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hey kris
i want to go back to sleep...
do it
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midfavila: if you really belive the state would not collect taxes if they owned it, youre wrong. ofcourse they would. why wouldnt they? I also think that we could pay less tax, and still have more benefits, if only the state didnt waste away most of it on garbage like wars
taxes are collected to fund the state. if the state operates, say, rail transport or ports etc to move goods between other nations, profit from those operations could easily fund the apparatus of the country
that's just one example
it's still not ideal that labour can't directly enjoy the full fruits, but at least the state is nominally responsible to its citizens
unlike a company to its employees
youll not see the USA stop funding war
the entire US economy and political system relies on war
government in america and by proxy most of the world is owned by oil and military corps
until that changes through popular uprising the state will take trillions in taxes to hand to corps to srcure cushy jobs for senior politicians
similar arrangements are the guaranteed end result of capitalism
* midfavila
write to your representatives and go rally in the streets if you want things to change in the meantime
not like we'll see class consciousness in NA in a big way any time soon
the goverment acts more like a business, and thus will seek profilt. but sure, if they actually made a more significant amount of money, they could be inclined to lower taxes, but I dont really belive they would.
and yeah no, I dont see the US stopping with wars any time soon either :p
its like their business model
I wont be writing to my representatives any time soon, because I know it wont really make any difference :p
im just a silly conspiracy theorist. surely I have no clue about what im talking about. and my ideas are all madness. or something along those lines :p
kris_: regarding encryption again; I was peking at sabotage's COOKBOOK, and they have a section about encryption. is this the same as alpine? as this seems to me like a rather simple solution
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sad_plan never heard of that, will take a look
at some point i should probably do a writeup on realistic encryption and linux boot chain hardening, this was one of those weird obsessions i had for a long time