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<stan> would you be interested in SDL1.2 and SDL2 modified to use the OK+ mapped keys in maemo-leste? (e.g. 'ESC') key?
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<stan> either SDL gets modified to use the remapped keys, or every game needs a leste version modified for N900 and Droid4
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<Wizzup> marex: hi! that would definitely be appreciated
<Wizzup> (I might be out parts of today, and Ivo ( freemangordon ) is gone for 2-3 more days, though
<Wizzup> stan: if you have patches for the maemo keymappings, you can submit the patch
<stan> i see sdl's sym->unicode gets our mapped keys but sym->sym does not
<stan> i'll try to find some relevant discussion in sdl mailing lists or issues
<stan> other devices probably face similar issues
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<stan> the 5-level brightness applet should map to 4-7 without dynamic brightness
<stan> or 3-7 rather
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<stan> how are you using your droid4's at all right now? it's either too dark or full-on bright.
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<lel> clort81 opened an issue: (Getting SDL apps to recognize mapped keys (particularly Esc))
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<stan> <Wizzup> parazyd has taken surf, which uses webkit-gtk3 << nicely minimal and pinch to zoom works, but Xorg sits at 88% cpu on idle page
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<parazyd> stan: It's possible that is happening because of opengl
<stan> idk. i just see a lot of modern software redrawing when it doesn't need to. that's a common culprit of the modern 'cycles are free' attitude
<parazyd> Yup
<parazyd> All mainstream web browsers/engines are like this
<stan> but i doubt the commercial phone browsers do it
<bencoh> surprisingly enough, I found firefox to give better results once you disable prefetch and a few other similar options
<bencoh> (oh and, I use it with ublock origin as well)
<parazyd> Yes it seems faster
<bencoh> this might sounds like pure heresy for maemo, but maybe we should add some configurable per-app SIGSTOP facility for unfocused app in hildon-desktop
<bencoh> -s
<stan> someone wrote this and it is great
<stan> sigstoped
<bencoh> oh, really?
<bencoh> that's great
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<bencoh> I just tried it, and it really seems awesome
<stan> it could be a useful addition to some desktop environments, with a little gui. few know about it, or even the ability to SIGSTOP
<bencoh> I'd even suggest installing it by default with maemo and let the user decide whether to enable it / populate the blacklist
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<stan> i'm having to force backlight on in a permanent while loop in bash
<stan> this was not a good state to leave backlight control in
<bencoh> backlight control is a bit funky at times here as well, yeah
<bencoh> I think it depends on whether the sensor faces the light source or not
<stan> i should complain about my own poor results though. i'm reducing wasted cycles in a game that could run nicely on droid4
<stan> but this trivial 2x scaled blit from one surface to another is not working
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<stan> bencoh: do you have a way to disable the charging notifications?
<stan> i *RUN* the device on USB power
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<uvos> sigstoped has a gui: qsigstoped
<stan> nice
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<lel> clort81 opened a pull request: (Removed battery full and disconnect charger popup notifications.)
<parazyd> wat
<Danct12> wat indeed
<Danct12> i guess someone was really annoyed by the notifications
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<uvos> lol
<Wizzup> it's probably as a workaround for the d4 charge/discharge notifications
<parazyd> Yeah
<uvos> this is silly, but we should maybe conisder an option to hide all notifications, like android's do-not-disturb
<stan> I'm testing it now. It works.
<stan> These notifications are redundant to the green charging light.
<stan> Blocking useful/wanted notifications in order to stop being interrupted by redundant ones does not seem optimal to me.
<uvos> leste is not droid4OS so they are usefull regardless of the light
<Danct12> charging led doesn't seem to work on the n900 though, so that notification is very important
<uvos> charging led should work on n900
<uvos> leds generally work
<parazyd> uvos: Is there a way to get firefox-esr in portrait mode?
<uvos> parazyd: yes
<Danct12> well sometimes there's this flickering red led thing
<parazyd> Do tell :)
<Danct12> maybe something's wrong with my n900 setup
<uvos> parazyd: really i thought you only wanted confirmation :P
<parazyd> oh
<Danct12> (i checked, charging led works perfectly fine on fremantle)
<uvos> Danct12: is should work fine on leste too
<parazyd> It doesn't on Pinephone
<uvos> parazyd: you broke it :P
<parazyd> (portrait ff)
<uvos> oh
<uvos> right
<uvos> Danct12: it worked for me when i reimplemented the led for n900
<uvos> so idk
<uvos> ill try to check at some point
<uvos> (my n900 is perpetully empty)
<Danct12> uvos it looks like it *does* work as i see the red led flickers
<uvos> ok
<uvos> parazyd: /usr/share/hildon-desktop/transitions.ini
<uvos> forcerotation = 1
<uvos> or add firefox to whitelist =
<uvos> id reccoment forcerotation = 1 it makes everything nicer
<parazyd> Thanks
<uvos> (except breaking tklock but i dont use that)
<uvos> also tklock mostly works, it just looks a bit wrong if you rotate with it open
<parazyd> Yeah
<uvos> since latest mce you can avoid tklock if you want btw
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<Wizzup> uvos: maybe we can make the d4 report another state than charging, like full
<Wizzup> we do the same on the n900
<uvos> it dose report full
<uvos> just that it dosent last
<parazyd> Yeah it enters a fast loop
<uvos> kernel wise
<uvos> i guess the n900 driver reports full untill its below 90% again or something like that
<uvos> or it dosent use the battery while on usb
<uvos> cpcap cant do that (or rather it can but we are concerned about running it in a register state android dosent)
<parazyd> What about charging thresholds?
<parazyd> Perhaps in userspace we could let it drain a bit before charging again
<Wizzup> that still means it will happen every now and then, not ideal
<parazyd> True
<Wizzup> we want it to still keep the battery charged but not report charging/discharging from kernel
<uvos> that would mean the kernel has to lie
<uvos> which it really should not
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> sorry, back later, dinner, will read backlog
<uvos> we could make the battery status applet report on charging/not charging based on if usb power is connected
<uvos> i think this is how android works too
<uvos> and is also how charging-mode now works
<parazyd> This sounds like it should keep some state in userspace?
<parazyd> Like remembering if USB is disconnected or not?
<uvos> so charging mode just shows charging if power supply has a type of USB or AC eg /sys/class/power_supply/usb/type and /sys/class/power_supply/usb/online of this device is 1
<uvos> this works in all cases
<uvos> but has the downside that charging-mode will show charging, 100% instead of "full"
<parazyd> Yeah
<parazyd> That's just aesthetics though
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<sicelo> Danct12: you're getting red led with Leste? At least in Fremantle, red led means something is not right
<Danct12> yep, red led blinking without breathe effect
<Danct12> but nonetheless, it still says it's charging and it does charge to 100 just fine
<sicelo> Oh, you probably mean amber/orange?
<sicelo> :-)
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<Danct12> it's red, not amber
<sicelo> Weird
<sicelo> I guess I've lost touch with Leste :-p
<sicelo> You say it charges with amber in Fremantle?
<bencoh> normal charge in fremantle is blinking "yellow"
<bencoh> do you refer to that one by "amber", or to another color?
<sicelo> I'll say yes (else the ladies will say men are color blind)
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<stan> dpkg-shlibdeps: error: no dependency information found for /usr/lib/ (used by debian/drnoksnes/usr/games/drnoksnes)
<stan> ldd debian/drnoksnes/usr/games/drnoksnes |grep libSDL
<stan> => /usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/ (0xb6cf1000)
<stan> why does dpkg-shlibdeps think should be in /usr/lib and not in the correct place
<stan> grep -r doesn't show any textstring pointing to the wrong place
<stan> ahh no it's in the wrong place
<stan> pk dpkg-buildpackage succeeds now
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<stan> but it segfaults whereas the previous build did not
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