeah then you must rerun that (or maserati-callibrate directly)
ok ty
it didn't see my AP. now it does.
yes running the fem parameters from some other deivce is not a good idea
that could be a warning on the wiki (to recalibrate wlan if transferring system to another device)
how about checking the hw mac address on boot and if changed, recalibrate wlan?
talking about calibration, should batery calibration happen automagically, or should I run something?
why does maserati-calibrate refuse to be rerun?
do i cause harm by removing that check from the script?
uvos: is there a reason why the battery status applet keeps saying "calibration needed" then?
bencoh: device?
(I'm not running -devel yet, btw) droid4
it has to see battey low and battery full within one boot
and subsequently it needs to see one of those in the current boot
otherwisese its uncallibrated
hmm, I think it saw both, but maybe not in that order
stan: yes you cant callibrate without the stock fem parameters
either that, or it always crashed after low
order dosent matter
well, then ...
it needs to shutdown cleanly
otherwise no save
I'll have to give it another try I guess
last time it shutdown in my hands it was around ~25% according to upower
uvos: but dpkg-reconfigure firmware-ti-connectivity, then running maserati-calibrate could work?
you have to reinstall the firmware
(I think it reached cutoff during a current peak)
bencoh: if you battery is bad it can be impossible to callibrate
I replaced it a few years ago and barely used the phone since then
but it could be
i think we need a wiki page for 'how to use an existing maemo-leste sdcard in a different device'
why dont you go improve the wiki
i can paste your comments to a page under that title to ensure I do not write anything incorrect
please format it nicely
also put it into the droid4 and bionic page
its device specific
how do i < uvos> you have to reinstall the firmware
apt reinstall
that is difficult without wlan
well you can use usbnet
or download it elsewhere and dpkg -i
dpkg -i sounds better yeah
thanks, then you confirm that apt reinstall ti-firmware-connectivity is necessary and dpkg-reconfigure ti-firmware-connectivity is insufficient?
btw you must reboot after reinstalling
so reinstall the firmware -> reboot -> maserati-callibrate
ty again. will setup wiki page
btw it looks like there is progress with qualcomm supporting linux. there may be some snapdragon based phones that can do leste now/soon
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it looks like dsme doesn't actually wait() for anything that it kills, so it might report that it stopped a program too soon
I suppose it can't always just wait, depending on the signal it sends, but that's probably why some of our service restarts fail
I think this is also ultimately the cause for the resets we are seeing on certain upgrades
ke-recv is restarted way too fast, when the previous one is not gone yet, fails to start because of that, and the device reboots after 10 attempts
it might make sense to increase the dsme log level as well
that would be adding -v 7 invocation in the init script
yeah, I cannot think of any other reason that ke-recv would fail to restart, unless it is somehow restarted with some poor env, or when debian is still working on parts it needs
the code is straightforward and should log to syslog right away in case of problems
something something ditch dsme :P
(for starting non-session services at least)
it's not clear it's dsme, it could be debian restarting it at an unfortunate time
well the point is dont spend to mutch time on this, both ke-recv and dsme we should ditch for various reasons.
uvos: please...
no not please
both of these lack technical merit
and dsme is really architecutally broken
(except as a session manager thats ok)
you're wasting too much energy spittin on dsme, launcher, whatnot, basically a reverse NIH syndrome I'd say
and this is not really useful
Wizzup, i assume just add devel into source.list should work right?
uvos: tbh I don't know how many linux phones support on the fly apt-upgrade, I guess mobian probably does
Wizzup: maemo has never supported apt-get upgrade
system upgrades shall be done through HAM
freemangordon: we shal keep the underlying system working
uvos: sure. so?
freemangordon: many parts of ke-recv dont work on mainline and sfos absorbed ke-recv stuff into mce so we can just copy + paste that so thats hardly reverse NIH
so dont break apt
I am not talking about ke-recv in particular, but in general about your attitude:"there is a bug in program X? ah, lets remove it then."
freemangordon: iirc fremantle broke with *dist-upgrade*, not with upgrade
no upgrade
or rather both
multiple times now
freemangordon: no its allways remove program X
bencoh: upgrade was never officially supported either
just when a bug comes i ofc reiterate
that's why the PR thingie
well, I guess I had luck with upgrade then
anyway, I'd really like to be able to run apt-get upgrade on leste
isnt the appmanager just a frontend for apt really?
I said "supported" ;)
yes, it is
freemangordon: yeah :)
but is stops lots of things before doing the real upgrade
including putting the device offline etc
apt will never do that IIUC
wich is just a hack around various bugs really
freemangordon: /system/osso/connectivity/srv_provider/[VALUE]/module <-- here VALUE is just a name, right, not a network type?
no idea :)
I have a working provider module, but it only works on DUMMY network types, not on WLAN_INFRA, and I don't know why
I get this:
Jun 29 13:21:08 localhost icd2 0.98[17712]: calling service provider module
Jun 29 13:21:08 localhost icd2 0.98[17712]: srv type 'WLAN_INFRA' unknown
fro Jun 29 13:21:08 localhost icd2 0.98[17712]: calling service provider module
freemangordon: tbf it sounds like something that we might be able to fix in an incremental fashion
Jun 29 13:21:08 localhost icd2 0.98[17712]: srv type 'WLAN_INFRA' unknown
on pp and mapphones it asks the kernel driver to do it
oh that's just rilmodem I guess
hm, no
and for generating the waceform we use the lib I am talking about :)
freemangordon: sure on n900
on every device
you cant
freemangordon: but not directly, through a pa moudle
pa module calls the lib to generate the waveform
freemangordon: and ucm /kernel takes care of device differences
you can not send any audio to the modem during a call.
you must ask the modem to insert dtmf
uvos: so, who generates dtmf tones?
the kernel exposes this via alsa
and what about busy tone?
modem dose everything
ok, will see
on n900 you have to emulate the stuff the modem dose on pp/mapphones via pulse
because I don;t see that happening for IP calls
the interface stays the same for the dialer
freemangordon: right for ip calls different story ofc
the busy tone comes from the voip server tho no?
(not sure)
I doubt
but not really sure
also note that busy tones are kina a thing of the past
why is that
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on lte modern phones just say busy (at least the ones i use)
so, what if I am dialing through my car kit?
shall I read the messages while driving with 140 km/h?
the device makes a sound
called busy tone, no?
though whatever output it is
yeah no
is busy the sound before you pick up?
its just the sound of the notification
Wizzup: no, what you describe is "ringing" tone
no the busy sound like in a pstn netowrk
well I'll look at packaging it now
seems like a concrete thing I can work on
aka it dosent come over the phone conection like in pstn
lte just sends the device a message really
and the device shall generate it
(the tone)
well they dont anymore
but sure if you want
uvos: see my car kit example
I can do voice dial and I expect an audible feedback
right and what im saying is that this is not speccaly implmented
its just a notification
and that has a sound
well, you said "a thing from the past" :)
right the beep beep beep thing that gsm and ptsn do is a thing of the past
thats what i was getting at
if you mean that it does not come from the networks, then ok
but the sound as such, I doubt it will be gone soon
it doesn't really make sense to remove the most recognized phone tone which was there since the beginning of the telephony just to replace it with some other sound
no matter who generates it, beep-beep-... will not go soon IIUC
pff back in the day the nice operator told you the line was in use :P
which is very useful when I am in Greece :)
or when you are in Bulgaria :p
so I think we'll figure this out along the way, no?
it feels like we're overly zooming on in this at this point :P
Wizzup: it is important from the architectural POV
who does what
busy tone was just an example
yeah, but we have a lot more to figure out I think
sure, but this is easy
lets get something to work, then get it work well
agree, but lets try to have as much as possible from the bigger picture upfront
that'll save us some effort in the future
we could have a wiki page as scratchpad
I think we will probably change a *lot* in sphone
well geting sphone running with everyhing implmented in the modem like on d4 first is a no brainer
since all the code is just sitting there.
but it's nice to get audio going, test calls a lot, etc
very important aspect is how long it takes for the phone to start ringing
uvos: any idea what debian section we should use for sphone
IIRC we have 1.5 second if we want to follow the standards
well the modem dose eveything
im sure it follows standarts
or you mean the reverse
in this case sphone is ram resident
and instant
but it takes some time UI to show up and to play "ring-ring" sound
pretty mutch
sphone keeps everything in ram
then it can be swapped
also, we'll have to renice
sure but just do that with cgroups
or implement cgroups
but its just one big binary with everthing that runs as a deamon
(like the rtcom-call ui program)
actually it uses a big lib as well
and ofono needs to be in ram ofc
I guess we'll have to mlock it as well, or somesuch
but jeah just dump everything into a cgroup that keeps it loaded
dbus too
and PA
we may look at what fremantle is doing
though it uses ohm as well
uvos: what contains unique-1.0.pc ?
fremantle is pre cgroups tho
i think
Wizzup: unique
it uses cgrous as well
I thought it was uuid-dev, but it looks like it is not
if you try to unlock it then sees it immidiatly
startup-pin-query waits for the sim to present before it attempts to unloc kit of course
basically the UI will forever show 'no sim present' in tsatu bar
ok yeah i think i see that
until you restart ofono or kick it in some way
yeah I don't fully understand how ofono on the d4 works yet, but I think it acts on the tty line, and then uses qmi to actually do things
so maybe we just need another 'act on this when you see it on tty line' thing
(this is an extremely simplified version of my already basic understanding)
same issue exists on pp?
or no?
btw my revision is on that gh issue
I don't think that issue exists on the pinephone or on the n900
uvos: for the voice call issues, not sure i know what we should do.. but i think we should move dts node for cpu_dai_mdm to be a child of the cpu_audio node as the cpu is not involved at all
uvos: then when voice call is active, it would also keep it's parent active
uvos: sphone should be apt-get install'able on the d4 now
tmlind: ok if that would work :P right now i have no clue how soc_snd descides what dai is active
tmlind: i just sent sre a emial with that very question
uvos: i think right now we completely rely on the set_tdm_slot() hack
uvos: yeah sre should know, i don't
ok that dosent cause Voice Playback to be active
see debugfs
yeah ok makes sense
uvos: shall I try to hildonize the sphone ui somewhat?
Wizzup: explain?
add the atoms, maybe make the text fields larger
Wizzup: besidse using libhildon for the protrait mode what would that entail
maybe add context menu to switch between the UI windows
(as opposed to various .desktop launchers)
i like various .desktop launcher tbh
and we need them anyhow
a .desktop for new sms seems weird to me
so you need to support the xdg intents thing
we just have 'Conversations', which is for sms history and also writing new SMS
so if an app wants to send sms: it uses xdg spec to locate the sms program
that program has some magic in its .desktop file to make it work
btw the fact that this suff is missing is a major pain for maemo apps
I can skip the context menu if you want, but I think 6 launch icons is not very useful ux, even now, but I also don't feel strongly about it
uvos: ok, but let's consider that a separate issue for now
how did you get it in portrait mode for your screenshots
i run forcerotation = 1 in hildon transition.ini
uvos: also making buttons larger, like 'Send' and 'Cancel' in sms-new
uvos: right
that makes everything rotateable
did you manage to send a sms yet?
sure everything you propose makes sense
I just get 'SMS send action failed'
but i think we should fix the ofono stuff first
it uses a ofono interface thats mia
Wizzup: dialer has theming
I think it makes sence to use it
I don't know how theming works, but it seems like we can do that later
also why would the dialer want to look diferent than system theme?
actually no, look at what I linked ^^^
i dont think this is a big deal
I think once we get basic things working, we'll just get PRs for things that are a big deal, and also for things that are not a big deal ;)
uvos: to clarify why we should move the voice call dts node, the voice call codec should not be a child of omap mcbsp like we have it right now, the voice all is all between cpcap and the modem
tmlind: makes sense
uvos: lol the style it uses is also white text on white/gray text input I think :-D
like the qt5 stuff, but inverse
tmlind: but i dont know how the dts structure results in dapm deciding what dai to power
really the voice dai needs to be considerd powerd at all times
since it is
and the kernel dose not controll it
tmlind: i sent you the email to sre for referance
uvos: ok, if the voice call codec is a child in dts of the cpcap voice codec, then it's also a child device in linux meaning voice call code will keep it's parent busy with pm runtime during use
Wizzup: not sure what you mean
Wizzup: i assume you found some theaming issue
uvos: on the dialer, when you press the buttons, it renders white text in the text field
maybe he hardcoded the color
we'll see
or our themes are broken
progress at least
our qt themes are broken
which is why i fixed them at run time
as you mentioned
good to see some voice call progress :) ttyl
Wizzup: btw to get to the options you have to merge my branch
i added the -c command for it
uvos: feel free to merge it
interestingly you can hotswap in a sim on a d4
motmdm detects this fine
so the android userspace was the limiting factor on this
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what does a power-led blinking 3 times a second mean when connected to usb power?
green, about 2.5x/sec
echo 800000 > /sys/class/power_supply/usb/input_current_limit made it stop
Wizzup: btw on a diffrent sim now: no change to the bahavior, no grps/umts data
this is on a fresh install + cellular stuff
on devel
so i think you could repo it by just using a fresh image
maybe I can remove the gconf entries as well
going to sleep first :)
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on one device tonight, when usb is plugged-in and battery is full, i get a reboot loop shortly after kexec exits. if i pull the usb power, it boots fine