I got disconnected before I saw any responses if there were any, but I asked this last night and was wondering if anyone knew now: "Hi, I am trying to port LiteX to the Upduino 2.0 and have the platform/target files about 99% there I think, but I can't figure out the clock. I believe the Upduino 2.0 only has the internal clock unless you connect
the clock output to a pin with a jumper of some sort. I can't figure out how to tell LiteX to use the internal oscillator for a clock signal. Anyone know how to do that? The Upduino 2.0 uses an ICE40UP5k FPGA (same as Icebreaker)"
this should give us lots of new interesting AXI modules to play with :)
_florent_: Thank you! :)
_florent_: A small update from my side regarding 10Gbit/s Ethernet. I've finished my thesis now which means I'm going to lose access to the NetFPGA-SUME board which I used to develop on in the near future. Meanwhile the Ethernet stack seemed to work pretty well at the end, and I'm already reusing a Verilog-version of the XGMII to stream bridge at $work (should have some minor fixes to the LiteEth variant ready soon-ish)
Regarding the development board: do you already have a canonical development / reference board for LiteEth with 10Gbit/s Ethernet support (i.e. SFP+ cages) in mind?
I still have access to the NetFGPA-SUME for a few days and can take the opportunity to clean up the codebase and create a PR to litex-boards with the transceivers configured, etc. That might be a good starting point for people who'd like to develop this further, but I won't be able to maintain it / test any changes...
The XEM8320 looks really interesting for that purpose, but it's super pricey :)
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leons: Congrats for your thesis and thanks a lot for your contributions on the project! The Kintex7 boards from Aliexpress are probably the cheapest option to run the 10Gbps Ethernet (~200-300euros).
_florent_: thanks! can you point me to one of those?
leons: This would be great to have a PR to LiteX-Boards for the NetFPGA-SUME, as you said, this could be used a reference to enable 10Gbps Ethernet on other boards
Title: Xilinx – carte de développement Fpga, Pcie, Fiber Kintex7 10G | AliExpress (at fr.aliexpress.com)
I have it, not sure I tested the SFP+ on it, but was able to get the DDR3/1GbpsEthernet/SDCard working IIRC
It does look really weird :D
otherwise I have several boards I can use for 10Gbps but those are more expensive (KC705, KCU105, BCU1525, etc...)
leons: That's the Ali-Express style :) (but pretty sure the designer is very experimented and just want to reduce costs).
leons: the boards are delivered with examples design to test all the interfaces (SFP, PCIe, DDR3, etc...)
Yeah, I think the most important thing for me is to eventually get this all working on a board you have access too, to validate changes. But the litex_sim implementation of XGMII seems really as well, so that might just be sufficient to test most of the changes.
If all goes according to plan I'm going to stay in academia a little longer and might get access to a board with SFP+ in the not too far future, for now I'm not convinced at spending that kind of dough on an FPGA, given that my Arty-A7 seems fine for 95% of what I do :)
s/seems really/seems really solid
Sure I understand, the Arty-A7 is also really convenient for most of thing I work on and always on my desk
leons: Is your thesis published/accessible by the way? I would be curious to read it if so.
_florent_: I'd like to wait for it to be graded first, then I might upload it somewhere :)
leons: sure, I was just curious, thanks
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For a dual SFP+ board with pcie but not much else IO there is the gidel HawkEye arria 10. Watch ebay for a week and you’ll usually see them pop up for $140. Get one and help me out with the SFP bringup! :P https://www.ebay.com/itm/265450537532
_florent_: I GOT A UART PROMOT FIRST TRY! Sadly ddr didn't train but that's probably more likely due to my .5ns misses in timing. XD I was too eager to see if I the soc would even start going in blind. This build suite is nuts. I'm still trying to get through the learning curve