Shatur: Adding cores to litex_sim is similar than adding core to a regular design, you can also follow the wiki for this. The main restriction is that the core will have to be supported by Verilator.
_florent_: Sorry for a stupid question, but where I can find a target for it? For real hardware I see targets in boards directory. Is there something like this I can modify fo litex_sim?
Oh, there is litex/litex/tools/litex_sim.py, I need to modify it?
Anyone encountered the following error? rust-lld: error: section '.text.dummy' will not fit in region 'spiflash': overflowed by 18446744073675997184 bytes
I trying to build my "hello world" firmware for svd and memory files from litex_sim
Here is the parameters I used: litex_sim --csr-svd=hal/litex_sim_pac/soc.svd --memory-x=hal/litex_sim_pac/memory.x --with-spi-flash --cpu-variant=minimal