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uvos: ok probably the mz608 binary won't work on anything else though
uvos: how can I test?
Wizzup: hold vol down + power until you get to flash mode
then from pc with usb cable connected, fastboot flash mbm allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin
battery must be well chargerd, it will probably produce an error and then you have to reflash the original mbm.bin
with fastboot flash mbm mbm.bin
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tmlind: but there is no allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin - right?
Wizzup: oh i though you wanted to try out the mz608 file on mz609
well, uvos said that maybe the default is already permissive
at least on mz617 you can only flash to cache partition pretty much, not sure about the user partition
i just did mkfs.ext4 on the preinstall partition and untarred my rootfs there, seems to work just fine
while trying to flash preinstall with an unsigned image produces an error and then you have reflash the original preinstall
freemangordon: ok yeah so this is something that changed in their dbus interface and it means wifi is broken in -devel
uvos: looks like mmcblk1p15 cid partition on mz617 at least has a signature, maybe earlier models did not if that can be swapped like the link above says
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tmlind: well since VRZ_9.8.2OT_127_MZ609_CFC_1FF.xml contains a mbmloader.bin update and the purpose of allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin is to allow flashing mbmloader it would stand to reason that at least mbmloader partition is unlock in mbm.bin from VRZ_9.8.2OT_127_MZ609_CFC_1FF.xml
so maybe Wizzup should try this file
i know for a fact that on bionic motorola dosent blow any fuses to prevent you from downgrading
so you can flash any old mbm.bin
then if that dosent work maybe just maybe the mz608 file will work
obv. all this is a bit risky
but so is dding the rootfs and utags around
uvos: worth a try, cheap toys to play with at least :)
uvos: but hmm so if mbm.bin allows reflashing mbmloader, it still does not allow flashing other partitions with random images
tmlind: no but maybe mbm.bin from that file is in fact configured like allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin
ie also more permissive in other ways
uvos: maybe, but i think on xt894 the difference was that flashing kexecboot to bpsw is allowed with allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin
there is no real reason why allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin is more permissve that mbm.bin in flashing bspw
hmm or maybe it was needed to reflash utags actually
both i think
on mz617, i noticed i had to use fastboot flash:raw boot boot.img to reflash the signed boot.img
but i don't think flash:raw allows reflashing random images again
Wizzup: I think that's another reason to proxy it - if we use it in more than one place, we shall change all of the users next time they break the interface
freemangordon: this was more a code deficiency in my code
freemangordon: I just assumed the interface path would not change, but they made it zero indexed
freemangordon: so we make a proxy that does the same for multiple interfaces? wouldn't solve the problem per se
this is interface change by all means
i dont think its senseble to proxy deamon everything for this reason
that's why I said "another reason" :)
Wizzup: yeah, got it
freemangordon: that's the only change required to make it work for now
but, I have to change connui as well
shared lib maybe makes sense, proxy not so much imho
Of course I can find the first interface and just use it, but as it stands, icd2 plugin cannot deal with more than one wifi interface anyway
we should do that...
and switch to presistant names
BTW, that's something we shall fix
instead of wlan0 wlan1 etc
I think we can use service_id, but not sure
since using only one interface, but allways the same one is better than using a random one depeding on what driver gets loaded first...
pull request welcome for that
Looks like I can use this: mdbus2 -s fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1 /fi/w1/wpa_supplicant1 fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.GetInterface "wlan0"
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all of this will get much more complicated now, blergh
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freemangordon: parazyd: I'm building a new libicd-network-wpasupplicant which deals with the wpa supplicant interface name change, but as the current fix is a hack, it is really important that they stay in -devel for now, and independently *cannot* be moved to non-devel
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New wpasupplicant is also devel only
parazyd: yes, but this is a heads up(tm)
I will have to add InterfaceAdded and InterfaceRemoved notifiers, and all the code will have to accept interface data as arg, and it will need to be managed and won't be available on start, so it's all getting much more complicated now unfortunately
I can't write that code now
Can I help?
well, it's just that the wpa_supplicant change made this more apparent
as long as we push them in sync this shouldn't cause major headaches, but it's something that needs to be done
if you want to help, sure, but I imagine it's at least a few hours of work, maybe more
and also really we'd probably just pick the first interface we find anyway
Agree on the interface choice. I guess this is what the kernel sets up first.
btw. if needed we can also use eudev for iface naming
yes, but this is about the wpa supplicant dbus path for the interface
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hello #maemo-leste!!
rock on!
I need some assistance with my dorid4. i beleive I can't gert my wlan0 up to find and connect to wifi and lan
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jk: hi, are you on -devel?
eehmm.. I think not. I am new to irc
ok, so this has been a consistent problem since you tried maemo leste?
nop, I tried to change my user password to be able to ssh as non-root with the command passwd
what image did you flash?
the problems started after that
let me check...
... I flashed it last year, may I think... things have been going smooth. even the beowulf upgrade was fine
heh, neat
so some recent upgrade broke wifi for you?
no,I don't thik it was an upgrade. I was connecting over ssh form my laptop but only as root, as I had no "user" password (I still only have the root-user and the user-user))
so I restarted my Droid4, booted to the emergency shell or something like that
logged in as root and ran passwd. I rewrite the root password to the same (not surre if this changed anything in the deeper level) and then changed the user password... once throrough passwd -expire but HIldon could not start automatically, so I changed it back again to empty
this last time again over the leste emergency shell. with passwd user (if I remember right) and let it blank and also delited the hash from the shadowfile following some internet guide
...using nano
Wizzup: ok, so, lets agree at least that icd2 plugin will expose dbus interface to get the current wlan interface, otherwise we'll have to duplicate the same code in connui
or if you have a better idea, please share
why is connui interacting with the interface directly anyhow?
thats icd's job no?
jk: hm, ok. is the wlan0 interface visible in 'ifconfig'? and it wpa_supplicant running? ('ps xua | grep wpa')
uvos: all of this stems from the hidden wlan ap hell
uvos: freemangordon wants to port the interactive UI to add a hidden AP to the settings without using the settings
uvos: this requires active scans for the hidden ap, which means the UI has to interface with something
yeah no
lets not leak the implentation details of the layer below icd to the ui
why cant icd2 just get a new function to scann for hidden aps
so the maemo fremantle UI also violated this by just issuing a scan directly using wlancond
uvos: yes, I was thinking that as well- let's do this in icd2
yeah well fremantle is badly desinged allmost everywhere
Wizzup: ok that sounds sane
I think this is also what freemangordon is suggesting
I am just not sure if it should be in the plugin or in icd2 itself
jk: did your device reboot during a recent update?
Danct12: you said Dillo does JS? last i recall it didn't :-/
@uvos: not that I remember
i had to run dpkg --configure -a to get wifi back on bionic after a recent update rebooted before the pacakges where configured
@Wizzup: I am checking...
jk: try that
dpkg --configure -a run successfully as root
wpa_supplicant found on htop (with several flags) trying ps now...
if dpkg --configure -a did anything you have to reboot
also check ip addr for the wlan0 interface
parazyd: if this is the case, we really need to figure out that random reboot ^
i don't recall leste having an /etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.conf ...
s/having/having or using/
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... extra info: with vipw -s on the line of user i have "user::" 'cuz I deleted the password there after my manual passwd user change aiming for ssh from laptop... most entries under vipw -s have "<name>:*:..."
Wizzup: icd is by no means wlan only daemon, neither we shall tie it to wpa_supplicant, that's why I suggested either a daemon that exposes a common interface to both plugin and ui or dbus interface in the plugin itself
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ip addr shows me wlan0 as number 3:
To me having a separate daemon is better, but...
3: wlan0: <NO-CARRIER,BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP> mtu 1500 qdisc mq state DOWN group default qlen 1000
jk: i assum wifi dosent work after reboot
jk: please descibe symptoms in detail
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jk: what dose not work mean
dose it not scann
not connect etc
no scan so no connect. I can't get it up
ok so the network dialog dosent show anything
it usually connected automatically after boot (some seconds later) no I see no available connections on the gui
jup, Select connection is empty
"No connections available"
what dose maserati-callibrate say
jk: did a reboot help after the dpkg --configure -a ?
as root?
jk: the reboot? you can use the UI for it too
no change after dpkg --configure -a and reboot
freemangordon: are you up for writing the code for that interface?
maserati-calibrate as root?
freemangordon: I think I'd like to take my hands off of this hidden AP business now, icd2 should support it OK now if it is configured from "Internet Connections" UI
is shows MAC addr from NVS: ...
Calibration already performed
freemangordon: I'm fine with whatever solution you prefer, as long as it doesn't mean I have to write more dbus code
Wizzup: yes, why not
I did that las year...
so its not that
I was thinking to reuse wlancond interface
jk ok yeah i thought cal might have goten lost somehow
afc I will first check if it fits for what we need it
im all for Wizzup writing more dbus code
jk: so the sympton is that nothing shows up in the 'Internet Connections' status dialog?
dbus everywhere
everything dbus
uvos: I am fine if others write dbus code, but it breaks my brain
yes, that is the symptom
jk: can you use wpacli to scann for networks
that's wpa_cli
the commands are 'scan' and 'scan_results'
how's that different from calling dbus?
freemangordon: this is us helping jk debug his wifi issue, not related to our discussion :)
if wpa_cli has 'issues', then the problem is unlikely to be in libicd-* or icd*
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oh! scan results is actually scan_results?!
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jk: yes
freemangordon: something else I noticed (of course), a dbus-issued scan is not the same as a scan issued over the control socket interface it seems
one calls wpa_supplicant_trigger_scan and the others calls wpa_supplicant_req_scan
freemangordon: and of course only the control socket 'scan' seems to do the right thing, I believe
jk: ok, so we need to figure out why the data is not making it to the UI
freemangordon: no
sicelo: i never said dillo supports js
Ok. I must have misunderstood. Apologies
Wizzup: ok, I'll think about it for a while, but maybe implementing wlancond interface by using socket interface looks sane, albeit lots of work.
in a separate daemon that is
freemangordon: the socket interface is extremely simple, but you might have the same perms problems
that way we'll be able to use Nokia icd2 wlan plugin. And your work won;t be in vain, as most of it will go in that daemon
that daemon will run as root
what do you mean? nokia icd2 wlan plugin?
wlancond, iiuc
Wizzup: ok. we can check that. so the password overwrites that I did have no importance?
but leste currenly explodes if you dont have sudo without pw
freemangordon: if we really go down that route I think we just want to look at NetworkManager
I did rewrire the sudo password to the standard
yeah that causes lots of issues
Wizzup: why is that?
jk: please restore default sudo config
I mean - it is obvious that wpa_supplicant dbus interface has issues, no?
sudo usage in leste is badly broken
ehm the root password I mean!
thats fine
freemangordon: there is a lot of work going into rewriting what essentially already exists in some other form, and it took me several months to write the wpa supplicant plugin for icd2, and I did it because you wanted it that way (which is fine), but I really don't understand why we would need to give wlancond some wpa supplicant interface and then switch to the other nokia plugin which likely will
have way more issues and backwards things
Wizzup: hold on, I was just sharing an idea
ok, sorry, I'm not upset
it just feels like a very niche interface
on the other hand we still don;t have solution for coule of things
not to say we still don;t support ad-hoc
ok. I only rewrote the "su"-password. sudo is still possible without password
jk: thats fine
and not the issue
freemangordon: It actually is not very hard to support ad hoc I believe
networkmanager supports adhoc
freemangordon: I think the wpa_supplicant dbus interface isn't that bad, but apparently it's awkward regarding hidden APs
and bt pan and .....
uvos: please, stop that
I guess wicd does it too
none of them is mobile aware
they don;t integrate with mce for example
mce has no role in this
yes, it does
it just consumes the offline state
it dose nothing with it
ok, it seems leste is going in a direction I am not sure I support
the project was started as a try to bring fremantle experience based on modern distro
I am not advocating for using networkmanager per se, I am just frustrated with the amount of work required for a very niche feature (hidden aps) when I'd rather focus on bigger things
i dont see why fremantle experiance has anything to do with what bacgriound deamons we use
we want fremantles ui over a modern distro no?
uvos: you dont; have experience with fremantle, right?
best case scenario we dont have to maintain anything but the ui
ofc thats not feasble in all cases
but the less we have to maintain the better
in which case it will turn into a mock of fremantle
No. We wanted fremantle UX, at least I did. Not just UI
just a shell
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sicelo: exactly my point
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and I still want it
right hildon-desktop should just be a xdg shell (or session in xdg language)
(fremantle UX)
freemangordon: I think the current icd2 mostly supports the fremantle ui/ux, just not yet with hidden aps
uvos: again, you have no experience with fremantle, I wonder how you are so sure what HD should become?
if there are specific UX you would like, it would be good to write them out clearly because otherwise there's no discussion to be had
fremantle is way more then just HD
i ment "hildon" not hd
as in all of the ui stuff
jk: did going to passwordless sudo solve your problem?
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Wizzup: part of the UX we're discussing is the ability to add hidden wlan from the wizard
Wizzup: no it dident he had passwordless sudo allready
niche or not, it is there and users try to use it
see the issue we have opened
freemangordon: let me just note that with -devel you can add it to "Internet Connections" and it will work
you just check the checkbox that says it's hidden
sure, but thats not what I am talking about
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I agree there are outstanding issues (and we can get back to discussing those when you want), but I think if we make a poll, more users will care about some other parts :P
freemangordon: one thing im sure of is that we are like 4 people
... sorry if I had someone else's nickname! :P
uvos: so? it was only 1 at the very beginning, how that changes the things?
and what 4 people can credbly maintian and improve in spare time is.. not alot
so we must share code with others as mutch as possible
uvos: then we'll fail
that meas shareing with deskop where possible
not the end of the world
and with phosh and plamo where not
but better fail than romise and not deliver what is promised
freemangordon: uvos: we don't know if networkmanager is no longer mobile aware and what we can do with it, but from a practical point of view I think we should stick with what we have until we have a more functional experience
freemangordon: uvos: I don't think this discussion about UX is relevant, I think we more or less agree on the goals, and if someone magically did all the work to support fremantle interfaces (functionally equivalent) with networkmanager backend we'd use it, but it's not there, and it will also take a lot of work to get there
freemangordon: uvos: other mobile distros will also try to make it as mobile as possible, and some of them use networkmanager, so I am sure they will eventually have to tackle some of the same problems
freemangordon: uvos: Personally I am totally fine with telling the user to configure it through the Settings -> Internet Connections, and I'm pretty sure the user would be happy too.
freemangordon: uvos: My point really was that I don't -personally- want to invest more time in a niche side of an already niche feature that we've really now implemented already
sure that sounds mostly sane
im not sure on the same goals part tho
So I'd be fine with leaving the bug report open specifically for the easy wlan wizard with hidden ap support
i think freemangordon has other goals
Wizzup: UI is just missing a single call (be it dbus or whatever) to get hidden wlan properties at it should work. We just need to agree upon how that call shall be issued and I'll implement it
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freemangordon: sounds good
*and it
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jk000: I am trying to think of how to help you debug this. is icd2 running?
jk000: 'ps xua | grep icd2'
thanx a lot!!
let's see
but, I involved the other things that we miss currently (like reg domain, adhoc etc) so while we plan how to implement that call which is needed for hiden wlans, if possible, to fix or at least make those issues fixanle with less effort
yes, it is
freemangordon: I think we can really make all of that work with the icd2 plugin I made
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ok, lets spend some time tomorrow to agree upon the interface
jk000: so I am thinking that if I had access locally, start icd2 manually with low log level, and monitor the logs, but I am not really sure what to tell you to look for, and given that you have no connectivity, if I find it hard to figure out how to continue from here
UI->icd2 plugin that is
freemangordon: ok
jk000: so if you run this as root '/etc/init.d/icd2 stop' and 'icd2 -l0' icd2 will write info to /var/log/daemon.log, but other services also log to it
you could look at those logs in real time with 'tail -f /var/log/daemon.log' and maybe see if you can spot the problem, but all of this is hard on the phone screen
jk000: do you think you could set up usbnet?
So you're saying that the usb host most just works with leste on the d4?
If you could make photo or video of that, we'd love to see it
... still struggling with my DAC to get highest quality audio
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I beleive usbnet will work i just gotta learn it. which will be added to my toolbox! yeah!
I'll try to make a video, where do I send it??
jk000: conceptually it should be as simple as 'connect the droid 4 to a PC', 'set up the IP on the PC side', ssh to the phone
jk000: if you can upload it somewhere and link it, that's perhaps easiest
I don't know what you preferred method is, you can also upload it to some site like youtube or the foss ones
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jup, and in theory that is extensible to many devices, right? i will read into that!
jk000: all leste supported devices should expose it, I use it all the time for debugging
alright... I'll see what I can do and get back here. I am still catching up on irc-tech. 1st time runnign Hexchat and seems preatty easy. with irssi I had some issues as I am a newbie
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thanks, leste-community!! keep up the pioneer work and enable freedom further!
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just debian things: installing hostapd means it gets auto started on boot, and if you configure it (via config file) for usage at some point, it will interfere with wifi
and I removed it from the runlevel, but every time it's updated, it gets added back to the runlevel
more like just devuan things
since debian on systemd dosent have this problem
uvos: it doesn't autostart services?
it dose but you can ask systemd if the user disabled it or something
(not sure how it works exactly but it only enables the service once)
might just be that the systemd dpkg scripts are better idk
you should be able to do the same thing with normal init scripts if you do it the "proper way" (rather than just removing the symlink). I think.
i.e. with update-rc.d
uvos: I think this is problem with dpkg
I think it probaly does the same thing
when I said 'I removed it from the runlevel', I meant 'rc-update del hostapd'
mbut maybe update-rc.d does more
okay, sorry for the noise then
very welcome :)
jk000 if you come and see this - so you see the mouse pointer on the screen?