its also a mirror, but an official mirror, if anything
i mean i can curl the sourceware glibc.git just fine but ill just use a mirror then
bleh, i'm about to reinstall my OS on my desktop and i am not looking forward to having to do this
trying to decide what i want to do with glibc vs musl on void, voids musl is like 5 years out of date but still very maintained with a lot of backports
void musl is working fine for me on another machine
no issues or anything
yeah it's nice it's just so old that it concerns me
i would get on that, but currently have no kiss installs so can't really test it all that much
fixed the problem by removing the #7894whatever after the git link in the sources file
yeah it compiles fine now
im pretty sure i tried it before and it didnt work but whatever it works now
yeloxp: you should probably keep the hash intact. just change the url itself. otherwise, youre usin the latest changes on git, which might break stuff
kris_: and yes, musl should be patched. im suprised phoebos hasnt done this yet. maybe hes been busy
yeah i just wanted to have an up to date system installed yk
sad_plan not a clue
admittedly i'm also not sure how urgent this one is
yeloxp: I get that, but using foo-git can sometimes cause breakage. not sure why the hash is what it is, but im sure its used for a reason. maybe its because of some patches which was wanted, but there were too many to be botherd to include. I dunno
kris_: its bad enough that most people likely want to include this :p
i have no idea how i didnt know about this before given ive been a sway user for literal years but i just discovered stacks and tabs
that just completely destroyed the only issue i have with tilers in general, that being having too many windows open
not sure what the point of stacks are compared to tabs though
options, thats why
some people like tabs, some people like stacking. some people like both
i feel like they're the same thing except stacks are displayed via vertical tabs instead of horizontal?
I suppose
I dont use tabs, as I cant get tabbed to work. otherwise I just stack windows, or put windows into groups, and hide whats needed/no needed
glibc without the hash throws out gperf not found while building so ig the hash is needed
unless i install gperf but i dont think its needed as its not glibc's dependency
exacly :p
well glibc compiled but now xz has some problems
used the github repo btw
with the hash added
I would probably use the offical one over the unofficial mirror, but its probably fine.
ofc, its always something
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