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Good morning, Aikon users
Or droid users :)
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Setting up connui-conndlgs-internet (2.79.3+2m7.1) ...
Setting up hildon-input-method:armhf (1:2.1.60-1+2m7.1) ...
Setting up libicd-network-wpasupplicant (0.1.7+2m7) ..
Leaving 'diversion of /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.service to /usr/share/dbus-1/system-services/fi.w1.wpa_supplicant1.service.diverted by libicd-network-wpasupplicant'
with beowulf-devel
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you need to get your vol kets working > @uvos yep they are gpio keys but isn't having a icon in a corner just better anyways (like phosh has)
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shentey: what about it?
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oh this wasnt the problem
modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:586 kmod_search_moddep() could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/5.11.0/modules.dep.bin'
modprobe: FATAL: Module usb_f_mass_storage not found in directory /lib/modules/5.11.0
dpkg: dependency problems prevent configuration of hildon-meta-droid4: hildon-meta-droid4 depends on hildon-meta; however:
Package hildon-meta is not configured yet.
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Wizzup: yeah the scanning behavior is exactly the problem. like i start my hotspot on my other device and then go into the connection selection dialog and previously it found the new network allmost immidiatly because a scann started when i opend the dialog, now it dosent show up until later
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Wizzup: if i missclick some other network and then cancle at the WPA key entry the dialog is empty once i reopen it
Wizzup: it used to be that a scann started immidatly and the dialog started repopulating
now it just sits empty
if a connection fails the connection is removed from the dialog (why dose this happen anyways it should not...)
usb-storage will be nice
this used to not be a problem because the device picked up the network again allmost immidiatly
but now the network again is just gone for a long time
Wizzup: tldr: its not scanning when it should
the problem started occuring with the recent condialgo icd updates
i cant say when exactly sorry
i wasent using the deivce in ernest at that time
i resolved wifi issues by setting up an openwrt router in the same room
shentey: d4?
ironically it recently works with both routers
shentey: try maserati-callibrate as root
inittaly it wasent callibrated
Calibration already perfomed
after that happend your range increased
thanks to whomever made that
or well ti
i integrated it to leste
thank you uvos
you can also increase range by setting your wifi region like this `iw reg set $(your contry code)`
then it uses more tx power
(maybe depends on where you are)
if you set it to us you get another 2x range about
i have no chance of interfering with other users
iw is in package "iw" not "wireless-tools"
that's new to me
just debian things
for the logs "iw reg get" shows the current domain information
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uvos: so it doesn't actually lead the problems connecting to a network, but it leads to problems when trying to do that manually
I think it might have to do with when the scanning results are returned by wpa_supplicant
Wizzup: i also think that its failing to connect more
Wizzup: but that might just be becaue i notice it more because of the added frustraion of not being able to try again
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uvos: I'll try to take a look, I know what might cause that
I think
Wizzup: ok the click on other WPA2 network and cancle at pw entry is the easiest to repo
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is hildon-meta broken for any of you? (with -devel)
ah reinstall seems to have fixed. sorry.
uvos: on droid4, is there a way to use iwconfig? or wavmon? not finding an interface.
iwconfig is obsolete dont use it
how should i continuously log/monitor connection strength from command line?
iw dev wlan0 link
or there is a dbus signal from icd2 too
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for those looking for some kind of youtube interface (to replace the bloated web version), pipe-viewer is awesome / and it works pretty well on droid4+maemo :)
it's a perl program and builds easily ... I dunno how to package it (yet?) but I think it'd be worth it
mpv plays youtube urls directly - does pipe viewer provide something beyond that?
ah browsing / searching / stats - like mpsyt but not python
mpsyt is nice as well, but it requires a google api key, btw (the default one is overused)
thanks for the tip
oh and, pipe-viewer also has a gtk3 frontend (apart from the commandline one)
gtk3 is generally the worst toolkit on maemo atm
no integration and the stupid client side decorations
tbh the slow / highcpu scrolling issue bothers me more than the decorations
but you're kinda right I guess
thats the d4s fault
not the toolkit
the pvr driver/xorg copys every frame with the cpu to main ram and then to vram and back
so everything is slow as hell
thanks for the tip
even uxterm scrolling during some apt install makes Xorg use ~50% cpu
which is awfuly sad
even es2gears uses 100% cpu and gets like 20fps
oops can this be bypassed with mplayer, vlc, sdl
shentey: mpv in fullscreen has no issue
which backend?
they probably bypass compositing in fullscreen
bypassing composing helps some
oh right, I'll have to paste my mpv config as well, I think it might be useful for others
but its not the root of the problem
maybe to wiki also
uvos: right, but I'm still considering disabling compositing for uxterm windows as a workaround
(not sure it would work with windowed stuff though)
bencoh: ctrl-shift-n
disables composing on any window
seriously? <3
ctrl-shift-n dropped movie playback xorg from 67% cpu to 25% cpu with 960x540, 24fps movie
yes for cpu drawn stuff (like video atm) this makes the path work correctly
gles stuff is broken either way
the fullscreen sdl fix (-vo sdl) seems to work also
can you compare sdl vs x11?
numbers vary in time. with this film one sample is x11: mplayer 55%, xorg 22% sdl: mplayer 65%, xorg 23%
thanks uvos ctrl-shift-n is a great improvement
it's not the latest version, but it's close enough
that seems to be .mplayer/config ?
do you suspend/kill pulseaudio for media playback?
I don't
Oh, right, I don't use ao=alsa on maemo
that was plain devuan
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you should remove the alsa-related lines
mplayer won't play with that
but thanks, interesting params to learn about
does threads=8 make sense on omap4 bencoh ?
this is the line that breaks my mplayer: framedrop=decoder+vo
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shentey: sorry if this wasn't clear, but there are two config files there
the first part is for mplayer, the second for mpv
as for threads=8, I thought it was probably too high as well when I looked back at it; but it should still be higher than just 2 (the number of cores) anyway
ok thanks :)
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can we pls remove `PVR_K:(Error): PVRMMapRemoveRegisteredArea: psOffsetStruct 0x8e41bc47 for memory area 0x0x02b98c45 is still mapped; psOffsetStruct->ui32Mapped 1 [1754, rivers/gpu/drm/pvrsgx/1.9.2253347/services4/srvkm/env/linux/mmap.c]` its making the dmesg a mess
and hard for me to debug other features
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tapping the brightness control applet gives random brightness levels
the ui could have two large buttons for brighter or darker, instead of 5 levels
shentey: what if you tap twice?
to me it felt like I had to slide it to get the proper level
Wizzup: its just slightly broken in leste mce, when you tap in it takes the hightest brighness of the profile
sometimes it stays the same, sometimes it changes to either very dark or very light
and then once als gets the next value it changes to the right value in the profile
its a simple fix i have in the cmake tree
uvos: is that in mce or in the gtk scrollbar ui?
that's silly
I thought it was a gtk problem
was my fault
oh, hm ...
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i mean there is a bug in the gtk scollbar too
scrubbing and taping the bar is not the same
so that causes wierdness to
but thats nonwithstanding of the mce bug
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is the crypto stuff all included in the kernel? I get some missing algorithms when trying to mount the PostMarketOS in the eMMC of my pinephone.
with cryptsetup? probably
stuff for LUKS you mean?
modprobe configs
zgrep CONFIG_FOO /proc/config.gz
yes, with cryptsetup
well, it comes from the kernel, at least. I dunno if it's properly enabled
LUKS, yes
Yeah we don't include all crypto algorithms afaik
just a sec, just installed the latest update, lemme check again
parazyd: not that i use leste kernel anyhow but if i did id need tun :P
uvos: Sure thing
as far as I am concerned we can enable a lot more modules
they just use up some sd card space
Debian enables almost all of it on x86
Perhaps we could too
But I'd like to do the fragments mentioned above
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sure sounds good
tun can wait for that
So we'd have crypto, netfilter, anbox, etc. All kinds of different configs
(of course I can compile my kernel too, but having all crypto stuff already there would not hurt, at least in devices with plenty of space, as the PP)
even on n900 its no big deal
not sure if we want *all*, but useful stuff at least
(upgrades can get big)
unrelated as compiling with thumb2?
s/as/are we/
hum, after apt-get update / upgrade and reboot, no wifi
I realized some wifi stuff was upgraded...
this is becoming uncannily common
did you upgrade everything?
ok, manually selecting my wifi network it worked
yeah it dosent scann
but did not connect automatically
it does for me, maybe it's just the first that fails and you noticed
(before was working fine thou)
for some reason scanning is broken in several instances
it will scann eventually if you wait
can you file a bug?
may be it was a one off error
rafael2k: no there are several ways to bring it back
(eg select a network that you have no WPA2 key for and then cancle the connect at the pw entry)
# Userspace crypto wrapper cannot use aes-xts-plain64 (-95).
this is the error when cryptosettuping my PMOS partition ^
funny, I had to add that one at $job not so long ago
(aiui ~recent versions of cryptsetup added support for it, or started using it by default)
also some strange messages when running cryptsetup with --debug: # Not enough physical memory detected, PBKDF max memory decreased from 1048576kB to 986474kB.
but I think this is just verbosity
see what dmesg says
Wizzup: will do bug reports from next week on
you'll want CRYPTO_XTS
uvos: fwiw network connecting failing always lead to it disappearing for a bit, that's not new with the code changes
nothing on dmesg
Wizzup: yes but the time for it to come back is mutch longer now
Wizzup: yeah, I'm not on -devel afaict, and I see network scanning "issues" from time to time
concerning network stuff - may be I just has no patience to wait enough for auto connection...
uvos: ok, so maybe scans take longer is what you mean?
Wizzup: it just dosent scann in cases it used to
I will reboot again, and see
Wizzup: all connections dissapearing when you cancle pw entry is not new either
I think we get all the scan results once the scan is done, as opposed to in real time
but that's just a guess
Wizzup: but it used to trigger a scan once you open the dialog
Wizzup: now you just get a empty dialg for minutes
I think that's how wpa_supplicant (or at least wpa_cli) works, yeah
(untill the next auto rescann)
that's not good for sure
yeah at least 60 seconds
I wonder if that was related to connui changes rather than icd2
but certainly something changed concerning the network - in the past (before this apt upgrade I did) was better
bencoh: tks, that is it - CRYPTO_XTS
2 min - no auto connection to my home wifi yet
I think something broken in latest connui / icd or mce, dunno, but it is not automatically connecting to wifi anymore
rafael2k: by chance, did you recently upgrade this leste install?
and are you on -devel?
buZz: how to check this?
I just apt-get update / upgrade it today
cat /etc/apt/sources.list | grep devel
btw, in the first tap to the networks, it is all greyed out
then in the second tap, my network appears
i recently upgraded mine, and all opening of icd's wifi list showed me zero networks
is the autoconnect requested by icd2, or is it based on wpasupplicant's internal autoconnect mechanism?
fmg knows best
in any case, it's likely related to the scan code, maybe I just missed something
I changed it recently to scan using the socket control interface rather than dbus, due to missing func in dbus
(all of thi sfor hidden APs ;-))
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haven hidden APs is good, but no autoconnect is bad
having hidden aps encurages people to use the feature... but they really should not
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things got strange, after some time, when i tap in the connection manager - the networks are all grayed out, then when I tap again just after - it is all there normally
rafael2k: yes, also a known bug that was fixed in some ways, but not fully
I don't have the problem since I also have the modem code running
which returns right away
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icd2 sound like fun
mighty17[m]: regarding that trace, you can go back to 5.10 this bug is not there
mighty17[m]: we dont want to spend time fixing it because its a dead end anyhow
mighty17[m]: i personally just commented the error print out in the driver
mighty17[m]: if you like you could bisect between 5.11 and 5.10 while carrying pvr to find why this happens
Lol, so i'll comment it out as well then
mighty17[m]: its a real error though
mighty17[m]: with real effects
what effects?
mighty17[m]: if you can spare the time it would be of great help if you could bisect it
pvr is unstable
i mean we could check the commits between 5.10 and 5.11
right checkout git bisect
regaring a button to open the kbd, sure you are welcome to add a patch that optinally tiggers the keyboard on some button in the title bar or better via some gesture
rn it only works with hw keys
i implemented like that because the only device i have that needs this has plenty of extra hw keys (motorola bionic)
wifi autoconnect works fine on my d4. It's manual connect that's almost unusable
*for me
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rn it only works with hw keys > ah okay makes sense considering the devices u have
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passing by just to say hi! :)
hi hi
hope things are going smooth for Leste, can't wait for the net blog/nes post!
next ... news
yeah, we should do that soon
nes post = leste on nes confimed?
uvos: hl3 running on leste on nes
pff you should aim higher
but jeah we should have more news posts
I think our goals are high enough aims tbh ;)
i say "should" in the loosesed sense here
yeah, parazyd and I have a list of things that changed to be in the news post
they are a large drain on your time i imagine
it's not too bad tbh
* Wizzup
bbiab :-)
hehe which software do you use in leste to check e-mails? I tried sylpheed and it is ok but I hope for something better
i ported this a bit
to be touch frendly
there are some rough edges still
but it works
ok, I'll try it out. I wish I was skillfull enough to use a TUI for e-mails