okay i can officially recommend that anyone looking for boots in the future *not* purchase solovair's hi-shine or other corrected leathers
i got some new laces in the mail today and when i went to lace up my boots i found that there was a break in the leather near my toes. haven't even had these for a year
deffo complaining
maybe it's just a manufacturing defect but for ~300$ after currency conversion i expected at least a few years out of them
my shitty half-rate doc martens have lasted over ten years
ive heard good things about docs
i just couldnt find any i thought looked nice when i was shopping around
docs used to be good because they used to be made by solovair
that's why i had high hopes
i have a post-acquisition pair of docs
made in thailand is how you can tell, instead of britain
not to criticise thailand, the company that bought docs just cheaped out on labour and materiel
honestly it's partly my fault for getting corrected leather, i should have gotten full grain, but yeah
aside from the corrected leather being crummy the boots are great
tbh dunno anything about it
my timbs are nubuck and i've already scuffed them up when kicking snow off of my shoes which sucks
my next pair is just going to be full grain.
i don't care if they get scuffed, that's why you polish them
i've heard good things about red wing fwiw
dunno, i'm pretty picky about shoes due to deformed ankles
timbs are comfortable enough to enable me to walk for a little while so i went with those
oddly enough, converse are also fine
that's fair
converse being fine is such a buff because they're the most gorgeous shoes ever made imo
* midfavila
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new ultrakill update dropped
yes yes yes y es yes yes yes yesy sey sey sye yse ys ysey sey sey esyey sy eyyes ye
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ultrakill all the barriers holding you back in life
holy moly they cooked _hard_
"yes don't worry the coders are busy redoing everything but in the meantime we redid some graphics stuff"
*casually remaster the whole game*
with two huge extra levels thrown in too
I enjoyed
ive been itching to play dayz recently
its hard to find people to play dayz with
okay ultrakill looks wild, this is the first time i've heard of this agme
yes ultrakill is very good if you are into chaining game mechanics and getting absolutely overwhelmed by a shitload of monsters
I mean that's extremely reductive but it's 6:28 here so this is the best my brain will be able to produce
I might have not been able to wait the night to play this game
no worries, found some gameplay anyway
kris_: if you plan to get it remember that they just dropped this huge remaster
it feels like a different game almost, they even redid some level geometry
really polished it up, although as one might expect it's a bit... glitchy, at least with me using the "psx style" option
good multiplayer?
I really think they did not care about it, wonder if they'll deprecate it eventually. Style was way different then
no multiplayer, by design
probably not something ill pick up then
i only have fun with multiplayer games for whatever reason
there are mods but you're an extremely powerful robot with quasi-auto-aim weapons
it's not balanceable apparently
re multiplayer: fair
dayz is my jam but i've been unsuccessful with getting friends to play it
they always decide it's too difficult to be fun within an hour or two and don't play anymore
the pain is real
finding good games these days is kinda hard
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kris_: midfavila check out whites if you want really good boots. never tried them myself, but theyre supposedly really good. iirc, you can even create custom ones aswell
sad_plan phew
those aren't cheap
they do look pretty robust at first glance though
i'll probably still get a pair of full-grain from solovair if i can work something out with their customer service team since i'm saving but if i have the money in the future they look like they'd last a really long time
doesn't look like they have many ten-inch boots though
midfavila: look at it as an investment. but yeah, theyre not cheap :p
oh no absolutely
one of the few things i don't mind spending a chunk of change on is boots
but yeah i need taller boots for ankle support since i have to do a fair amount of heavy lifting at work
despite theoretically being the tech dweeb i also have to run triple duty as shipping and receiving, and retail, and that means hauling a bunch of construction crap around
I think its a buy once, cry once type of thing really. atleat if you take care of them. them boots could last you 20 years if you take properly care of them. maybe
never really got the deal with using boots, appart from maybe being in the woods, or for work. but outside of that, I dunno man. is this a NA thing?
it's an NA thing
there's like
people who wear boots because they're on their feet a lot or need the support or w/e
and then there's the pickup truck guy
and it's mostly the latter
in recent years people have started really jerking off the whole rough and tough muh working class AeStHeTiC
right.. I get that if you need the support boots give, which shoes would not provide, using boots makes sense. but I rearly see people with boots here, except in the winter, or perhaps in the woods
yeah that's fair.
maybe for work, but even that I dont see all to often
it's definitely a canada/us thing
idk about the rest of NA
(i'm trying to stop using north america as a synonym for can-us...)
i also tend to wear the same pair of footwear year round
so i need something that works in all conditions
that might be part of it for some people. shoes are expensive and it's better to buy one good pair than multiple shitty pairs
at most i'll have like, my regular boots, my dress shoes, a pair of runners, and then if i'm replacing an old pair i'll keep them around as like, crappy wearing-around-the-house shoes for chores or w/e
if you wear the same shoes/boots year round, dont you get terribly cold feet, or vice versa in the oposite season?
not usually
in the winter i just wear a pair of wool socks and in the warmer seasons i have thinner hemp ones
I used to wear vans year round, but as Ive greown older, I now appreciate having warm feet instead of wearing terrible shoes all year
figured as much
if it's really cold i'll wear multiple pairs
recently we had a few days below -50
of course then yesterday it was like +5
not that I dont like vans shoes, theyre just the oposite of warm
thats wild. we rearly have -20c something
yeah canada sucks
it doesnt suck, its just wild
personally i would kill for not getting below -20 ish
-50 plus wind chill is brutal
i unironically wear a cloak when it gets that cold because even a parka isn't enough
fortunately it's only that cold in january
usually winter is like -20 to -30
back (again)
boss has me running a bunch of errands
I think even -20 is rather brutal. and even more so -30, and -50 just sounds absurdly cold
yeah it's not great
i can deal with -20 pretty easily but once you start getting past -40 that's too cold for me to be out for long
I wanna visit canada, but Im not sure I want when its -50. damn. I dont have clothes for that
lol the only parts that get that cold are the parts you wouldn't want to visit
aka the midwest
I cant fit that in a 22L backpack. or a 36L for that matter
it's actually warmer in the northern territories for a good chunk of the year because at least they get a ton of sun
the coastal regions get warm fronts off the water
and ON and QC most people live in cities so you get a bunch of waste heat
I wish we had more sun here. so one can use solarpower, and it actually be worth it
AB/SK/MB are plains and only have smaller towns and cities with fewer windbreaks
honestly SK could lead in solar if they weren't run by idiots
it's insanely bright here
like it's so fucking sunny outside of a few months in winter
it's wild
like it's hurt-your-eyes bright
sounds awefull
yeah there's not many people in SK for a reason :D
although I can relate, when snowboarding, and its sunny
-50 in the winter, +50 in the summer
the government has historically had a lot of issues getting people to move to the prairie provinces excepting manitoba
ateast the seasons are really appart. here its summer, and then fall all the way to spring so to speak. we do get some snow, but not a whole lot. usually. anyway. last year we did get a lot of snow though
i wish we just got a long fall instead of half a year of winter qwq
we get maybe a month of fall
sometimes a little longer
I see
I like proper seasons. not like this sad winter we got. not to speak of our somewhat sad summers aswell, where it rains and is cloudy a large amount of days
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snow == happy
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kris_: if only the snow actually stayed, I would agree. we could have 20cm of snow in a day, and the next day, it all melts away
during winter where i live the snow kinda just stays long term
but it's only pretty for a day or two until it becomes all fucked up by cars and pushed into piles by snow plows
right. here we're lucky if it stays a few weeks
yeah wait until you guys get a metre or more of snow in a single night
that's very much not happy lol
a lot of cities here have to have special trucks to haul snow to a dump site because we get so much of it that it can't even be cleared properly
I dont see that happening any time soon. I live next to the sea, so we dont get that much snow at all really. I think we got 0.5M last year, at tops. havent seen that for years now really