riteo: i accidentally ripped the handle off my moka and now i'm sad
now i have to go back to french press until i can get a new one
what is a moka
it's sort of like a stovetop espresso machine
what caffeine addiction does to a goat
i'm gonna get a sturdier one next time
this happens with like everything i own aa
become money efficient
no coffee
one meal per day
one of the few luxuries i allow myself is covfefe
you will not force me to live in a pod and eat the bugs
midfavila another day, another questioning whether or not i should go enlist in the military so i know i'll have a place to live a year from now
fun times we live in
man i wish our military guaranteed a place to live
did i mention that the CAF is suggesting new recruits talk to habitat for humanity
it guarantees basically everything, i just don't know if i meet the physical qualifications to join or not
bc that's happening
and no you didn't, that's nuts
yeah :D
they're sending them to food banks too
and the sally anne for boots
because the tories sold off all of the DoD's non-market housing
now would be a comedic time for me to join anyway since i wouldnt be surprised if my country ends up at war sooner or later
it's okay you'll get your chance either way
they'll just draft you
there's kinda some wild shit happening with my home life at the moment so i'm not sure if it's a good idea or not to do something like kinda commit to 4 years of uni while living here
so, at this point, it's kinda like why *wouldn't* i try to join the military since it's at least a few years of stability
because then you'll be directly complicit in US imperialism and probably end up extra fucked and then abandoned by VA
but i appreciate the situation
that's the issue, i don't want to be *complicit* and a part of "defending" this country
but sometimes there's not really another option
i'd offer to let you crash at my place for a while but
* midfavila
gestures at everything
maybe check for a hostel or something
i would appreciate someone doing that for me, but i want to emphasize that i keep falling into the pit of staying with someone else for a little while
i need to be self sustaining or fuck off, bluntly
because this is becoming a loop
that's also fair
midfavila: noooooooo how bad is the ripped handle
like, did the peg fall out or something
or did it snap in half
it can be fixed I'm sure, we have the technology
the mount for the handle broke
like there's the handle
the pin
and the bit the pin goes through to connect to the handle
that bit broke on one side
i'm sure i could glue it back together
yes we have the technology, coffee addiction must continue
I think you might as well get the pin out, reglue everything and put it all back together
I don't think that the pin is stuck in any significant way, a bit like watches
idk i'll probably just use it without the handle
i'll cope
no i'm just going to wear an oven mitt
and handle the metal directly
but the image is funny
are oven mitts a form of telekenesis?
you're moving an object without actually touching it
you make a good point
you know i wonder if there are enamel moka pots
i wish coffee was strong enough for me
do you use dark roast
like any coffee
because if so that's your problem
i consume upwards of a gram of caffeine perday on the usual
plus a shit ton of whatever else comes in energy drinks / mixtures and like 4 packs of cigarettes worth of nicotine daily
* kris_
is zooming
the nicotine is maybe a concern
if i let myself relax i'm not being productive so
relaxing is productive
up to interpretation i suppose
i'm seeing enamel percolators but i would rather die than use one of those blech
and nah relaxing is good
if you work too hard all the time you burn yourself uot
and even if you enjoy your work it's still work
when i get burnt out on a project or something i move to another one and then go back later
that's my solution to that
* midfavila
does any of this actually pay off? no.
i mean to be fair you *are* in #kisslinux
but today probably isn't the best day for me to go on a rant about that because holy shit i'm having a bad time the past few days
one of those "not sure if i'm genuinely in physical danger right now" types of things
kris_: have you ever tried, like, espresso
real espresso
i have not
my mom found a super duper fancy bean-grinding machine on discount and bought it
i had an aeropress a while ago and made "actual" coffee with that a bunch though
I had to crank it up to MAX to get a good coffee
this is super gamer minded of me but gfuel works the best for me
kris_: if you love coffee you need to try espresso
there's something in it that isn't caffeine that works incredibly well and i'm not sure what it is
That's definitely dark enough for you, at least _real_ italian espresso
southern italian kind
I have a friend from the north and they said the best coffee you can find in a pinch comes from a mccafé which is very sad
I mean it's not that bad it's just like, the average espresso you'd have in a neapolitan bar
and that's the thing, espresso in naples is great everywhere you go pretty much
the only neapolitan bar i've experienced is the ice cream kind so idk
with a sfogliatella :drool:
man i should buy some neapolitan ice crema
ah is it true that the american ice cream is different from gelato
gelato has significantly more fat and less air
it's much denser and smoother
ice cream is more of a foam
but neapolitan is a specific kind of ice cream with like
oh that's interesting
chocolate and vanilla and strawberry all together
idk why it's called neapolitan
but ye
oh I see, I wondered what neapolitan ice cream was
you can actually buy like, tubs of ice cream like that
you can here as well
that makes sense
> Its English-language name of Neapolitan arose in the late 19th century due to confusion about its origin given Italy's reputation for ice cream[5] or because its colors—originally green (pistachio), white (vanilla) and red (cherry)—matched those of the Italian flag.[6]
reading this is making me really proud of my country
we suck ass at a crapton of stuff
but we absolutely rock at food
idk you guys did make marinara sauce which is blech
define marinara sauce
tomato sauce with garlic, onions, basil and oregano
it's like, what people put on spaghetti or pizza idk
I had a hunch for some reason
basil and onions don't belong there
i can't do oregano
it's too like, pungent
it's literally tomato sauce, garlic and oregano
and you put that on a pizza, not spaghetti
well, also add salt and oil obviously
people put it on spaghetti here
italian cuisine is very, very KISS
funny. I was comparing the rk3588 vs my desktop, and my laptop. and my laptop comes out just a tad bit above the rk3588. the rk3588's all cores is somewhat similar to 1 core on my desktop appearntly. this is good news imo. kinda means I can get a reasonably powerfull laptop out of the mnt reform, if I end up buying it
like, also, spaghetti all'amatriciana
i just eat meat pies and fish and chips
blokecore diet
it's literally only guanciale, tomato, pecorino, at MOST salt. Not even oil is needed because guanciale renders down into fat
speaking of which i'm going to go cook some rn
* midfavila
drags riteo into the kitchen
also yes sad_plan the rk3588 is p good
* riteo
screams with a bottle of olive oil in hand
midfavila: yes, it appears so. I wont be buying it from crowdsource any time soon, but maybe next year or something. atleast its good to know what I could reasonably expect in terms of performance. Ive found this to be somewhat difficult in the past. having no references really
but now I do
tbh i still on the imx8mq and it's pretty nice
i can keep a few dozen firefox tabs open under X running in software mode
stil super snappy
runs off the onboard emmc
isnt that awefully slow? I recall reading a review of the reform the other day, and I think it used that SoM. maybe I recall incorrectly
i don't find it to be an issue
all good then I suppose
the only time the reform with an imx8mq is actually slow in my experience has been when i'm playing cataclysm
if you were gonna play like 3d games or use bloated webcrap then it would be an issue tho
I get that. and yeah, it was that exact chip
this but replace the chassis if possible to fit within the new case
new canadian PM incoming
mark carney just unseated trudeau
interesting. Id love to see ortho keeb on the reform though. like the pocket reform. atleast as an option, if anything else
i think someone modded that
if not you could probably edit the source for the standard keeb pretty easily
probably. but I dont have the means to get whats needed. or maybe I do. theres companies that prints pcbs now that I think about it
there are companies that will print it ye
stick all your components on it
yeah. I would probably have to solder though. which Im not really comfortable to do on such delicate components
at most you might have to do the switches
still too much. I cant solder for shit
i believe in you
dont let your keebs be dreams
lol, thanks. but Ill wait anyway. so maybe in the meantime, mnt has decided to give this as an option
I do however wanna switch my 60% ducky keeb into a 40% ortho. theres some options for this available, with hotswap switches even. which is just what I want