wow my super basic peripherals take up 25% of the FPGA? If I do 1 it's 45% COMBs and with 8 of them it's 76%
MoeIcenowy: yeah, i'd say it looks very similar
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when I have a crossover server running and the thing that connects to it gives a socket timeout, is that a problem with the server, the client, or the uart?
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uh this seems completely borked
when I reduce the stepper motor driver to just output the mode signal, the previously working mode signal now no longer works
it's a seperate verilog file that generates the mode signal, and outputs it on a pin that I have hooked up to a logic analyser. It works great
I can literally break the output of one module by removing another module
ok yea so I think the problem is that litex is generating reset logic for stuff that is driven from vhdl or comb
tnt: ^
Not sure if it's related but I know that if you signal() is a vector, you can't connector some bits to verilog instance and then drive some other bits from migen logic.
making some progres... made all ports reset less and now i can at least pass the mode signal through vhdl without messing other stuff up
Also not sure if you can drive one bit of a signal from sync and others from comb.
reset_less actually solved it
but yea probably because the pwm module is migen it got reset logic on the signal
so probably another solution would be to split the header in multiple signals
is there a way to see what modules are taking up resources?
Depends on the target fpga
Although for litex actually that won't help because you get one flat verilog file so even if the toolchain does hierachical resource report, you wouldn't see anything.
Unfortunately not, amaranth is needed for hierarchy generation
I'm at like 88% TRELLIS_COMB with picorv32 and 97% with vexrisc. So the bulk is probably my 60 PWM and stepper motor drivers hehe
I have 16 stepper motor drivers and 32 PWM generators. The stepper motor driver VHDL by itself is like 432 LUTs, plus a bunch of CSR stuff on the LiteX side. I could maybe optimize that a bit, but can't do much about the CSR and PWM part. So I'm not sure if it's worth optimizing my VHDL, write a custom "bulk PWM" driver, or just hope nextpnr will eventually progress
So far it seems completely frozen on `Info: Running main analytical placer.`
yeah... I reduced the luts of my stepper generator to <300 and it's still 85% and not progressing
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Hmmm what is the realistic maximum utilisation you can get out of an ECP5 with nextpnr? I'm now at 81% and it's not even made a single analytical placer step
probably depends on a lot of other factors.
Like, I would assume some control signal (CE/RST) are shared between slices in a PFU so if you have lots of different control groups, that could mess with the placer.
Another reason to have a single PWM controller that controls multiple outputs
I would think 20% free space should be quite a lot but apparently not
but yea if it can only use half of every slice then that's not going to work very well
hrm in a migen signal, what is the lsb and msb? Or like... how would I get the N most significant bits?
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Uh oh, I’m looking at this page and thinking how relatively simple it would be to add support for the test statements to migen/litex and allow for formal verification tests written in Python as normal https://yosyshq.readthedocs.io/projects/sby/en/latest/verilog.html
Title: Formal extensions to Verilog (at yosyshq.readthedocs.io)