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<sad_plan> midfavila: the new mnt reform next is available on crowdsupply now it seems. interesting.
<midfavila> yeah the next has been available for a while
<sad_plan> ah, I didnt know that. I was just looking around, and stumbled upon couple videos about it by the main dev from mnt. the lucas guy
<midfavila> yeyeye
<midfavila> he's in #mnt-reform as minute
<midfavila> i'm gonna probably stick with my original reform
<midfavila> esp bc i'm looking at moving again this year lol
<sad_plan> I get that. his laptop is not cheap :p
<midfavila> yeahhh
<midfavila> it's worth it imho though
<midfavila> i'll never buy another laptop
<sad_plan> I get that. maybe some day ill get one myself, if my situation permits it
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