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<Wizzup> parazyd has taken surf, which uses webkit-gtk3 << nicely minimal and pinch to zoom works, but Xorg sits at 88% cpu on idle page
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stan: It's possible that is happening because of opengl
idk. i just see a lot of modern software redrawing when it doesn't need to. that's a common culprit of the modern 'cycles are free' attitude
All mainstream web browsers/engines are like this
but i doubt the commercial phone browsers do it
surprisingly enough, I found firefox to give better results once you disable prefetch and a few other similar options
(oh and, I use it with ublock origin as well)
Yes it seems faster
this might sounds like pure heresy for maemo, but maybe we should add some configurable per-app SIGSTOP facility for unfocused app in hildon-desktop
id reccoment forcerotation = 1 it makes everything nicer
(except breaking tklock but i dont use that)
also tklock mostly works, it just looks a bit wrong if you rotate with it open
since latest mce you can avoid tklock if you want btw
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uvos: maybe we can make the d4 report another state than charging, like full
we do the same on the n900
it dose report full
just that it dosent last
Yeah it enters a fast loop
kernel wise
i guess the n900 driver reports full untill its below 90% again or something like that
or it dosent use the battery while on usb
cpcap cant do that (or rather it can but we are concerned about running it in a register state android dosent)
What about charging thresholds?
Perhaps in userspace we could let it drain a bit before charging again
that still means it will happen every now and then, not ideal
we want it to still keep the battery charged but not report charging/discharging from kernel
that would mean the kernel has to lie
which it really should not
sorry, back later, dinner, will read backlog
we could make the battery status applet report on charging/not charging based on if usb power is connected
i think this is how android works too
and is also how charging-mode now works
This sounds like it should keep some state in userspace?
Like remembering if USB is disconnected or not?
so charging mode just shows charging if power supply has a type of USB or AC eg /sys/class/power_supply/usb/type and /sys/class/power_supply/usb/online of this device is 1
this works in all cases
but has the downside that charging-mode will show charging, 100% instead of "full"
That's just aesthetics though
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Danct12: you're getting red led with Leste? At least in Fremantle, red led means something is not right
yep, red led blinking without breathe effect
but nonetheless, it still says it's charging and it does charge to 100 just fine
Oh, you probably mean amber/orange?
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it's red, not amber
I guess I've lost touch with Leste :-p
You say it charges with amber in Fremantle?
normal charge in fremantle is blinking "yellow"
do you refer to that one by "amber", or to another color?
I'll say yes (else the ladies will say men are color blind)
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dpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for /usr/lib/ (used by debian/drnoksnes/usr/games/drnoksnes)