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uvos__: good to hear the flakey wlan d4 is back alive :) and nice try on the xoom2 allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin :)
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tmlind: Wizzup: so either the mbm flash was not harmless or this tablet has the wierdedst fault ever....
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tmlind: Wizzup: It has honeycomb installed. I was playing around with the preinstalled games and noticed most just force close and dont run, also the device isent clean theres a google account registerd and there are some pictures on it, so i went into recovery to reset it and that seamd to work... but once it rebooted it was still the same. wierd maybe the recovery is broken. So i did the mbm flashing thing and it seamed to
work fine, when i was done i restored the mbm it started with (the one from 1.6.0) and that went fine too. Then i decided to upgrade it to VRZ_9.8.2OT (android 4.1) to have the latest kernel for kexecboot. i could not do it from android recovery because it just errors out with "no sdcard inserted" great but whatever. so i whent and flashed everything via fastboot boot system preinstall and so on and fasboot responds with OK
every time an it looks like its working.
so i reboot aaand.... is honycomb again. wtf? i try again. same thing. i try flashing VZ_7.7.1 (android 4.0), nothing changes. i try flashing just an empty logo.bin. that works but the logo dosent change. So i boot honycomb again and make a terrible discovery, the entire devce is read only, like i can take a picture with the camera and it will do its thing but the picture never appears. i can change device settings only for them
to dissapear as soon as i navigate away.
i cant say for sure that the mbm thing dident cause this, but the failure to factory suggests it did not. i think the flash chip in the deivce has entered some kind of safe mode due to a high error rate or something. I also think i dident truly test the xoom2 mbm bin since flashing mbm also has no effect its version never changes, sadly i wasent paying attention to this when doing the above.
*failure to factory resett
this might also explain why all the screws on the back are missing
someone wanted to open this one up for repair maybe?
im kind of impressed android manages to run perfectly fine with absolutly everything being read only
ok i think i never changed mbm
its version 0A.6C
and mbm.bin vom VRZ_MZ609_1.6.0_279_CFC_1FF (ie honycomb) has this in the header
and mbm bin VRZ_9.8.2OT_127_MZ609_CFC_1FF.xml and xoom2 allow-mbmloader-flashing-mbm.bin dose not.
ok imanaged to get adb shell, i works if you dont navigate away form settings :P
dmesg is full of [ 42.663024] mmcblk1: card err 0x80900
ok so thats it
flash chip on this one is dead :(
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uvos: argh
Wizzup: really wierd that it failed like that :| but i have seen sdcards do the same thing.
uvos: yeah, where they accept all writes but just drop them
it is emmc thought right?
well, i have the other two here with me, was planning to give one to parazyd
let me see if I can find another one online somehow
do you want me to send it back? so that you have one for spares?
battery/display etc
don't think it's that useful rn, but if you want to get rid of it, then sure
(also I won't be home for a while so don't send it to that addr :-))
ill keep it around for now
I guess emmc is typically bga so not easy to replace either
not worth trying imo
also you would have to get mbm on there somehow
there seem to be a bunch available online, but more expensive than what I paid for these
Wizzup: Feel free to give the one for me to uvos
Maybe worth testing it before too
side note
why are we buying xyboards instead of xoom 2?
afaik its the same device except no verizon branding
and was sold in eu
uvos: got a model number/link?
I searched before and didn't really find that much
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and yeah german ebay has none
there are some MZ616 but at absurd prices
thats the equivalent to the us 10 inch xyboard
well, let me check the ones I have first, hope that they work
uvos: I might have some time today to check, do you have some instructions for me? (It will take 2-3 hours before I am in a position to do anything)
I can also ping you when I'm ready
what do you want to try?
i mean you can test the particular fault mine has by taking a picture and seeing if it saves it
by enabling debug mode (settings->applications->debuging->usb debug) and entering adb shell from pc (with usb connnected to device) and checking dmesg for errors
uvos: end goal being enabling leste with clownboot or similar
no need for clown boot
you can either check the mbm i linked some time ago
and try and see if it allows flashing to utags
if thats to risky for you, you have to upgrade the device to android 4 and then dd over the utags and kexecboot to the respective partitons
but this is also risky because if it goes wrong you have no way of clearing utags
(you have to root the device first for this to work too)
also you have to build utags and kexecboot yourself
because rn we have no images
but tmlind allread has the needed changes on the repos
well, sounds like ew need to start with extracting some information
Wiki will be down for a bit
About to start upgrading
Scary update process tbh
Luckily we use sqlite so a backup is just cp -ra
(I hope)
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uvos: also the procedure will help me with the droid3 that I brought
maybe also go into the rootfs and rm /etc/fstab
but it should work with it too if your sdcard is mmcblk0
i still dont get, this wont generate a boot.img
compile the kernel from the tree
use mkbootimg to generate the image from the files that makes
and then append the dts
idk what the hangup is
oh right yes yes
after appening the dts install the modules to rootfs
and then it should work
ohk, thanks a lot!!
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Hey all, unrelated to Leste, but would you consider voting for "streamflow-finance" here ? It won't take a minute (no captcha or some bs), and it might win me a small grant.
Thanks for considering :)
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