sicelo ig u need power supply info from maemo as well? :p
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mighty17[m]: Yeah that's what he's asking
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parazyd my question is different iirc he wanted pm comparison of Tab2 and droid4 as Tab2 has old uboot so dmesg says pm isn't available (pm = power management)
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no he wanted to kown if cat /sys/class/power_supply/*/charge_full_design has the right mAh value
as this is your responsability to set in the battery driver
either by dts bindings or the driver autodetecting it via nvram
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freemangordon, Wizzup: Is also wpa_supplicant from devel supposed to go to stable?
no no no
lol ok
Just asking
I'm going to promote what I can today
btw parazyd we should maybe flip on charge-mode for devel
uvos__: ok, let me clean devel up first and then do further tweaks
I don't like it when there's too many packages there.
uvos__: it's built because of matchbox also, your 49fbe681b34794cc6501d2a024870143abe41b21 patch
> Fix fullscreen handling for fullscreen override redirect windows
oh that
yeah we can promote it
Wizzup, uvos__: What about osso-systemui powerkeymenu/splashscreen/tklock ?
sorry, I can do this later but not right now
I think those are probably fine, though
parazyd: yes those are needed bugfixes
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related to the machbox change
you must promote togehter
uvos__: You mean systemui+matchbox?
uvos__: Are you using dsme on your devel device?
parazyd: yes no
ok, I mean, you haven't noticed any problems or something?
* parazyd
parazyd: no
parazyd: but i changed several init scripts to remove dsmetool
and i dont load the dsme mce module
so dsme is pretty impotent on my device
ok, this is unrelated
idk if id notice if it breaks
the kerecv change also looks fine
byw you might want to keep osso-systemui-splashscreen in devel
no one has tested this yet
and its unfinished afaik
but we also dont use it
hildon-input-method is fine
this was just the utf8 change
i thnk thats it
either by dts bindings or the driver autodetecting it via nvram > okay, i will try a full charge and discharge first to get it calibrated
uvos__ is now known as uvos
mighty17[m]: this wont help if dts is wrong
any sane driver will reject a cal value so different from charge_full_design
i havent put any info in dts about battery size
your driver might not have dts bindigns for this
cpcap dosent for instance
isntead you might have to add your battery to the driver
max17042 fuel gauge ig
and my charger isnt in mainline :P
its about the fule gage
max17042 has some way to detect or gain the capacity
you have to figure out what it is and add your battery
cpcap dose this too but its not nesscarly the right way to do it
(might also be the only way .. read the driver)
nothing in leste dose this btw
2000000 is likely simply the default
on the drivers side
oh so most likely i have to specify it somewhere
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hi all. I am facing the issue that Maemo Leste boots fine on my N900 (I can see the boot messages) but I don't get a graphical interface.
It was working already but currently the screen just stays blank after boot
Do you wait enough time? I tried a fresh flash yesterday and it took me a minute to show up.
Like, actual 60-70 seconds
I have waited that time, but battery level is already in the lower part, so maybe it's related to that. I am going to charge now and try again.
It might be. You can also boot to Fremantle and charge it normally.
I have flashed uboot so no fermantle anymore I guess
also I always have to type run sdboot after startup.
One time I got a selection Menu from uboot, but since then I have never seen it again and I don't know how to trigger it
Boot with the keyboard opened
This'll get you to u-boot
If it's closed then it automatically boots to fremantle iirc
Which does not seem to be available anymore after running sudo ./0xFFFF -m u-boot-2013.04-2.bin -f
Is there a way to flash both? on the internal storage fermantle and leste on the sd-card?
Maybe even using 0xFFFF?
Pali: Maybe you know? ^
On mine I installed u-boot through fremantle, not with 0xffff so I'm not sure.
In any case, you might also be able to charge it while it's powered off. It's just that sometimes when you plug in, the phone powers on.
its just the appended kernel missing
I don't know if charging works in u-boot
so you should be able to somehow append the kernel
idk why we dont just have a image for people to install
that has the freemantle kernel appended
Because there are different kernels for fremantle
sure but the latest/last one should work fine with anything right?
or dose pvr get in the way?
its static anyhow no?
so you thing fermantle is still on the emmc and should still be bootable?
hmm if i select internal emmc on uboot menu it is unable to find the relevant partitions
parazyd: this is the second report of this happening recently I think
I can test the latest image on mine and see what hapens
also, we should probably figure out what log files are most relevant
mtg now, bbl
openrc can also log
lioh: I'll try to reproduce this today or tomorrow at latest (also in mtg atm)
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is there a way to increase screen brightness on boot?
In u-boot? Don't think so.
Booting normally with the power button should enable backlight
`PVRMMapRemoveRegisteredArea: psOffsetStruct 0xdb27724a for memory area 0x0x6051b23f is still mapped; psOffsetStruct->ui32Mapped 1 [1754, rivers/gpu/drm/pvrsgx/1.9.2253347/services4/srvkm/env/linux/mmap.c` hm?
also also `iptables/1.8.2 Failed to initialize nft: Protocol not supported` happened when i installed anbox, ig we need CONFIG_NFT_COMPAT in defconfig
If your device is locked, this might be the reason desktop isn't showing up
Wizzup knows the intricacies of this on Leste
desktop is showing again after putting it to charge
If you have lock code issues, you might have easier time if you first fix your Fremantle ... there are ways to recover it. Search tmo (talk.maemo.org)
device lock is currently disabled
Ah, ok
yes, but if i understood you right, i should only need to add fermantle to the bootloader right?
Or does it chain-boot?
Loading the Fermantle bootloader from the emmc using u-boot?
Because just selecting 'boot from emmc' in the uboot menu does not work as mentioned
and reflashing Fermantle is really a mess. At least on a recent x86_64 system. I have already found an old debian live image containing flasher. maybe I could give this one a try
lioh: so did you manage to make leste rende rok on boot, or is there still a problem with the image?
"[13:46] <lioh> desktop is showing again after putting it to charge"
not sure why the device would hang somewhere before hildon when the battery is low
instead of eg. powering back off
tbh it might be powering off
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I don't think reflashing Fremantle is really a big mess :-)
Anyway, since lock code isn't active, you don't have a big need to get into Fremantle
I think getting an upgraded fremantle with cssu is painful
* uvos
tried that and failed
or gave up anyhow
You don't need cssu to fix lock code though. Anyhow,
Anyone knows if N9 & N950 use cal?
Or it's only N900?
lioh: parazyd: you need to generate combined.bin image, not to flash u-boot.bin only
use script u-boot-gen-combined to generate combined.bin binary from u-boot.bin and uImage kernel
to unpack fiasco, use: 0xFFFF -M zimage.fiasco -u
parazyd: u-boot does not support battery charging
Pali: do I get it right, that this guy wants me to post an one-liner patch?
freemangordon: seems to
ok :)
put it into reply to that email
uvos: hey cool, looks like on mz609 this works now: sudo fastboot flash utags utags-mz609-32-mmcblk1p6-boots-mmcblk1p18-kexecboot.bin
Pali: sent
uvos: that is after flashing the allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin from the "Xoom2 ME.rar" package like you suggested
tmlind: yaay :)
oh, seems I don;t need moderator approval anymore :)
tmlind: great now we can avoid to bricking the things
uvos: maybe you forgot to do fastboot reboot bootloader, or your writes were not working
my wirtes where not working
uvos: ok
i rebooted multiple times after that
and its still at the version number from honycomb
(fastboot version)
uvos: we can also probably now use some other partition other than cache partition for kexecboot
depends on what mbm cares about
but now you can expierament without accedentaly bricking the thing
hmm we should try to find the allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin also for the 10" tablets
tmlind: yeah
tmlind: btw have a cdt.bin for mz609 or dose it not use that?
looks like motoboot.img mentions it
looks kinda like motoboot maybe contains a bunch of stuff compressed or soemthing
uvos: did not flash that one, i think that's really only used for boot time checks
right but it includes cdt.bin in its header
but no cdt.bin
uvos: i believe cdt.bin does not matter for allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin, it might make a difference after flashing something and rebooting though
well that's just my gut feeling based on experiments
so maybe mz615 european model had a different number and we need to search for that firmware?
freemangordon: Pali: looks like tom didn't respond to the point about having to port to dts
not sure if he got that or not
Wizzup: I really do not know... if you think that you can re-phrase freemangordon's email that there is missing response to dts, please do it
I'm really lost now :-(
he wrote an email 7 minutes ago which I think is a bit more clear
I see "provide a linkable but not runnable"
so just provide fake stubs for those functions which are missing at linker time?
so linking step passes?
I do not know
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Wizzup: could you please step in as it seems for some reason my explanations about DTS are not clear to Tom.
and no, his last mail is not clear to me, in terms that I don;t understand how can I create linkable binary without enabling OF_CONTROL
well, I can tweak Makefiles here and there, but is it what he wants me to do
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createing empty stubs in rx51 board code for "missing" of functions may produce linkable binary
this is probably the easiest way
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freemangordon: ping
Wizzup: pong
freemangordon: just one second, I'd like you to read the email I will send to u-boot ml and confirm
in the meanwhile, I was just able to hack uboot to link without OF_CONTROL enabled