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<midfavila> depends on what you're building
<kris_> gnome is quite gpu intensive
<midfavila> if you have limited resources on your machine, build limited software
<midfavila> oh
<midfavila> gnome
* midfavila facedesks
<midfavila> nvm
<midfavila> my dead brain registered that as gentoo
<kris_> :p
<midfavila> fquuqfiih98b7ergti437yt4hferwgt7843bti43qh9843w
<midfavila> it's been a long week
<midfavila> fuck it's been a long month
<kris_> i love gnome to death but i would not want to use it on something this low powered
<kris_> just maximizing and minimizing windows hits my 6700xt
<kris_> like 20% according to a resource monitor
<midfavila> i use gnome on my tablet lol
<kris_> i use gnome on all machines i actually use
<kris_> outside of servers ofc
<midfavila> i only use gnome on it because that's the default and i can't be assed to modify my pinenote
<midfavila> normally i use twm
<kris_> i bounce between gnome and sway, but sway keeps breaking shit
<kris_> stuff most people probably don't care all that much about so im not surprised it goes under the radar
<midfavila> x just werks
<midfavila> :3c
<kris_> has nothing to do with that
<midfavila> any excuse to bully waylets
<kris_> and nah x == i can't use my displays lol
<midfavila> :3ccccccccccccccccccc
<midfavila> fuck
<midfavila> it's like 1830
<midfavila> and i already want to go to bed
<midfavila> i'm getting old
<midfavila> riteo you're gonna have to take me behind the shed and put me down at this rate
<kris_> shit i'm 22 and feel old
<kris_> i need like 14 hours of sleep to not feel like shit
<midfavila> wait until youre 23
<midfavila> then your back starts hurting if you sleep funny
<kris_> already does :p
<midfavila> rip
<midfavila> truly sad
<kris_> i have and have always had a lot of physical issues so
<kris_> ive kinda always "felt old"
<midfavila> double rip
<kris_> oh yesterday i updated to gnome 47 actually so im curious if my one remaining issue is solved
<kris_> that being gamescope not working correctly
<midfavila> oh one thing i will say about the imx8mq tho
<midfavila> i've noticed it's much lower latency during use than even my xeon workstation
<midfavila> like it's just snappy
<midfavila> i assume because deep magic wizardry on arm
<kris_> i feel like i'm past the point of noticing things like that
<kris_> moving from my 10700k to my 265k there was absolutely no normal usage improvement
<kris_> compiles tho
<kris_> going to 8 to 20 cores that are individually WAY better than the 10700ks cores was insane
<kris_> going to == going from
<kris_> i hate thinking about sway because it makes me wanna use sway
<midfavila> idk what to tell you
<midfavila> :p
<kris_> eh theres not a real option outside of packaging it myself
<kris_> 1.9 and its wlroots version were stable
<kris_> 1.10 isn't, i'm not sure about 1.10.1
<riteo> midfavila: drink cofeee
<midfavila> coffees fuckin expensive
<midfavila> xwx
<midfavila> ive had to start limiting my intake to one or two cups a day
<kris_> i'm a dirty game sweatlord who drinks gfuel
<midfavila> enjoy colorectal cancer
<midfavila> red #40
<midfavila> mmmm
<kris_> i'll be dead by the time i'm 65 anyway
<midfavila> 30*
<midfavila> we all will
<midfavila> :D
<kris_> i'm not very careful with the things i ingest because i don't care very much
<kris_> here for a good time not a long time <3
<kris_> (neither of these is proving to be true)
<midfavila> lol i was going to say
<midfavila> how tf are you having a good time
<midfavila> i feel like im in mad max every time i leave the house
<riteo> I mean that's actually a tiny tad bit cool
<riteo> if you squint your eyes very hard
<midfavila> ye until i nearly die walking 350m to the bus stop
<riteo> rip
<kris_> my area is really nice so luckily i dont have concerns like that
<kris_> but i wont set foot in downtown chicago again if i can help it
<kris_> i don't like being in an area that requires me to keep my hand on my switchblade in my pocket incase something happens
<midfavila> unfortunately i can't afford to live in the nicer part of town
<midfavila> if i walk across the bridge rent is like 5x higher
<midfavila> ~3000 a month vs 625
<midfavila> its why i'm prepping to move to vancouver later this year.
<midfavila> if i have to live in a shitty part of town i at least want to live in a town that isn't shitty
<midfavila> they have such advanced tech as
<midfavila> train
<midfavila> and
<midfavila> train but small
<midfavila> and
<midfavila> train but underground
<midfavila> they even figured out how to make bike lanes
<midfavila> i found a few places in chinatown Ãthere that are pretty affordable tho >:O
<midfavila> man ive said it before but you would think i would blogpost on my blog
<kris_> you and me both
<kris_> i havent made a blog post in forever
<midfavila> same lol
<midfavila> i think its been like 2-3 years for me
<kris_> bout a year for me
<kris_> feb 16 2024 was my last one
<midfavila> i think my last one was in mid late 2022
<kris_> my website needs some updates in general
<midfavila> mine too but i can never motivate myself to touch it
<midfavila> its kinda just blehhh
<kris_> im just tempted to go back to writing my website manually
<kris_> i moved to hugo for the ability to write blog posts in markdown and now have decided i kinda hate hugo
<midfavila> use roff
<midfavila> >:O
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<kris_> md isnt the issue its just hugo
<midfavila> fair
<kris_> overly complex solution for a non complex issue
<midfavila> reminds me that i need to learn roff properly at some point
<midfavila> does anyone here know of a good book on it?
<midfavila> like a KnR
<kris_> one of my friends on discord has recently challenged me to write something that isn't a shell script
<kris_> so im trying to decide what to do now to fuck with him
<kris_> brother said a "real" language so clearly he wants me to write whatever it is in fortran
<kris_> or perl
<midfavila> forth
<kris_> eh i dont feel like learning a new language for this
<kris_> so my options are fortran, perl, C, golang, java
* midfavila shrugs
<midfavila> anyway im gonna go lay in bed
<kris_> unless i finally bite the bullet and learn rust
<kris_> gn
<midfavila> i'll potentially be around assuming i don't pass out
<midfavila> we'll see
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<midfavila> bro they turned mr incredible into a jar
<midfavila> am i going insane
<riteo> wtf
<riteo> why did they turn mr incredible into a jar
<riteo> what's the lore