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gordon1: sounds like keyboard issue could happen at any point, not just boot. seeing the oops from uart would be good, you could also try to configure pstore like we have for droid4 m-l kernel
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hi everybody
i have a question about n900, can i ask it here?
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Wizzup: nice
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rei2: sure
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how is battery usage on this phone? are there new batteries made for this phone by 3rd-parties?
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rei2: very very bad currently on leste, yes there are polarcells they are fairly new.
uvos: oh, what about CSSU?
rei2: great but cssu is abandonware and cant connect to modern ssl sites for instance
but ask others about freemantle i have used it for like 1h total...
oh, ssl should not be a problem :)
are you intending to buy a n900?
i'm just looking for a <4.5 inch phone with keyboard which does not run android.
all i want is irc and pdf reader and a music player, nothing else.
if you can strech your size requirement just a tiny bit a droid 4 with leste dose everything you ask
and has good powermanagment and is much mucht faster than a n900
and often cheeper too
its 130x70x13 ish mm
droid4 is nice, but it is harder to find in my place and ~5 times more expensive.
where is "my place" if i may ask
well n900 and droid 4 are pretty mutch the only devices that fit you bill so
n900 it mus be in this case
uvos: thanks a lot.
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Wizzup: do I get it right that I shall check "RSN" for wpa2/eap and "WPA" for wpa. Also, how do I detect wep?
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basically this is all I need, so maybe code sharing is not a good option
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freemangordon: you keep saying that ;-) I think all the code that does this is also in wpaicd
yes, but it does way more than that
I have I have read a part of the conversation from a few hours ago but I disconnected.
if you plan to help our with kernel dev and/or maemo leste dev and are in europe, I can ship one
s/our with/out with/
Wizzup: Thanks but don't worry. I don't know if I am qualified to help you with the kernel.
diejuse: ebay us has them with internatinal shipping occasionally
diejuse: other than that you will need a friend in us to ship it over.
diejuse: well, testers are also welcome, just let me know
Wizzup: I am an intensive tester, yes XD Thank you, I will ask you if I find it difficult to get one :)
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sure thing
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What bothers me most about these older devices is the short battery life. I love its physical keyboard layout though. How long does the Droid 4 last with Maemo Leste installed?
diejuse: with maemo leste installed 1-2 days with modem on, but we should get to more than that
wtf wow
droid bionic dose way better
i get 5+ days regularly
(doing nothing with it but ssh in sometimes and with modem on and wifi connected)
That is incredible! With intensive use does it last that long?
no not very
screen on time is farly short maybe 4+5h on my d4 with the very good battery
and about the same on the bionic with the old extended battery
thats realy use
mostly browsing and some telegram use and playing Simon Tatham's Portable Puzzle Collection
I understand, that seems to me more normal numbers.
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so 4h of active use
normaly lasts 1 day of mixed usage easy
It should get better with OFF mode for omap4
but yeah :)
1 day is fine
How long will GPS get a fix on the N900?
untill battery runs out :P
you mean how long it takes?
we dont do agps atm so can be several minutes
Daanct12: depends on how many sattelites are visible, on the n900, gps3.c is also required
I am not sure if we have that configured already.
afaik we do
devel at least
going to try that now
AGPS is greyed out for me
yeah, agps is not supported atm
Wizzup: I set up the N900 gps
It should work fine
parazyd: is location-status and such already in the meta pkg?
We have hildon-connectivity-location as meta
You _might_ need to install gps-nokia-n900 by hand
I forgot if I included it or not
This is gps3.c
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how can i put the powervr blobs in device?
freemangordon: boot d4 and first connect fails with icd2
freemangordon: never dose with wpa_supplicant
freemangordon: yeah
freemangordon: the bug iirc is: try to connect to ap via dialog, it fails, you click try again, and then it never succeeds until you close dialog and start over
that too
once its failed
you have to close everything or it will never suceee
ok, this is the next in the list to check, after I finish hidden wlan support in the dialog (maybe I will be ready today with it)
but yeah, I'll definitely look into that
most-probable some RE bug
was just checking if this was something that should be fixed allready
also connection to umts data is even more unreliable
i have to make like 10 attempts before it works
but i that may not be related at all
lets fix wlan first :)
uvos: connections to umts do not wait for active state to change
so it's expected that it will fail right away (and yes I intend to fix it soon)
Wizzup: ok
if you set it to active manually from cmdline, you'll see that the ui interaction nmever fails
i think the wlan problem is because the d4 wlan fw sometimes crashes
there are some cases where even from cmdline it doesn't work and ofono will get into a bad state wrt the modem
it will say the dbus call timed out
wpa_supplicant just tryies again in this case
but icd2 enters this unrecoverable state
(untill dialogs are closed)
Wizzup: ok
Wizzup: good to know that you know
uvos: it's a super silly bug
yay, it works :)
freemangordon: hmm?
freemangordon: hidden ap? yay
yes, hidden wlan
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I got an IP8 bag for bringing a phone in water, would be fun to swim with gps...
"IPX 8"
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Wizzup: could you please upgrade and test if connecting to hidden wlan from the wizard works for you?
using easy-wlan?
ok, momentarily
make sure to delete the saved entry first
and yet gpsrecorder has niche means of transport like "zeppelin" "tuk tuk" "donky" "camel" "pony" but not swimming...
uvos: requesting a feature
Wizzup: hehe
some of thise are just absurd why do we have "barge" "ship" "boat" "ferry" and "sailing boat", is it really important what kind of boat it was :P
honestly the means of transport list sounds like someones bucketlist
Wizzup: hmm, seems I introduced a little bug, lemme fix it first
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freemangordon: ok to test now?
better not, I have to make a new version first
but, for some reason Scan stopped giving me results :(
Wizzup: hmm, seems I should not rely on BSSAdded only, as once added it is never removed
so, if while scanning I don;t receive BSSAdded for the given hidden wlan, I shall iterate over all the BSSs on ScanStop. Is that correct?
BSSes should expire over time
but not immediately
Yes, iterate over them on scandone/scanstop
yeah, ScanDone
right, they can persist across scans
ok, so it doesn;t make sense to listen for BSSAdded
for icd2 it does, since you can show added networks in real time
as it will be fired only once (the first time I issue scan)
yeah (icd2)
but, you still can try to connect with the current code, it will succeed the first time you try
freemangordon: best if I reboot, I guess
(rather than re-launch connui-conndlgs)
hmm, yeah
both should work
restart connui-conndlgs first
I just rebooted the device, more clean way
Wizzup: is there a way to force wpa_supplicant to forget about that specific ssid?
about the result of the scan you mean?
I see:
FlushBSS ( u : age ) –> nothing
Flush BSS entries from the cache.
because I don;t want to wait for scan to complete and then to iterate over all of the networks just to get the results for 'my' network
freemangordon: yeah worked (connecting)
it got stuck forever when I wrote the wrong ssid though
but I think you remarked on that earlier
I don;t understand why nokia did it like that
hm, now opening osso controlpanel causes it to close/crash
(could be something on my side)
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well when I open the internet connections dialog
hm, worked when I did it again
ok, looks like it was nicely added to list of connections
yep, was just about to ask :)
freemangordon: the crash might be a local thing (cellular)
because here it never finished connecting (no dhcp sever setup)
ok, so we have a fix now that works only once :)
what do you mean?
I may consider sending flush
BSSAdded is never called more than once here