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<Daanct12> Hi everyone, I'm using a Aikon phone
<Daanct12> Does anyone know how to get the volume buttons to work in ML?
<sicelo> i think you may want to refer to it properly - Nokia - just to avoid confusion. Does aikon.ch still exist? :)
<Daanct12> Redirects to niloc.ch for me
<sicelo> yeah, just checked. used to have resources for Series 80/90 Symbian (9300/9500)
<Daanct12> I guess everyone already know it's noka backwards lol
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<mighty17[m]> @uvos can I set the fstab with labels that way we never have issue of mmc1 or mmc2
<mighty17[m]> Probably in boot.img as well
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<mighty17[m]> meh that requires an initramfs
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* enyc meows
<mighty17[m]> yay maemo works!!!
<parazyd> \o/
<enyc> mighty17[m]: LABEL=name nomenclature can be used iirc
<mighty17[m]> and its beautiful
<enyc> mighty17[m]: failing that /dev/disk/by-label/ etc
<mighty17[m]> didnt work for me tho :P
<mighty17[m]> New experimental device I guess xD
<parazyd> Awesome
<mighty17[m]> nmtui doesnt work???
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<mighty17[m]> nvm got wifi working and i can ssh now :D
<freemangordon> parazyd: did you pull latest connui/icd fixes in -stable?
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<uvos> mighty17[m]: nice
<uvos> mighty17[m]: did you try the commit tmlind mentioned to fix the sdcard problem
<uvos> anyhow if you fix the mmc/sdcard problem and figure out the bootloader situation we can include the device
<uvos> tmlind: latest xyboard enabled kexecboot works fine on xt875
<uvos> tmlind: i also made an attempt to deelete the boot.cfg on xt875 but its not working how do you go about debuging the script?
<uvos> disable kexecboot binary and check with serial?
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<mighty17[m]> uvos yeah I think mmc issue is fixed by tmlind's method but now I'm to scared to experiment, but for now it's mmcblk0p2
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<parazyd> freemangordon: Not yet, I need to investigate some breakage first.
<parazyd> However expect it done for sure by thursday.
<freemangordon> ok, thanks
<freemangordon> the fixes bring vastly improved UX, thats why I think we shall push them to stable ASAP
<parazyd> Deal
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<uvos> parazyd: how can i have a shell var in debian/*.install ?
<uvos> i need dpkg-architecture -qDEB_HOST_MULTIARCH somehow
<freemangordon> uvos: you may do it executable
<freemangordon> *may make it
<uvos> the .install file?
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> and it will get executed by some dh) helper
<freemangordon> *dh_
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<freemangordon> uvos: BTW, why do you need DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH in .install file?
<freemangordon> /usr/lib/*/ should do the job
<uvos> idk im porting a debian sid package
<uvos> it dose this
<uvos> and aperantly ${DEB_HOST_MULTIARCH} just works in sid
<freemangordon> may I see the debian/ dir somewhere?
<uvos> anyhow what you said worked
<freemangordon> I know, but to me it is a bit of an overkill
<freemangordon> if the issue is with installi
<freemangordon> *installing to /usr/lib/$arch you don't need dynamic install files
<freemangordon> usr/lib/*/*.so.* usr/lib/*/sdl12-compat/ should do the job
<uvos> yeah it seams to work with just replacing usr/lib/*/*.so.*
<freemangordon> yes
<freemangordon> which is faster than executing yet another debhelper
<freemangordon> and more standard way IMO
<uvos> i gues in sid it dosent matter anymore
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: pvr works?
<uvos> if its allways parsed by shell anyhow
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: I just saw the photo nice work
<freemangordon> uvos: it is parsed by shall only if x is set on it
<freemangordon> afaik
<freemangordon> *shell
<uvos> freemangordon: cant be becuase then the pacakge would not work
<Wizzup> Danct12: what nokia phone, and does it run leste, or is it a more general question, regarding the volume?
<uvos> as is
<freemangordon> uvos: ok, could be
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<freemangordon> but at least according to docs, it should not be
<freemangordon> always, it will give you an error on leste
<uvos> right
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I need a bit of time to fix up the icd2 wpasupplicant plugin, I am not sure if it is ready for all users yet
<freemangordon> aah, another typo day :(
<freemangordon> s/always/also
<Wizzup> freemangordon: can the connui and other stuff be shipped independently?
<Wizzup> parazyd: ^^
<freemangordon> Wizzup: icd2/connui does not depend on th eplugin
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> agreed
<Wizzup> uvos: let me know how sdl12-compat works out, it seemed promising to say the least
<freemangordon> also, the version in -devel is pretty much stable, why not shipping it?
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: what were the problems ultimately?
<Wizzup> freemangordon: I just want to check that the alternative way of scanning is not causing trouble
<Wizzup> scanning feels slower to me, but maybe that's just the hidden AP I have configured
<freemangordon> yes, it is slower
<uvos> Wizzup: his block layer is broken
<Wizzup> uvos: hm?
<uvos> mighty17[m]s
<Wizzup> what does that mean? on which level?
<uvos> its renaming the deivces all the time and there are constant hotplugging events
<Wizzup> ok
<Wizzup> sounds like dts issue
<Danct12> wizzup it's the 006N
<Wizzup> what's with the reverse stuff?
<uvos> sorry we dont support "aikon 006n" here
<uvos> or is it "006n aikon"
<uvos> tmlind: btw my device is locked awake by gmpc again
<Wizzup> uvos: so I should look at rooting my xyboard, and getting safestrap on it, right?
<uvos> Wizzup: rooting yes
<uvos> safestrap no
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> also upgrade to ics first
<mighty17[m]> Wizzup: yup pvr works, the issue was i built DRM=y instead of =m
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: ah, ok
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: cool, that's great news
<mighty17[m]> pmOS used 1.17 and that worked with DRM=y so i assumed it would work here as well :P
<Wizzup> uvos: what's next after that?
<mighty17[m]> yes probably 1st tablet of mameo leste
<mighty17[m]> sounds like dts issue Wizzup i can send u my dts/link to my tree if u need to check
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: I probably won't be of much use, beyond saying it's a dts issue :p
<uvos> Wizzup: you push the utag.bin (you will have to generate this) and kexecboot to bpsw and utag partition via dd
<uvos> kexecboot also needs a new image
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: maybe some detect pin not being present
<Wizzup> uvos: should I try to get utags from it first, or did you do that already?
<uvos> you can compile it yourself or i just compiled it and can email it
<mighty17[m]> no clues about detect pin, well for now i'll patch omap2plus_defconfig and get that running to get device upstreamed
<uvos> Wizzup: stock utags are liekly empty
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: ok
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: video of it running would be cool if possible
<Wizzup> but no rush on that
<Wizzup> uvos: ok
<mighty17[m]> Wizzup: upload to yt?
<uvos> anyhow generate utags with this https://github.com/tmlind/utagboot
<uvos> but best ask tmlind about it since i dont know the params (ie what partition is bpsw for instance)
<uvos> you could parse this from ctd.bin
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<uvos> tmlind: ^^^
<rafael2k> he everybody - just to let you know, I keep using maemo leste in my PinePhone (still with X accell disable - but no problem...)
<bencoh> :)
<rafael2k> btw, sound is pretty stable, I can listen to my music just fine
<rafael2k> ; )
<Wizzup> rafael2k: might be worth every now and then to see if latest updates help somewhat
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: sure
<Wizzup> uvos: ok, let me just start with rooting it then
<rafael2k> Wizzup: hi there - sure. No way for helping in nothing yet... going to defend my thesis in July... after many delays.
<rafael2k> but I keep following updates through apt-get upgrades
<rafael2k> ; )
<rafael2k> it seems to always get better... just the X issue is still there.
<mighty17[m]> okay, cool will do
<Wizzup> rafael2k: good luck with that
<rafael2k> Wizzup: tks!
<rafael2k> Wizzup: btw, camera also works, by accessing the V4L decide directly, or with megapixels (compiled the code before the gtk4 switch)
<Wizzup> rafael2k: maybe you can package it for extras, assuming it can also work with other v4l devices
<Wizzup> mh, I guess we don't have gtk4 yet yeah...
<rafael2k> Wizzup: I used the latest commit before gtk4 switch... lets package it (I can do it after I "come back to life")
<mighty17[m]> um also how did u guys manage to get camss working in droid4 doesnt omap have ducati for that?
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: I don't think we've done much with cameras yet
<Wizzup> at least not from userspace point of view
<uvos> nothing kernel side either
<Wizzup> uvos: pavel did some stuff
<uvos> on iss
<uvos> but not on the cameras themselves
<Wizzup> mhm
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: btw once your device works decentish you can start a wiki page too
<mighty17[m]> oh thanks
<rafael2k> just one more feedback - firefox-esr from the repo is working fine (I abandoned my old gtk2 build) - I just had to install a on screen keyboard plugin
<uvos> rafael2k: vkb works everywhere now
<Wizzup> rafael2k: it might be worth checking out mobile configs for it, iirc pmos have some
<uvos> rafael2k: you just have to press vol-up to raise it
<mighty17[m]> Wizzup: its works pretty great tbh, ran unixbench and score is decent enough and matches downstream :D
<rafael2k> uvos: lemme test
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: ok, let's get a wiki page going
<Wizzup> brb 10 mins
<rafael2k> uvos: nope - it opens another screen with the keyboard, and the text does no go to the url bar
<uvos> rafael2k: sure it dose
<uvos> press on the url bar
<mighty17[m]> ok great
<uvos> then press vol up
<uvos> then type something
<uvos> then press above the vkb so it closes
<uvos> presto text
<rafael2k> no, my bad - it worked!!
<rafael2k> yay!
<uvos> this works in every app
<rafael2k> great - this makes things easier!
<rafael2k> ; ))
<rafael2k> (I accidentally pressed the vol up followed by the vol down - my case is from an iphone - not really with correct cuts for the pinephone)
<uvos> vol down should a home button more or les
<rafael2k> yeap, just realized that, cool
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<rafael2k> btw, what is up with the phone stack?
<rafael2k> I read in the forum ofono is working.
<Wizzup> rafael2k: good chance that calls just work, but the ui and some other parts aren't there yet
<Wizzup> you have a dialer you worked on, right?
<rafael2k> yes, but I was doing AT commands "by hand"
<rafael2k> most likelly I'll want to port stuff to use ofone then
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<rafael2k> may be just using dbus oFono interface might be enough
<uvos> ofono and audio routing is feature compeate on mapphones (but is slightly buggy)
<uvos> idk about pp
<mighty17[m]> idk whats going wrong but omap2defconfig sure is not working for me
<uvos> rafael2k: sure a dialer on ofono dbus would be greate
<rafael2k> uvos: cool - so I think this is the way to go, at least for the PP
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<uvos> rafael2k: right
<uvos> rafael2k: you should be able to just issue the dial dbus ofono command and set pulseaudio to the Voice Call profile
<uvos> via its interface
<uvos> this works fine on mapphones and everything should in theory be in place for it to work on pp too
<uvos> but idk if anyone has tested this
<parazyd> The pulseaudio part works for sure
<uvos> parazyd: with call audio too?
<parazyd> Yeah
<uvos> great
<Wizzup> I think currently music playing will also switch to call mode, so that needs to be solved, but we know how to do it
<Wizzup> we need profiles within pulse for that, I mean
<uvos> Wizzup: we have profiles for pulse on pp
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<uvos> it has a ucm2 file
<Wizzup> uvos: not those kind of profiles
<Wizzup> maybe I should say roles
<rafael2k> can you remind me how to change the PA profile?
<uvos> huh we have that
<uvos> alsa calls this profiles
<Wizzup> uvos: ok so it's called policies officially
<uvos> pulse calls this roles
<rafael2k> (for voice call and then back to 'normal')
<uvos> pulse grabs alsas profiles and uses them internaly as roles
<rafael2k> cool! scan-for-operators python scripts just works!
<rafael2k> got a bit confused with alsa ucm2 profiles and these pa roles to be honest... but I might get at some point
<uvos> rafael2k: idk how to set
<uvos> rafael2k: best look at pactl source
<Wizzup> uvos: we agree that those policies are not yet there, right?
<uvos> Wizzup: yes but idk what those do exactly
<uvos> rafael2k: its pactl set-card-profile
<Wizzup> uvos: say you're playing music, then a phone call will cause the music player to either be paused via PA or null-routed, and it switches for all kind of other scenarios, too
<uvos> Wizzup: ok
<uvos> but switching the role will send everyone a message
<uvos> so you could do the same stuff with just ucm
<uvos> i guess you can enforce it
<uvos> *cant
<dreamer> woeeps. sorry
<rafael2k> uvos: tks
<rafael2k> how to list the available card profiles?
<Wizzup> uvos: right something must be running and act
<uvos> Wizzup: i gues on mapphones none of this complexity is accually needed
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<uvos> Wizzup: since a simple mce module that just switches profile call/ alarm etc would just work
<uvos> Wizzup: cpcap effectly null routes the audio not wanted anyhow
<Wizzup> yeah, well
<uvos> Wizzup: sutch a mce module exsits even
<Wizzup> we'll need something like this also for the volumeapplet
<Wizzup> and all other parts
<uvos> sure
<Wizzup> mer does it, I think we should do it too
<uvos> sure
<uvos> and you need somehting like this on n900 for sure
<Wizzup> (last change 3 months, not sure why it's archived)
<Wizzup> the Nemo/Audio page in general is a blessing for us mostly to set all of this up
<Wizzup> we should do somethings differently, but in general it's not bad
<uvos> no complaints from me
<Wizzup> that mce module would need updating too
<rafael2k> then we would just let mce know (through the dialer daemon) to switch the audio routes, right?
<uvos> rafael2k: idk if we will do it like that
<uvos> rafael2k: maybe
<uvos> rafael2k: probubly we want to avoid involving mce if possible
<rafael2k> uvos: the dialer daemon could switch the pa routing itself too
<Wizzup> rafael2k: I don't know what would trigger the call routing to be set up, maybe just something indicating it wants to route audio through calls
<uvos> rafael2k: for now just have your app set the profile itself
<rafael2k> it would be interesing to let the user route the playback of a music to a phone call, or even to a webrtc chat room, I dunno, but certainly there could be very nice use cases for different audio routing configs
<Wizzup> it's probably doable with the nemo stuff even, but let's get the normal stuff going first
<Wizzup> parazyd: we probably want to look at packaging these: https://wiki.merproject.org/wiki/Nemo/Audio#Relevant_Components
<uvos> its also really hw dependant
<uvos> not all hw allows you to record calls even
<rafael2k> for example, one complain of android and iOS users is that it is not possible to record the audio from a call (through API at least - even if there is hw support)
<uvos> cpcap allows you to do this usually the os is not involved with the call audio at all
<lel> parazyd opened an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/548 (Research (and package) some Mer audio components)
<lel> parazyd assigned an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/548 (Research (and package) some Mer audio components)
<lel> parazyd labeled an issue: https://github.com/maemo-leste/bugtracker/issues/548 (Research (and package) some Mer audio components)
<Wizzup> it looks a bit like ucm
<uvos> Wizzup: ok yeah
<dreamer> is this all droid4's? o.O
<Wizzup> bionic and d4
<dreamer> ah :)
<uvos> Wizzup certenly has more d4's than strictly nessecary for personal use :P
<uvos> but he is also our unwilling central distributer
<Wizzup> that's why I offer to ship them to people who help at every turn :p
<Wizzup> hehe
<uvos> :)
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<rafael2k> I really want my pinephone keyboard... maemo will be just perfect then. It seems it will launch next month, btw
<Wizzup> yeah
<mighty17[m]> Internal Error Application App Manager Closed
<mighty17[m]> what is this ?
<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: happens when you click on 'details' ?
<mighty17[m]> there is no details option
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<Wizzup> mighty17[m]: when did it happen
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<Danct12> just installed the og nokia fonts, now it looks more like fremantle
<Danct12> except for missing icons and settings menu
<Wizzup> Danct12: which fonts are those?
<Wizzup> Danct12: btw, volumeapplet for volumecontrol is not finished for leste yet
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<Danct12> all from /usr/share/fonts/nokia on fremantle
<Wizzup> oh, you copied them?
<Danct12> just drop the entire folder to the fonts folder on leste and regen cache
<Danct12> yep
<Wizzup> mhm
<Wizzup> are they not available in some debian pkg (I don't know)
<Danct12> it's probably a deb but they'll never be packaged
<Danct12> mostly because of licensing issues i bet
<Danct12> wizzup, volume applet is another closed source package?
<uvos> btw i think something is broken with the hildon previews
<uvos> (the screenshot that comes up when you launch an application)
<uvos> they never seam to update
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<uvos> and are partally really old/wong now
<Wizzup> Danct12: no, we have it, it just needs pulseaudio setup/config on our side
<uvos> also i hate them with a passion because they cause me to allways interact with the app before its ready
<Wizzup> uvos: not sure why they would not update
<uvos> like i allways try to use to calulator to early
<uvos> Wizzup: know how to turn them off
<uvos> Wizzup: i find them dishonest to the use
<uvos> r
<parazyd> Wizzup: fwiw we could package those fonts
<uvos> Wizzup: try calculator
<uvos> and switch it between scientific and basic mode
<uvos> i also launched coundown timer with -syle fusion once
<uvos> and the preview is now allways fusion
<Wizzup> uvos: no, don't know, and I do kind of like it since it shows a user action did something
<Wizzup> so it hides latency between action and expected result
<uvos> Wizzup: i think the black suqare is better
<uvos> it shows that you launched something
<uvos> but its not ready
<Wizzup> I think they have an extension of .pvr or .prv
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<Wizzup> in a dotfiles dir somewhere
<Wizzup> and hildon-desktop creates it if it doesn't exist, at least
<uvos> ok
<uvos> do you also know why it creates them only for hildon apps?
<uvos> is it something in .desktop?
<uvos> maybe i can globaly break it for me
<Wizzup> no, I don't know
<sicelo> Because non hildon applications wouldn't understand/use the pvr files, and, because ideally there wouldn't be non-hildonized applications
<uvos> thats a silly stance to take
<uvos> hildon renders the pvr file for the application
<sicelo> Yes it's always silly :-D
<uvos> it could make a screen shot
<uvos> i dont know how it works atm but there is no reason for the app to be involved at all
<uvos> except to maybe tell hildon to invalidate the old screenshot
<Danct12> hexchat with the font ^
<Wizzup> do you have a before/after ?
<sicelo> Wizzup: Danct12 the fonts are in Fremantle package, ui-fonts
<Danct12> context menu are broken though, that's a inconvenience
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<Wizzup> Danct12: not sure if that relates to the font
<Danct12> it's not related, just inconvenience
<Danct12> it has always been broken
<Danct12> sicelo: here's the before ^
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<Wizzup> I think you mean the menu bar menus, right?
<Danct12> yep
<Wizzup> depending on the resolution they do not render
<Wizzup> so usually on the d4 it works, but not always on the n900
<Wizzup> we need to debug it, they render empty or off-screen I think
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<Wizzup> freemangordon: parazyd: do you think we should ship those fonts (by default?)
<Wizzup> it probably will make it all look a bit better
<sicelo> iirc the application is involved with the pvr thing, otherwise you potentially could have a 'useless' window previews ... e.g. you never have preview of an application's settings view for example.
<parazyd> Wizzup: Yes
<Wizzup> parazyd: not sure wrt the rights issues
<parazyd> There aren't any
<parazyd> Same like the gtk themes
<uvos> i dont like the rights issues
<uvos> the themes thing is shaky to
<Wizzup> parazyd: do you mean we can host it on *.maemo.org
<parazyd> We can host it on github
<uvos> but at least its nessesary
<uvos> but your not asking me anyhow
<parazyd> The people who would enforce this copyright do not exist anymore
<parazyd> Let's just not make any fuss about it
<parazyd> Also it seems you forgot we talked to joerg
<joerg> hm?
<uvos> the rights holders exsit they just dont know it, it seems silly to expose oneself to this for no reason
<parazyd> joerg: They're asking about copyright again and I'm telling there isn't any anymore
<uvos> the themes have a good reason.
<Wizzup> uvos: I'm just repeating what I heard at the start without good info/reason, so it might be different now
<joerg> any Nokia copyright in any code on maemo.org is there by mistake, we were asked by Nokia to remove that when Nokia donated maemo.org to community
<joerg> please "open a ticket to fix the issue"
<uvos> joerg: that really dosent matter mutch if they whert released under a proper licence, the buyers of nokia ip could try and assert rights
<uvos> really unlikely
<uvos> but still
<joerg> that's why Nokia *instructed* us to remove any copyright on any code hosted on maemo.org servers
<joerg> and I told you if any remained there it's by mistake and must get fixed
<joerg> I managed the migration back when, I can tell you first hand
<uvos> ok well if you have that in writing fine
<uvos> otherwise this is a really leaky arrangement leagaly
<joerg> we have that in writing, *somewhere*
<joerg> everything done via email back when
<uvos> ok also dose that writing specify code
<uvos> or also resources
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<joerg> uvos: sorry I can't recall and I don't think anybody cares after it been just good enough for a decade +- now
<uvos> sure i doubt
<uvos> but thats still a very dubious sitiuation
<uvos> and it makes no sense to pop your head out of parapet into this for a font
<Wizzup> joerg: if you can find that in writing (email), that'd be helpful
<joerg> we were given full root access to maemo.org infra and Nokia instructed us to remove any "(C) Nokia" wherever it shows, *prior* to taking the full responsibility and publishing stuff. Eventually they noticed tablets-dev was CDN-sourced on a maemo.org stage server too and the urgently instructed us to take that down since Nokia doesn't own full (C) in that code so we can'T inherit it from Nokia
<uvos> btw we could just switch to a condensed font to get most of the benefit of the nokia one
<joerg> Wizzup: I will do my best effort to find those 10 year old emails, but don't hold your breath. Maybe ask MCeV or council, or techstaff
<Wizzup> ok
<parazyd> Funny that you're fine with the themes but not the font
* parazyd lols
<uvos> im not really fine with the themes
<joerg> the legal background of all this: when nokia been sold to MS, the maemo stuff been explicitly excluded from that deal
<uvos> im just keeping quiet about it because it gives great benefit
<joerg> pretty please just edit whatever files still have any "Nokia" string in them and call it a day
<joerg> *on maemo.org*
<joerg> complete history in any git/whatever
<joerg> well, applying a *little bit* of common sense of course
<Wizzup> that's a big project, but we can undertake it, but before we do, it would be good to have some writing/proof, it's not that I don't believe you, but having a copy of it in writing (from you or someone else) would be helpful
<Wizzup> in any case sounds like we could import the fonts
<joerg> Wizzup: I completely understand this
<uvos> yeah sure if we have that in writing and it covers res (ie not just "code") everything is fine
<uvos> also if it was donated to MCeV
<joerg> the wording as I recall it was >>*all* copyright notices referring to Nokia, on all *.maemo.org servers<<
<uvos> we would like some kinde of statement from them
<uvos> that all res is cc0 or whatever
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<joerg> >>if it was donated to MCeV<< I refuse to even start a discussion about THAT topic, it caused some 12 months of gastritis, there were iirc FOUR entities involved
<joerg> incl some Rob who acted much like a present day Mr Lee
<joerg> or was it Bob, Bill, Dick? some patent attorney
<uvos> okok i dont want to be in the way here
<uvos> its a murky situation is all, and i think one should limit expsure to it if possible
<joerg> almost there, but honestly touching that stuff is painful to me and has massive impact on my health status https://termbin.com/sqx9
* sicelo partly remembers those difficult times
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<joerg> https://termbin.com/v0kp is how far I can dig into it, I hope juiceme or council can help you from there on
<joerg> SKEIRON anybody?
<joerg> now there's archive.org doing exactly that, back when we got bashed for running skeiron backup server
<joerg> NB not by Nokia or any other company, by members of maemo community
<Wizzup> unrelated but I reserved https://archive.org/details//maemo at archive.org (my employer)
<joerg> Wizzup: great! could you maybe also backup the maemo* chanlog archives of pov.lt
<Danct12> sorry for asking, i live under a rock (never got involved until now) but what is skeiron server and what's the purpose?
<Wizzup> it served some tablet firmware after nokia went down
<joerg> https://mg.pov.lt/maemo*-irclog/
<Wizzup> so to reflash fremantle etc
<Wizzup> joerg: I went to the main page and it doesn't give a lot of all the channels
<joerg> dang
<Wizzup> s/a lot/a list/
<joerg> Danct12: skeiron was a backup server(s) that backed up *all* maemo stuff
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<Danct12> i see
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<joerg> Wizzup: FWIW https://termbin.com/nj2g
<Wizzup> ok
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<joerg> maybe three or 4 of those actually been logged on pov.lt
<Wizzup> ok
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<joerg> if nothing else helps, /query mgedmin, marius is a friendly guy
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<joerg> getting closer https://termbin.com/d8c4
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<tmlind> hi joerg
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<joerg> hi
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<freemangordon> Pali: hmm, do we need any EFI support in u-boot?
<Pali> no
<Pali> kernel works better without efi :-)
<freemangordon> it seems to be enabled by default
<freemangordon> and increases the size of the binay
<Pali> so it can be disabled
<Pali> (afk)
<freemangordon> Pali: with EFI stuff disabled, binary is 291676 bytes
<freemangordon> lets see if I can shave mre
<freemangordon> *more
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<tmlind> uvos: no luck flashing some random xoom2 allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin on mz617 here, i get a preflash validation error
<tmlind> uvos: so maybe email me gzipped file of yours and i'll give it a try?
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<uvos> tmlind: i doubt it would work on a mz617
<uvos> its from a mz607
<uvos> mz609 and mz607 appears comptabile
<tmlind> uvos: ok so i could try it on mz609 here then
<uvos> at least my mz609 did not complain about the 607 file
<freemangordon> Pali: with this changes in the config, binary size is 277524
<uvos> it flashed fine (and droped the writes because of mmc)
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<freemangordon> vs 247312
<tmlind> uvos: yeah ok
<freemangordon> I think we shall find a way to strip 30k more and re're fine
<freemangordon> *we're
<uvos> tmlind: do you need the file
<tmlind> uvos: i guess i could give it a try just in case
<uvos> its just the one from "Xoom2 ME.rar" on xda
<tmlind> uvos: ok then i have it, i think that's what i tried but thought it's for mz617..
<uvos> nah forum post specifies the 8 inch xoom2
<uvos> thats 607
<tmlind> uvos: ok
<uvos> 8d0a5de124c7603749a3e8fb513cfc8a
<uvos> is md5
<tmlind> uvos: ok yeah it's the same
<tmlind> uvos: i'll give it a try at some point today
<uvos> ok
<uvos> could you awnser the questions pinged to you above for Wizzup
<uvos> also about kexecboot xt875
<tmlind> about the bpsw partition? there is no bpsw on xyboards, need to use cache partition as it can be flashed with fastboot flash cache
<uvos> ok
<uvos> and utags is what?
<tmlind> i added those to the file names no in utagboot :)
<tmlind> s/no/now/
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<uvos> ok
<tmlind> the utags on xyboard contains more info, mostly the model with the emmc size
<tmlind> uvos: hmm what was the xt875 question?
<uvos> tmlind: i tested the xyboard branch on xt875
<uvos> works fine
<tmlind> uvos: oh cool, good to hear :)
<uvos> then i did the detection + delete but its not working
<uvos> idk how to best debug the script
<uvos> what do you do
<tmlind> uvos: you need to remount root?
<uvos> tmlind: i do that
<tmlind> ok
<uvos> do you disable the kexecboot binary and then use serial?
<uvos> to debug the script i mean
<tmlind> yeah.. just set use_serial option
<uvos> ok
<tmlind> i accidentally pushed out all my local debug hacks with the wlan config to the earlier branch, see what i changed there for serial and wlan if you need that
<uvos> ok thanks
<tmlind> uvos: note the chroot options stop working when you enable serial i think
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<uvos> what chroot options? you mean pivot root?
<tmlind> yeah the boot to stock android and safestrap option stops working if serial is enabled i think
<uvos> ok
<parazyd> Langoor: I just tested the 20210606 N900 image and it boots fine. Just had to wait for a minute or so with the blank black screen.
<uvos> no big loss on xt875
<tmlind> uvos: i'll wait for your xt875 patch before building images as that buys me more time :)
<Langoor> parazyd: huh, how odd... I'll try again then...
<parazyd> wifi works, charging works
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<parazyd> For dd, I just: pixz maemo-leste*.img.xz && dd if=maemo-leste-*.img of=/dev/mmcblk0
<parazyd> No special parameters
<Langoor> yeah thats exactly what i used
R0b0t1`` is now known as R0b0t1
<Langoor> weird!
<Langoor> imma try a different SD card as well
R0b0t1 is now known as R0b0t1``
<parazyd> Yeah, I think you should just try again.
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<tmlind> uvos: so i got the basic kernel booting no problem for mz609 and mz617, no lcd or gps, and need to reorg more files though
<freemangordon> Pali: enabling -mthumb makes binary 216568 bytes
<tmlind> uvos: so far i have set up motorola-mapphone-droid-common.dtsi for the mapphone phone variants
<tmlind> uvos: looks like we also need motorola-mapphone-tablet-common.dtsi too
<uvos> tmlind: id rather strip stuff out of mapphone-common
<tmlind> uvos: yeah i've moved stuff from mapphone-common to motorola-mapphone-droid-common.dtsi
<uvos> oh ok your ahead of me
<tmlind> uvos: mostly lcd and backlight stuff
<uvos> right
<uvos> idk if motorola-mapphone-tablet-common and motorola-mapphone-droid-common makes sense.
<uvos> idk how mutch stuff would be in there
<uvos> if we allso add xt91x support for instance
<tmlind> uvos: well all the lcd and touchscreen stuff is common for phones
<tmlind> uvos: no idea about xt91x
<uvos> xt91x and xt85x too?
<tmlind> uvos: don't know..
<uvos> at least xt85x has a different display
<tmlind> ok
<uvos> best come up with something that will work for all mapphone devices
<tmlind> well we can sort it out as we go, anyways, no worthy hacks to push out so far still
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<uvos> but yeah hard with limiited knowlage
<tmlind> yeah
<tmlind> i also noticed we're missing the ddr config for emif, i have patch for that coming, it's the same as on all omap4 dev boards it seems
<tmlind> probably makes zero difference for pm though
<uvos> ok
<uvos> btw would the dsi spread spectrum clock thing maybe help with the droped frames on d4?
<tmlind> uvos: then on xyboards there's some external cpcap gpio controlled charger, but i think it only kicks in for higher rate chargers
<uvos> tmlind: interesting
<tmlind> uvos: no idea about the dsi spread spectrum clock..
<uvos> yeah charging mz617 at the default 500mA is painfull
<uvos> im sure :P
<tmlind> uvos: but looks like xyboards get confused and show full battery after booting to mainline linux :) won't charge properly until at 3.7ish volt i think
<uvos> ok
<tmlind> might be different coulomb counter config on those
<tmlind> maybe for the sample rate, don't know
<uvos> no idea :P
<uvos> i also dont have one to mess around with :(
<tmlind> also the modem gpio pins are different..
<uvos> but modem is on usb?
<tmlind> not sure yet, it did not show up with lsusb
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<uvos> ok
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<tmlind> ml + working gps would make them usable for things like fishing though :)
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<tmlind> with whatever map app
* tmlind setting the goal high
<uvos> heh
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<sicelo> freemangordon: great at u-boot! Those sizes are without attached kernel?
<Wizzup> Langoor: do you have some special lock code set? do you have a sim in the phone?
<parazyd> Yeah I tried without either
<Langoor> No lock code or sim in the phone
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<joerg> re email about removing "(c) Nokia" from all files on *.maemo.org - this *might* have been a "do not disclose" email from a nokia (maemo) employee to HiFo board. Anyway I can't find it anymore in my archives. Sorry. The rationale back when was exactly to avoid any mess like this to ever happen, so please: any "(C) Nokia" in files on *.maemo.org is a bug that needs fixing
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<inky> hmmm, who else could have that email?
<inky> was that only in email?
<joerg> this is pretty obvious considering the public statement of Nokia from back when (please google for it yourself) that any maemo related (c) and liability by nokia was explicitly not included in Nokia's deal with MS
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<joerg> so any "(c) nokia" on maemo stuff was basically a legacy misnomer that should have read "(c) nokia-maemo-subdivision"
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<joerg> I *think* the HiFo (board) email *should* have been handed over to MCeV. I have no idea
<joerg> why do you need an email to fix a bug?
<joerg> the procedure was "you have accounts and full root access to maemo, please do the edits as I told you, then we (nokia) donate all that stuff from us (Nokia) to community whoever you decide is the right entity to take hold of it"
<joerg> "... and *pshhshhshh, don't wake sleeping M$ dogs!"
<joerg> there is no, and never been any, files owned by M$, and Nokia donated all that stuff to community
<joerg> on *.maemo.org
<joerg> if any of those files still hold a bogus copyright, this is *our* fault and we have to fix it ASAP
<parazyd> So who should the copyright holder now be?
<parazyd> Like, there are resources and C headers, etc.
<uvos> is absense of real copywrite assignment to MCeV it looks like still nokia or whatever sucessors to meego org
<joerg> the copyright holder is clearly MCeV in my book, though the global copyright notice on frontpage of maemo.org (?) applies to all *.maemo.org content
<joerg> meego??? never been faintly related in any way
<uvos> maybe so but wihtout the document where nokia reliquishes its rights that really holds no water
<parazyd> so: http://ix.io/3q2R ?
<joerg> I can see why corporations are very very reluctant to ever touch FOSS, since *this* is just headache nobody wants or needs
<parazyd> uvos: imho we're better off changing it to something that isn't Nokia
<uvos> and nokia transferd some stuff to meego for sure
<joerg> +100000
<uvos> maybe we are better off
<uvos> im not saying we arnt
<parazyd> So let's do it
<uvos> but its shaky from a leagal perspective
<parazyd> Wizzup: ^?
<uvos> legal
<parazyd> uvos: Currently it's far worse
<joerg> sorry I'm out, wasted half a day on this nonsense
<uvos> if some one comes knocking we have no way to assert our rights to the nokia resources is the problem
<uvos> and us just changing the copyright notices with nothing to back it up looks really bad if it ever gets examined in this situation
<uvos> but do what you like
<uvos> calm down
<parazyd> joerg: It's everywhere
<joerg> read full 2012 2013 2014 https://mg.pov.lt/maemo-meeting-irclog/ meeting logs, I bet it gets mentioned at least once, so you know whom to ask/blame/get an approved statement from
<joerg> I think you're thoroughly and comprehensively informed of what been negotiated agreed upon and done, back when
<joerg> somebody removed all copyright notices and unless those are very obviously special files (I am absolutely sure you're more than qualified to decide) that guy just missed to clean those files that still hold any "(c) nokia"
<joerg> sidenote: Nokia is no more, and iirc even M$ doesn't hold any more copyright in any Nokia stuff
<uvos> what nokia still exists
<uvos> some devisions at least
<uvos> ie the legal entitiy still exists
<uvos> and might have inhereted some copyrights not sold to ms
<joerg> see? that's why all copyright got removed back when
<joerg> no, even those sold to M$ would need fixing
<joerg> since >><uvos> what nokia still exists<<
<joerg> I'm out, this is a waste of time
<parazyd> Do merlin1991/xes/warfare/fmg know anything ?
<parazyd> (I agree though, and think we should just remove the Nokia remnants)
<joerg> *i* don't know what *they* recall
<uvos> joerg: please calm down there is nothing we are arguing about
<joerg> fmg not been involved back when
<joerg> xes, warfare yes
<uvos> joerg: you cant provide proof that nokia transfered copyright is all
<joerg> merlin maybe
<uvos> i belive you they did
<uvos> but we are looking for some proof just in case
<joerg> uvos: I don't give a damn flying f....
<uvos> thats fine
<uvos> we thank you for your help in this question so far
<joerg> I gave you all the info it needs. Feel free to pester M$ to actually wake sleeping dogs
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<joerg> you won't find the guy of Nokia who sent that info to us
<joerg> you're digging for a proof just in case somebody(???) might come ask for a proof, just to realite there is none anymore
<joerg> the info that maemo been donated to community by nokia is out in the wild. Go search a proof why some of the files on *.maemo.org are to be excluded from this publicly known donation
<parazyd> joerg: Is MCeV still registered?
<sicelo> Yes, it is
<parazyd> I don't see a problem for us then
<sicelo> It's not in very good shape, but exists 100%
<joerg> yes,but just recently about to either die or getting fixed
<parazyd> Well, in any case we could refer to them
<parazyd> Or we could take it over and form another foundation
<uvos> we should have something for sure
<joerg> hint, I'm mmeber, I guess sicelo too
<sicelo> joerg is a member of the MCeV (me too)
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<sicelo> :-)
<parazyd> So to me this implies we could just get some "official" written email from the board/council that gives us permission.
<uvos> that would shield us for sure yeah
<uvos> we would need that anyhow
<parazyd> sicelo: Can you try this?
<sicelo> Who's "us" by the way?
<joerg> here's your official permission by me and sicelo (please holler if you disagree, sicelo )
<uvos> sicelo: whoever changes the copyright notice
<uvos> sicelo: would be on the hook if someone surfaces and asserts
<parazyd> Also Wizzup and I will start a new foundation in the Netherlands
<parazyd> For Leste
<uvos> unless MCeV asserts copyright and gives us permission to change license
<joerg> uvos: then maybe leave it to somebody else?
<uvos> then MCeV is on the hook
<joerg> thanks for letting us know! now go on find somebody who cares, to make my life as inaugural member (and actually initiator since I suggested it) of MCeV a hell
<sicelo> IANAL, but I would say Leste is still exactly aligned with http://wiki.maemo.org/MaemoCommunity_eV#Articles_of_Association_.28Bylaws.29_.2F_Satzung
<sicelo> IOW, there's not really any "us"
<uvos> well if MCeV has any rights it would be very very benefical if MCeV assignes us said rights
<joerg> sicelo: +100
<uvos> so that the rights are of non dubious ownership once MCeV inevitably implodes
<joerg> why would we?
<joerg> get lost
<uvos> every org implodes sometime
<joerg> maybe you're more at home in old freenode with their mindset
<uvos> sicelo: sure us would be either some future leste org or someone here personally like Wizzup or whatever
<uvos> joerg: heh
<sicelo> parazyd: I won't promise yet ... MceV is there, but organizationally it isn't in good state ATM. I don't believe it will implode anytime in the near future.
<joerg> MCeV won't surrender to some "we! since MCeV will inevitably implode but we don't care helping to avoid that"
<uvos> joerg: MCeV would be giving us the right to change the license to something foss not assing us copyright nesssecarally
<sicelo> parazyd: when you register your foundation (if it is needed), perhaps you could consider joining MCeV as that organization (assuming this is possible)
<parazyd> Have to investigate
<joerg> you already received that right, multiple times
<uvos> joerg: yes thank you, but it would be best to formalize this somehow
<joerg> you not only want permission, you ask for proof we are entitled to give you such proof, and to prod us you state things like "will inevitably implode and we will take over"
<parazyd> No, he's just asking for something tangible that isn't a random irc log
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<uvos> exactly
<parazyd> Meaning, MCeV could write an email for example?
<uvos> and the question about if you have proof was mearly to shield you from any future problems
<joerg> as explained half a dozen times now there probably never been anything "tangible" except the publicly available coverage of nokia donating maemo to community
<parazyd> joerg: You're misunderstanding me. I meant that MCeV could issue a statement that the maemo-leste people/organizations on github could excercise their rights to change licensing to FOSS licenses where applicable.
<parazyd> Something we could also place on our website for reference.
<jk000> hello Leste-Community. I need some help debugging my droid4 :P
<joerg> maybe "sorry, I inserted those (c)nokia lines back in 2012 on mistake, never should have been there, please remove them. my fauilt. many thanks! jOERG (ex-council. foundation member of MCeV, inaugural member of HiFo, maemo migration coordinator)
<parazyd> Sure, in some formal language that'd be great
<sicelo> Has a firm decision already been made about the NL foundation/org?
<parazyd> Not firm, but Wizzup and I agreed to create one.
<sicelo> jk000: we're at your service:-)
<joerg> please don't place fixing of an embarrasing bug relating migration that we (community) introduced back when onto a prominent place on any webpage. We might get more troubles with such statement than with the bug itself
<parazyd> Ideally it would be a charity, but at the very least non-profit.
<Pali> freemangordon: thumb cannot be used in uboot due to silicon errata
<joerg> tell me which ML I may send to a "sorry, this is a sleeping/missed bug from back in 2011. Many thanks for simply cleaning it out"
<parazyd> maemo-leste@lists.dyne.org
<jk000> sicelo: thanx! :) basic symptom is that the GUI doesn't show available connections. deeper symptom is that also over UNS-Networking I have no dns o.O ping to works, but apt update doesn't
<sicelo> parazyd: I think it would really be beneficial for that organization to be a member once it is established, even if just a passive member, of the MCeV
<parazyd> Noted
<sicelo> That in itself could potentially help ensure MCeV's continued existence.
<uvos> Probubly soemthing like along the lines of MCeV assings permission to Merlijn Wajer to change licenses of all works to which it owns copyright to any license considered foss by the fsf or so
<uvos> would be best
<joerg> honestly this is like "No Mr police officer! I won't accept an informal warning without fee since your speed trap didn't work correctly when it shot mit with 15MPH too fast"
<joerg> s/mit/me/
<joerg> parazyd: is there a thread about this issue?
<parazyd> No
<joerg> then I definitely won't start one
<joerg> I said it before, please try to keep this low profile
<sicelo> jk000: I'm no longer up-to-date with Leste, but I think one of us here will assist you shortly
<jk000> cool! thankx!
<jk000> long live devuan-leste!
<sicelo> uvos maybe? ^^
<buZz> what a backlog :P
<joerg> no damage done so far, don't start huge noise just fix it
<parazyd> jk000: You may need to edit your /etc/resolv.conf to set a nameserver. We recently introduced dnsmasq and maybe you're in-between some updates.
* buZz hugs joerg , sounds like you could use one
<joerg> buZz: :-))
<buZz> :)
<buZz> dont feel too bad about all this, legal stuff is a drag
<parazyd> jk000: As for the UI, if it stops showing up, a reboot might help for a "quick solution"
<buZz> i'm happy parazyd and Wizzup want to do the legal stuff for a new leste foundation
<uvos> also if your device rebooted during a recent update
<buZz> and i'm happy MCeV (probably?) doesnt disagree with anything leste is doing
<jk000> reboot doesn't solve it
<joerg> why should MCeV disagree with anything leste is doing? As long as leste isn't trying to be a PITA for MCeV
<uvos> maybe try apt configure
<uvos> im forgeting what the command is exatly rn
<uvos> but the one that configures unconfigured packages
<sicelo> buZz: not at all (MCeV) ... this kind of development work is exactly why the trouble was taken to have something like this ... :-)
<uvos> jk000: ^^^
<parazyd> apt -f install, and/or dpkg-reconfigure -a
<buZz> sicelo: :) exactly
<joerg> it's a pity you think you need an own entity instead of just joining MCeV, but in the end that's your choise, no MCeV's
<buZz> joerg: might be more for other reasons, like donations etc
<buZz> its not very involved to start a foundation in .nl
<joerg> aaah yeah, that for sure is sth MCeV wouldn't like to have to deal with
<buZz> hmhm
<joerg> though that's my very own notion, not speaking for $anybody else
<jk000> my etc resolve.conf shows one line: nameserver
<uvos> jk000: did tthe reconfigure -a help?
<parazyd> jk000: Change it to for now, and try to update fully again
<buZz> does dnsmasq also send all failed queries straight to cloudflare and google , like systemd-resolved does? :D
<parazyd> buZz: No
<buZz> hehe good
<parazyd> But it just sets up a forward to whatever DNS it gets from the router
<parazyd> So like normal DHCP
<sicelo> I'm sure systemd-resolved, when configured properly, does not either
<buZz> sicelo: if you do not configure -any- failover, it will -always- be google and cloudflare
<buZz> by design
<sicelo> Hence "configured properly" ;-)
<buZz> you can totally overrule it by configuring a empty failover
<jk000> apt reconfigure -a?
<parazyd> buZz: Do share the config setting :p
<parazyd> jk000: apt update && apt dist-upgrade
<sicelo> Even dnsmasq needs configuring for this, btw ... something-something bogus-priv, iirc
<buZz> TLDR 'just recompile systemd!'
<buZz> :D
<parazyd> EZ
<jk000> hmm... newbie alarm: I still have now a network unreachable... one moment please
<buZz> 'why are you using a distro that didnt reconfigure the 28937489237 defaults we provide??'
<sicelo> btw my ISP (who I now work for), seems to recently be blocking all dns requests except to :-(
<parazyd> jk000: Do you have available connections in the control panel?
<buZz> sicelo: meh, lame, even to the root servers?
<sicelo> Maybe there's temporary misconfiguration, but I find suddenly doesn't work
<parazyd> Get unbound and do DNS over TLS :p
<sicelo> Hehe, except my ADSL is out since almost 4 weeks now :'(
<jk000> parazyd: there are no available connections in the control pannel
<sicelo> Which is ironic, since I work there now :-D
<parazyd> jk000: Can you try creating a new one using the wizard there? And then try connecting to your wifi
<uvos> try dpkg-reconfigure -a seriusly
<sicelo> Also, is this a new image you flashed/burned?
<uvos> i had exactly this problem before
<parazyd> jk000: Yeah also ^^
<uvos> due to apt being shutdown during install a while back
<jk000> yes, I try. but the wizard shows no connections
<jk000> "connection setup: wi-fi" "no connections available"
<parazyd> Try the dpkg thing
<jk000> dpkg configure -a?
<parazyd> dpkg-reconfigure -a
<buZz> adpkg-reconfigure -a
<parazyd> (I think)
<buZz> -a
<buZz> :D
<buZz> hmm, -a isnt a option
<buZz> dpkg-reconfigure needs a packagename to reconfigure
<jk000> dpkg --help ^^
<jk000> dpkg --configure -a
<jk000> no output, had done that already
<joerg> ((don't place fixing note... We might get more troubles with such statement...)) it would attract a 100 or 1000 times the amount of discussions asking MCeV how they dare to state such stuff, who they think they are, who elected them to act like this, if we hate nokia or even are nokia or maybe we are Elop's children or or or. Pretty please keep it low profile
<uvos> heh
<uvos> debian package tools are not confusing at all
<uvos> dpkg --configure -a was it i think
<joerg> it's a bug *I* did. Please fix it. period
<jk000> dpkg-reconfigure
<jk000> ... please specify a package
<parazyd> dpkg --configure -a
<parazyd> Maybe?
<jk000> dpkg --configure -a
<jk000> brought no change
<parazyd> What about 'sudo apt -f install'
<uvos> joerg: if you want it to keep a low profile you could maybe have MCeV send someone reliable like Wizzup a letter, that wizzup can pull out of his pocket if the changes ever get challanged
<jk000> apt -f install
<jk000> 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.
<uvos> jk000: probubly wasent the problem then
<Wizzup> sorry I missed it, what is the problem jk000 is debugging?
<jk000> :)
<parazyd> Wizzup: icd2 doesn't show up
<parazyd> Well, the wifi
<Wizzup> -devel or no -devel?
<jk000> ehmm.. I suppose no -devel
<Wizzup> ok, just latest image?
<jk000> no, my leste has been running for over a year
<Wizzup> ah, I see. so it's a recent thing.
<jk000> jup
<Wizzup> I've found that in -devel the interface to scan sometimes stops working over the control interface
<Wizzup> but it sounds like you don't have that problem
<Wizzup> wait, didn't we discuss this earlier? I remember now
<Wizzup> you said that 'scan' in wpa_supplicant did work
<Wizzup> in combination with scan_results
<jk000> yes, two or three weeks ago
<Wizzup> (at least to scan APs)
<Wizzup> ok
<uvos> this is the same guy
<uvos> oh
<jk000> exactly :)
<uvos> well you should have started with that :P
<jk000> hello!
<uvos> wifi works in android right?
<jk000> I am really bad wremembering names ^^
<uvos> me too obv.
<jk000> ehm... and-who????
<Wizzup> uvos: I think we should establish if the problem is in wpa_supplicant or not
<uvos> Wizzup: sure
<uvos> i mean i would establish that the hw works first
<Wizzup> right
<jk000> oh! so shutdown droid4 and boot to android
<jk000> got it now
<jk000> rebooting...
<joerg> sorry now, not even council does micromanagement. *the community* did the copyright clean-out back when, after council or board or techstaff whoever told them what's the task at hand, and that happened on low overhead like in IRC(!)
<joerg> we won't schedule a meeting to make a decision to send you some email telling you "there's a bug, to fix it you delete 2 lines. Could you pretty please?"
<joerg> that's not how maemo community worked
<joerg> for further assistance please contact techstaff@maemo.org
<joerg> I don't see how MCeV gets involved into bug fixing issues
<parazyd> >b) allocation, updates and bugfixes of free software for the Maemo and Meego operating systems and their derivatives
<parazyd> >c) allocation of supportive data and documentation as well as aiding their availability, creation and propagation of information about this software
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<jk000> android on droid4 finds networks and connects successfully
<uvos> great
<uvos> so its our fault :)
<parazyd> haha
<jk000> hehe
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<Wizzup> jk000: I don't recall, did we already establish that scanning via wpa_cli showed APs on leste on your device?
<jk000> we did something in the terminal that showed a list of connections
<jk000> and agreed on using usb netwirking to debug
<sicelo> (Heh, didn't know fremantle had a Go port)
<jk000> I tried USB networking with shared internet connection from my laptop
<jk000> I was able to ping from the ssh-console
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<sicelo> uvos - RE:pvr, yes, it's handled in the application, see for example, https://wiki.maemo.org/PyQt_Tips_and_Tricks#Instant_startup_screen . as mentioned earlier, this allows the application to be in charge of what constitutes a valid 'screenshot'
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<sicelo> but looks like it should be fairly trivial to 'trick' hildon to display a screenshot for any other type of application, by providing a screenshot with the application's dbus service name
<sicelo> and/or adding code to not only depend on dbus service names
<jk000> Wizzup: I have now setup usb-networkinh
<lea_> Hello from argentina, just to know if someone tryed to install maemo in a Motorola XT610. I'll try when buy a new battery.
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<uvos__> lea_: thats not going to work XT610 is not a mapphone but is instead based on motolas previous a855/"sholes" architecture
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<Wizzup> jk000: great @ usbnet
<jk000> wizzup: ping has 8% loss
<jk000> 0% i ment
<jk000> but ping maemo-leste.github.io has 100%
<jk000> "temporary failure in name resolution"
<Wizzup> jk000: ok, usbnet works, let's see.
<Wizzup> jk000: could you briefly summarise the problem once more for my understanding?
<jk000> yes
<jk000> the practical problem is that I cannot connect to my WLAN.
<jk000> no connection happens automatically. and from the hildon menu to select connection the list is empty
<jk000> also from the setting the connection wizard finds no connections
<Wizzup> freemangordon: btw I can confirm that indeed there is some problem scanning in the icd2 plugin since my new change, so we need to fix that
<Wizzup> jk000: ok. and via 'sudo -i', 'wpa_cli', 'scan', (wait), 'scan_results', you can see your AP?
<Wizzup> (after scan results, it should be printed to the console)
<jk000> yes, I see available connections
<Wizzup> ok
<jk000> :)
<Wizzup> what does 'dpkg -l libicd-network-wpasupplicant' show?
<Wizzup> same for dpkg -l wpasupplicant
<Wizzup> (in particular the version)
<jk000> dpkg -l libicd-network-wpasupplicant ---> ii libicd-network-wpasupplicant 0.1.5+2m7 armhf ICd2 plugin for WLAN networking
<jk000> one line
<jk000> after the ones that explain the columns
<jk000> dpkg -l wpasupplicant ---> ii wpasupplicant 2:2.9.0-21+2m7.1 armhf client support for WPA and WPA2 (IEEE 802.11i)
<Wizzup> ow..
<Wizzup> ok, that explains it easily
<jk000> i am all ears
<Wizzup> yeah so we pulled in new wpa_supplicant but the new version doesn't play nice with the libicd-network-wpasupplicant but I did fix it, so let me see if that tag should have the fix
<Wizzup> meanwhile, can you run:
<Wizzup> grep -r devel /etc/apt/sources.list*
<Wizzup> parazyd: the new wpasupplicant is not in non-devel yet, is it? I hope?
<jk000> line1: "/etc/apt/sources.list:deb https://maedevu.maemo.org/leste beowulf-devel main contrib non-free droid4"
<jk000> line2of2: "/etc/apt/sources.list.d/devuan.list:# decomment following lines to enable the developers devuan repository"
<Wizzup> so you do have -devel enabled
<Wizzup> ok, can you apt update & apt upgrade using usbnet?
<jk000> oops! sorry, newbie here :P
<Wizzup> np
<Wizzup> -devel will definitely on occasion break your device
<Wizzup> we used to recommend it for certain features or fixes, but yeah, this can happen
<jk000> Temporary failure resolving 'maedevu.maemo.org'
<jk000> i feel I have a dns-server problem
<Wizzup> right, so, two things: (1) is your pc/laptop set up to forward packets (2) is /etc/resolv.conf something like
<Wizzup> if not, you probably want both for now
<jk000> so etc resolv.conf of my laptop?
<Wizzup> no, on the d4
<Wizzup> did you do those steps?
<jk000> yes, I did those steps
<Wizzup> ok, then please check /etc/resolv.conf on the device
<jk000> I can ping on leste d4 with 0% loss
<jk000> nameserver
<jk000> at resolve.conf on leste d4
<Wizzup> did you add that, or was that in there?
<jk000> instead of
<jk000> I added it
<Wizzup> ok, yeah, is rubbish
<Wizzup> (atm)
<jk000> comment out: #nameserver
<Wizzup> try updating again?
<jk000> do I need to restart a service
<jk000> ?
<jk000> cuz the temporari failure resolving address persists
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<Wizzup> that is odd
<Wizzup> can you do any resolve? e.g. ping google.com
<jk000> ping: google.com: Temporary failure in name resolution
<jk000> no service to restart?
<Wizzup> not afaik
<Wizzup> maybe confirm no misspelling in resolv.conf?
<parazyd> Wizzup: No, it's not in main. (wpa_supplicant)
<jk000> nameserver
<Wizzup> parazyd: yeah he had -devel and had a unfotunate partial upgrade
<jk000> that was copy paste
<parazyd> ouch
<Wizzup> jk000: hm, maybe your host doesn't like doing it somehow
<Wizzup> parazyd: as in, wpasupplicant but not my plugin
<Wizzup> parazyd: does apt often keep old debs around?
<Wizzup> jk000: I have an alternative that will be much easier
<Wizzup> jk000: one second
<sicelo> and is the file really /etc/resolv.conf , or there's a typo or something?
<jk000> # cat /etc/resolv.conf
<jk000> #nameserver
<jk000> nameserver
<jk000> the 1st # means sudo
<parazyd> Wizzup: Not sure about old debs. They might go away on upgrade.
<jk000> the second # ist commented out line
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<sicelo> weird
<jk000> Wizzup: yes
<Wizzup> jk000: then dpkg -i libicd-network-wpasupplicant_0.1.6+2m7_armhf.deb
<Wizzup> followed by /etc/init.d/icd2 restart
<Wizzup> (or maybe /etc/init.d/icd2 stop ; sleep 2; /etc/init.d/icd2 start
<Wizzup> then I suspect it will all just work
<jk000> done
<Wizzup> "does it work" ? :)
<jk000> testing apt update now...
<Wizzup> jk000: ah no, you don't need that
<Wizzup> this is not a dns fix
<Wizzup> this is *the* fix that apt update would get you
<Wizzup> so try to scan for wifi using the ui
<Wizzup> (or connect to an AP)
<jk000> oh! yes! d4 connected automatically to ma WLAN
<Wizzup> sorry for the pain
<jk000> and the list of connections is populated
<jk000> no problem. thanx a lot!
<jk000> this is an amazing project!
<Wizzup> in the future, it might make sense to go off of -devel
<Wizzup> we're really doing this there that can break booting
<Wizzup> s/this/things/
<jk000> yeah, I guess I was very eager last year and just put all sources to get the bleeding edge
<jk000> alright, so do I delete "-devel" on my sources?
<jk000> di I still need a dns-fix?
<jk000> oh, yes. what I was actualy looking for is to ssh to "user" on d4 from any gnu/linux machine
<Wizzup> jk000: don't think so @ dns, I think that was probably something on your host pc
<jk000> ok, I commented out the line with -devel on sources.list and I am doing an apt update
<jk000> it reached the web
<Wizzup> great
<jk000> on ssh: I can ssh to root but not to user
<jk000> because of the password
<Wizzup> ok, that's a question for parazyd and uvos
<sicelo> you can always edit your sshd_config
<jk000> newbie-alarm: may be the way to go is to learn on how to activate ssh without password, like instant login
<sicelo> iirc i can ssh to user
<parazyd> jk000: You usually need to set a password to unlock the account, and then optionally use a key in authorized_keys
<Wizzup> jk000: add a key to /home/user/.ssh/authorized_keys
<jk000> ok... more to learn... but the user account on leste d4 has no password
<parazyd> As root, set it using `passwd user`
<parazyd> In newer images this is set up, but we obviously don't want to change this forcefully through an update because messing with accounts is bad practice.
<jk000> ok... I'll give that a shot
<jk000> pasword set, will leste ask me for the password on every boot?
<freemangordon> Pali: sure it can, we enable the workaround
<Pali> but only after workaround is enabled
<Pali> so all code executed before workaround must not be thumb
<Wizzup> jk000: no, it won't ask you
<freemangordon> Pali: not really true, errata bites you on context switch
<freemangordon> Pali: NOLO is thumb compiled
<Pali> hm...
<freemangordon> and it never fails
<freemangordon> also, errata bites you if you switch ARM <-> thumb code (in different contaxts), but I don;t think u-boot is multi-threaded or something
<freemangordon> *contexts
<freemangordon> Pali: see the description https://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/ARM_ERRATA_430973.html
<Wizzup> freemangordon: good thinking (if it works out)
<freemangordon> Wizzup: well, I guess outside of ARM I am the one which is the most knowledgeable on that particular errata :)
<Wizzup> hehe
<freemangordon> after all it was me who made it possible to execute thumb code on N900 with no issues
<freemangordon> so, I doubt u-boot uses virtual addresses at all, neither it does context switches, so I don't see how it can be affected
<sicelo> :)
<sicelo> i admit i was skeptical too in the early n900-thumb days, but it's worked well for me for many years since i got over that 'fear'
<freemangordon> hmm, how was oxFFFF used to boot u-boot?
<Pali> IIRC 0xFFFF -l -b -m image.bin
<freemangordon> Warning: Removing unknown image (specified by file /tmp/u-boot.bin)
<freemangordon> :(
<Pali> -m kernel:u-boot.bin
<freemangordon> thanks
<Pali> what have you did that u-boot.bin has different header and 0xFFFF cannot recognize it?
<Pali> maybe thumb mode changed u-boot header?
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<freemangordon> with -m kernel:u-boot.bin it boots it just fine
<Pali> yes, it forces type
<freemangordon> and it works just fine (thumb-compiled)
<Pali> but normally 0xFFFF autodetects type by file header
<Pali> if you do not specify type: prefix
<freemangordon> dunno, it is v 0.6
<freemangordon> maybe too old
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<freemangordon> Pali: up to you, but I would say - just enable thumb, otherwise I don;t see a solution to our binary size issue
<Wizzup> jk000: btw if you have other questions, stick around on irc, happy to help further
<jk000> wizzup: thanx!! I am new to irc as well, but yeah! I wish to stay connected!
<freemangordon> Pali: in any case, just LMK what your decision is
<Pali> hm... I do not know, so I think try the best thing which is possible
<Pali> anyway I have prepared patch for direct zImage kernel loading support, I will send it to you...
<freemangordon> Pali: wait, it was about usb_dm, no?
<Pali> yes, it was... this is just unrelated patch
<Pali> nothing relevant for dm usb
<Pali> something which I found in my git stash :-)
<freemangordon> my point was - if you agree to enable thumb then I can continue work on usb_dm, otherwise I see no point as the resulting binary just doesn't fit :)
<Pali> so enable thumb... if it works fine without crashing and can boot kernel without crashing then it is fine
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<Pali> I think thumb was explicitly disabled because it caused issues (in past)
<uvos__> that errata is fixed in omap4/a9 right?
<Pali> but maybe it was unrelated to that thumb errata
<uvos__> just curious
<freemangordon> uvos__: those are not affected, yes
<Pali> and some other bug which maybe was fixed in uboot...
<freemangordon> mhm
<freemangordon> I just tested it and it works just fine, at least once :)
<freemangordon> ok, I'll continue on usb then
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<freemangordon> enabling CONTROL_OF make it no boot
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<Pali> I thought...
<freemangordon> hmm, actually I will not enable it
<Pali> I do not think that n900 u-boot code can work easily with OF
<freemangordon> I will just enable libfdt
<freemangordon> won;t work, we need OF
<freemangordon> anyway, will continue tomorrow
<freemangordon> night
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