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<uvos> Wizzup: parazyd: did you guys know about "sphone"?
<uvos> seams to be a call deamon that dose notifications and ringing and sutch on top of ofono
<uvos> was well as a dialer, a sms app and so on in gtk2
<uvos> compiles and runs fine on leste, apears to find the modem, but i did not try to use it in ernest
<Wizzup> uvos: got a link?
<uvos> at least the audio routing is broken (it trys to do something phone specific with alsa directly)
<uvos> huh my host is not working
<Wizzup> it's a 404 at least
<uvos> jeah the folder is wrong permissions i think sec
<uvos> thats the git repo
<Wizzup> that's cool, worth looking at
<Wizzup> lmk when you fix your host :p
<parazyd> Never heard, but looks interesting :)
<parazyd> esp. if gtk2 :p
<uvos> i think it just works
<uvos> only needs porting to pulseaudio/ucm
<Wizzup> the proximity needs to be changed a bit I think
<uvos> right it needs to poke mce for call mode
<uvos> also virbration
<tmlind> cool if that works :)
<Wizzup> we could start with this and then modify it some
<Wizzup> I think freemangordon is ready to chat contacts again coming tuesday
<Wizzup> and we were quite far along (well he was) with the address book gui and lib
<uvos> funny thing a contacts system is the one thing it seams to lack
<parazyd> :)
<parazyd> Yeah our RE will not be in vain
<Wizzup> so the audio routing requires some more PA setup I think, and we still use the nemo stuff there as well
<Wizzup> and with libabook, we'd be in decent shape, with some of the mce integration(s)
<Wizzup> btw on fremantle the UI is always running, just not visible
<Wizzup> and I guess for sms and such we'd want to log using the eventlogger libs, but we mostly have those already
<uvos> just makeing it set the call ucm profile would be enough for a start
<uvos> right now it dose that
<uvos> that ofc works nowhere
<parazyd> Looks like ~5000 lines of C
<parazyd> Not too scary
<parazyd> Could also be easy to hildonize
<parazyd> Oh and GPL3 :)
<uvos> its pretty mutch hildonized allready
<uvos> idk what you would change on that front even
<parazyd> uvos: There's places where libhildon could/should be used instead of plain gtk
<uvos> except set the proratitable flag
<uvos> ok
<sicelo> Not only Fremantle, but almost all (smart)phone OSes have the phone & sms UIs always running. Makes sense too
<Wizzup> yes, to make sure the mem is avail etc
<uvos> Wizzup: the ui of this is also allways runing
<uvos> btw
<parazyd> Yeah also starting this stuff up on every call/sms sounds slow
<Wizzup> uvos: right but it's probably visible is what I mean
<uvos> no
<uvos> you do ./sphone that starts the whole thing in the backgorund
<Wizzup> ah
<Wizzup> ok, cool
<uvos> and then ./sphone -c dialer-open opens the dialer
<uvos> and -c sms-new the sms thing etc
<uvos> and on a incomeing call it rings and opens a window etc
<uvos> pretty mutch a finished stack
<parazyd> Very nice
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<uvos> ./sphone -c dialer-open is just a dbus call
<Wizzup> and it's gpl :)
<parazyd> Yes!
<Wizzup> I think way later we might want this to use telepathy instead of ofono, but also maybe not, maybe for sms or something, not sure
<Wizzup> in any case, this looks like a great tangible start to me
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<parazyd> For sms we'll surely want telepathy
<Wizzup> shall I fork it to maemo-leste/ ?
<parazyd> So it also integrates with other protocols
<parazyd> Wizzup: Make a new repo rather than fork
<Wizzup> why?
<parazyd> Github is weird with forks
<parazyd> And you can do "attacks"
<parazyd> Because you can clone commits not actually part of the repo
<parazyd> Github keeps all forks in the same directory on their system
<Wizzup> I just wanted to let the author know we forked it, but I suppose we can just not
<parazyd> So for example you could fork a repo, push a commit, and then access it via web using a different <orga>/<repo>/<commit> link
<uvos> is that a problem?
<parazyd> It can be
<uvos> not sure how to get there
<uvos> maybe our forked gtk2 is hideing some ui element
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<tmlind> hmm also it may be missing ofono online step after enable? if so, onlining modem manually first might make it work
<Wizzup> yeah, other parts of the system will do that for us (mce, icd2)
<tmlind> ok
<Wizzup> btw, every other day I still get modem resets on my d4
<Wizzup> maybe it gets hot, not sure why
<tmlind> or just buggy firmware
<tmlind> not seeing the modem resets here, this with just hackish scripts using /dev/gsmtty* interface directly still
<Wizzup> I think it happens more when I use gps a lot
<tmlind> ok
<Wizzup> or maybe it's just warmer here :)
<uvos> i dont have a sim for th d4 so no idea if the thing works, if someone wants to try it it, besides the libtoolize autoreconf dance you have to change
<uvos> then it compiles fine
<lel> MerlijnWajer created a repository:
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<uvos> Wizzup: im pushing it
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<Wizzup> uvos: cool
<Wizzup> I have not heard of anjuta before
<Wizzup> btw, aczid made these a while ago:
<Wizzup> (just screenshots if you haven't seen the original maemo)
<parazyd> But this is fremantle, no?
<parazyd> lol for a sec I thought we had the source
<parazyd> (and yeah, this is what I meant regarding hildonizing sphone)
<parazyd> Wizzup: Just turned on the pinephone I got. Not seeing battery applet is the first bug
<parazyd> Also can't seem to trigger rotation
<parazyd> The rest seems fine
<uvos> monitor-sensor?
<parazyd> Light and accelerometer work
<parazyd> Landscape says normal, portrait says left-up
<uvos> but rotation dosent work?
<uvos> thats wierd
<parazyd> no
<uvos> check 90-pinephone.ini in mce.ini.d
<uvos> dose it load iio-accelereometer?
<parazyd> oh it's not there
<parazyd> hmm why
<uvos> we load it per device
<uvos> to avoid breaking n900
<uvos> pinephone dident get the memo i guess
<parazyd> oh there's a typo lmao
<parazyd> mce.init.d
<parazyd> hehe
<uvos> lol
<uvos> ok well then no wonder it doent work
<parazyd> :D
<uvos> led is broken too then
<parazyd> And is also not in /etc
<uvos> hmm?
<uvos> o right
<parazyd> See the path
<uvos> git blame blames parazyd :P
<uvos> should be a easy fix then
<uvos> (see this is why we need more people with pp's to test...)
<parazyd> mhm
<parazyd> bbl have a mtg now
<parazyd> uvos: Works now :)
<parazyd> Wizzup: How do we approach the battery on PP?
<parazyd> Wizzup: This is upower -d:
<lel> parazyd labeled an issue: (Figure out ofono bug where modem is reported as powered off)
<lel> parazyd labeled an issue: (Figure out ofono bug where modem is reported as powered off)
<Wizzup> parazyd: i had a patch in the kernel for it, maybe you missed it
<parazyd> Probably :D
<parazyd> Fixing up gps startup on PP now
<Wizzup> parazyd: do you want me to find the kernel patch? it's just about specifying the battery tchnology
<parazyd> Yeah please
<parazyd> Maybe I should also update the kernel to latest upstream too
<Wizzup> mzybe it can be specified in the dts now
<parazyd> *nod*
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<Wizzup> Langoor: did you manage to figure out anything with ssh access?
<Langoor> I poked around a bit, saw some Xorg errors
<Langoor> also had issues with my computer dropping the assigned ip adress, so ssh was quite a pain. I think that had to do with my NetworkManager config tho
<Wizzup> Langoor: if you can run 'rc-status' and share that output, that would be helpful
<Wizzup> yes, NetworkManager is really annoying in that way
<Wizzup> we maybe need to have the phone do dhcp over usbnet in the future
<Wizzup> there are ways to tell networkmanager not to touch the interface
<Wizzup> you could also set it up with static ip in networkmanager
<Wizzup> more complicated than it should be, of course
<Wizzup> > nmcli dev set wlp2s0 managed no
<Wizzup> that seems helpful
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<parazyd> uvos: I'll also try to test charge-mode and fbkeyboard soon (not today). Think we should also have the console there in portrait like bionic?
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<Langoor> Thanks! i'll check it later
<uvos> parazyd: fbkeyboard cant work in anything other than native orientation as it directly writes its display into the framebuffer
<uvos> so you cant rotate it
<uvos> so yes you need to make the console protrait on pp
<uvos> this looks better anyhow as fbkeyboard would take up to mutch room in landscape anyhow (imo)
<parazyd> ok
<uvos> i guess fbcon rotate might work btw (not all drivers support this). but rotating the kernel console dosent affect it fc
<uvos> so the kernel console rotate must go
<uvos> *fbdev rotate
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<parazyd> We rotate it now
<uvos> parazyd: fbcon=rotate:1 != fbdev rotate
<uvos> fbcon only rotates the console not the framebuffer
<parazyd> oh ok
<parazyd> Yeah
<uvos> so the console ends up in landscape and the keyboard in protrait
<parazyd> But removing this should result in proper portrait, no?
<uvos> yes
<parazyd> That was the plan :) Cool
<uvos> so was made for the HTC Rhodium heh
<uvos> thats random
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<parazyd> heh
<parazyd> Sometimes you stumble upon great obscure code
<parazyd> And it's really nice when it happens
<bencoh> feels like ancient magic
<bencoh> alright, I have revived my scratchbox-like crossbuilder for leste :)
<bencoh> it's a mix of lxc, qemu-user-static, chroot, and some dpkg-divert magic
<bencoh> I can build armhf packages on my laptop faster than on phoenix :)
<bencoh> (at least according to phoenix's logs)
<parazyd> :o
<parazyd> Mind writing some doc on the wiki about this?
<bencoh> generation process is not fully automated, but it's quite close to it, and I'll probably release an lxc "image" in case anyone is interested
<bencoh> parazyd: yeah I'll probably do that :)
<parazyd> Great work, thanks!
<parazyd> It'll be very useful
<uvos> so today we land a dialer/telephony stack and cross-compile support
<uvos> sounds decent for one day
<parazyd> :)
<bencoh> wait, really? we have a dialer? <3
<parazyd> Yeah uvos found sphone
<bencoh> wow
<bencoh> let's try crossbuild it :>
<uvos> pretty mutch works on leste out of the gate
<uvos> just needs some minor stuff for vibration and sutch to work
<uvos> also testing it connects to ofono
<uvos> and sees the modem
<uvos> but i dident try anything beyond that
<uvos> also testing, it connects to ofono
<parazyd> There's still that ofono bug I can't figure out
<parazyd> It doesn't see the modem is powered/onlinr
<parazyd> After booting, you need to do an mdbus2 (or whatever) call to mark it powered
<uvos> i mean ofono just assumes that it is the one to power the modem
<parazyd> This also confuses me on the pinephone
<uvos> so it gets confused because the kernel dose it
<parazyd> Because I was unable to get a gps fiz
<parazyd> fix
<parazyd> And I'm unsure of the reason
<parazyd> u
<parazyd> uvos: Maybe we should have something in mce that issues a poweron call?
<parazyd> Then it could also integrate properly with flight mode
<uvos> ja sure its on my list allready
<parazyd> <3
<uvos> i also want to make a new audioroute mce module that dose the audio routing on call mode
<uvos> then i just need to patch sphone to poke mce into call mode
<parazyd> btw
<uvos> and eveything should just start working via calls
<parazyd> Do you ever check what sailfish does with their mce?
<uvos> *wrt
<uvos> parazyd: sure, regarding what tho?
<parazyd> Just in general
<uvos> sure yeah i have seen most of the sfos mce code
<parazyd> Cool
<uvos> its a mess
<uvos> sadly
<uvos> but there is some stuff i want to lift
<uvos> (the ke-recv replacement stuff for instance)
<parazyd> mhm yeah, you mentioned
<bencoh> make[1]: Leaving directory '/mnt/bencoh/Downloads/leste/sphone'
<bencoh> :)
<bencoh> hmm, sphone complains a lot when I try to run it, and I don't get a GUI. but it first complains about missing org.ofono.Manager, so ...
<bencoh> maybe I'm missing something on the phone
<uvos> bencoh
<parazyd> Probably needs some work
<uvos> its a telephony stack
<uvos> it dosent show anything by default
<bencoh> uvos: oh, I thought it was the dialer part
<parazyd> but you should ofc have ofono installed
<uvos> bencoh: no its everthing in one
<bencoh> (I mean, the part that interacts with the user)
<uvos> start sphone -c dialer-open
<parazyd> And you can run it in the terminal
<uvos> with another instance running
<bencoh> apparently I have ofono running
<bencoh> got a GUI now
<bencoh> :)
<bencoh> (eeek, low battery)
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<Wizzup> uvos: I think it would be good to look at nemo audio routing and policy enforcement and learn from that
<Wizzup> I know mce has minimal audio routing code atm, but I don't think it makes sense to have it there
<uvos> Wizzup: sure no
<uvos> Wizzup: but just to get sphone going ill do a minimal module
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> sphone is cool, I'd be happy to try to contribute some stuff once we get organised on it
<uvos> we can replace it with something better later
<uvos> the mce module that is
<Wizzup> just wanted to check we were on the same page with fremantle/nemo like audio
<uvos> sure yeah just switching the profile when a call comes in is inssuficant
<uvos> you need to store volumes and stuff
<uvos> and silence other apps
<Wizzup> yeah
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<Wizzup> got some context? a lxc container based on our images that you use to cross build, or a cross-build lxc container?
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<bencoh> Wizzup: ah, mybad, it's a follow-up to 15:21. tl;dr: cross-build lxc container, like scratchbox
<Wizzup> bencoh: ah, I missed it :)
<Wizzup> well, if qemu-user is faster than our pis, maybe we should run it on arm64 host then
<Wizzup> s/arm/amd/
<bencoh> Wizzup: it's tweaked to use a native gcc/make/bash and a few others
<Wizzup> do you have instructions on how you built it?
<Wizzup> btw, it might be interesting, but there's something to be said for the native building - like the silly scummvm build system
<bencoh> said silly scummvm might work there
<Wizzup> hehe
<bencoh> xorg-xserver was pretty silly as well, and it builds successfully here
<bencoh> nginx worked too
<Wizzup> if it works well, we might want to advertise it to folks if they want to do arm compilation (as opposed to just development on amd64)
<Wizzup> >lxc-attach maemo-leste-amrhf
<Wizzup> is that a typo?
<Wizzup> ah I guess it's a persistent typo
<bencoh> Wizzup: oh, shit, I thought I fixed it
<bencoh> ah, you mean in the pastebin
<bencoh> then yeah, it's just a typo
<Wizzup> ok
<bencoh> hmm, you'll probably need a lxc-devuan template as well
<bencoh> since there is none afaict
<bencoh> I ported the one from debian
<bencoh> Wizzup: in case you wanna try
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<Wizzup> bencoh: can't atm (work), but will try later
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<uvos> Wizzup: tmlind: how do you place a call with ofono scripts?
<Wizzup> uvos: dial-number ?
<uvos> yeah
<uvos> for some rason that dosent work
<uvos> the call just gets dropped
<uvos> hmm
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<sicelo> worked well for me (droid 4 and n900) ... unless something broke recently?
<sicelo> very nice one bencoh!
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<uvos> sicelo: might just be this sim card or something
<sicelo> lol, mine doesn't have credit ... so my test also fails
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<uvos> so it works with another sim
<uvos> Wizzup: tmlind: so for the life of me i cant get the earpice or the headphones to work in call mode
<sicelo> iirc it's a known issue
<uvos> ok
<uvos> i was under the impression that worked before..
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<sicelo> maybe it did ... i didn't test much further myself
<sicelo> but i think most reports i read about mention only loudspeaker working.
<uvos> right, tmlind would know
<sicelo> mmm, i vaguely remember headphone might have worked - can't remember too well now
<uvos> so summoning tmlind
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