Hi! I generated svd and memory from litex_sim, but have the following linker error: section '.text.dummy' will not fit in region 'spiflash': overflowed by 18446744073675997184 bytes
Is that too many bytes? Does this mean that the generated memory and svd are invalid?
Currently, it's at -32 MiB from the end of spiflash
Hmm, as it is CPU reset, it should stay at zero.
But you should make sure it ends up in rom, not in spiflash.
geertu: it worked, thank you!
But why litex_sim generates it this way? Is it a bug?
Here is what I used to generate it: litex_sim --csr-svd=hal/litex_sim_pac/soc.svd --memory-x=hal/litex_sim_pac/memory.x --with-spi-flash
Shatur: sorry, no idea
_florent_: ^
xenador77 has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds]
Is it possible to connect to litex_sim via serial? I trying to print something via UART.
In simulator it shows --============= Liftoff! ===============-- and nothing after it. Is it something wrong with the firmware or I just need to connect to the simulator somehow?
Oh, I see, it prints UART to console by default using uart2console module. Probably something wrong with printing code.
peepsalot has quit [Remote host closed the connection]