sensille: if you are not using add_ethernet, have a look at how the clock domain renaming is done in it to see how to apply it to LiteEthMAC
(but that's something that should be improved)
i spent quite some time there yesterday reading the code. i think phy_cd does not do the trick, it only applies to bus width != 32. but anyway, i also found that the device has not enough resources to handle an additional interface just for debugging purposes
ah OK... you could eventually add a second UART + UARTBone if that's possible/convenient on your system.
i tried uartbone, but that's too slow on my system, mainly because the usb uart dongle add to much latency
although echo 1 > /sys/bus/usb-serial/devices/ttyUSB0/latency_timer improved it a lot
i now have a somewhat working dev environment. my current problem ist that i can't increase integrated_main_ram_size above 0x1000. synthesis works, but the BIOS-ram-test fails
sensille: strange, which FPGA board are you using?
linsn_rv901t, spartan6
OK, strange. And what's the test behavior? do you only get errors for addr >= 0x1000 or even for < 0x1000?
even for the base 0x40000000. write does nothing, read gives data from an address in the middle of the ROM. like offset 7758 in ROM
even stranger, 40000004 give the next word from rom
address decoding can't be that wrong
hmm, can your provide the generated software/include/generated/mem.h?