Starting to think I'm nuts... `self.submodules += stream.Pipeline(self.uart.sink, self.uart.source)` works for a sim uart loopback but `self.comb += self.uart.sink.connect(self.uart.source)` doesn't echo for me. Any ideas? I'm diffing the generated netlists now.
tnt: using p_r with wine is working but definitely not the best way :-(
gatemate is working with LiteX (no-cpu + no-uart, or no-cpu + uart), I have a PR for edalize too
OK, so my issue is the order of assignments in the generated verilog. Using Pipeline `uart_uart_source_valid <= uart_uart_sink_valid` is the last assignment while using raw connect I get `uart_uart_source_valid <= uart_tx_fifo_source_valid;` as the last assignment
trabucayre: I don't have (and don't want) any 32b libs on my system ... if the vendor can't be bother to provide proper tools I'm not going to bother using their chips ...
Missing native pnr tools for linux is my regret... Yep
and emerge wine on my """old""" x230 take time...
Bagh, if I do the connect in a stub submodule it works. What is going on with this signal assignment ordering? :(
`class Dummy(Module):
def __init__(self, sink, source):
self.comb += sink.connect(source)`
Hmm... if I force verilog generation with _print_combinatorial_logic_synth instead of _print_combinatorial_logic_sim it works...
_florent_: any ideas?
I forget the exact reason behind two different styles of verilog for synthesis and simulation. I know that yosys breaks up things differently for simulation for perf reasons: https://github.com/YosysHQ/yosys/pull/761
Nvm, I was still testing with the dummy module. the sim vs synth verilog doesn't seem to be the issue
jevinskie[m], sounds like you're trying to connect to endpoints that are already connected and seeing differing behavior depending on which connection gets emitted first in the verilog
if so; don't do that, ensure the original connection doesn't happen first
Doh, you're right. I should just instantiate the uart phy and not use add_uart
I wonder if this id10t error can be detected at runtime?
amaranth does error if you tried assigning the same signal from multiple modules -- one of the improvements it got over migen
(ask me how I know, I were the idiot :)
Shatur has joined #litex
Thanks a bunch zyp! I wonder if a warning if there are > 2 (reset and combinatorial) assignments