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<midfavila> riteo idk
<midfavila> i don't get it
<midfavila> at all
<midfavila> (what i do find funny tho is that it's way cheaper for me to buy british goods imported to australia and then imported to canada than to buy the same goods imported directly...)
<kris_> do you guys have takes on email providers
<kris_> i've been selfhosting one for public facing stuff or for job applications for a while but using protonmail for all of my personal stuff for a while
<kris_> costs the same amount of money for me to just pay for protonmail premium to get the custom domains, but like two days ago i learned that the proton CEO was sucking up to trump on twitter which puts me off
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<midfavila> yeah proton sucks shit
<midfavila> they narc too
<kris_> idk about narc
<kris_> do you have any thoughts on tutanota
<kris_> i'm being vareful here because emails generally contain somewhat confidental information obviously
<kris_> s/vareful/careful
<midfavila> no, they do. they've released emails before.
<midfavila> tuta seems okay
<kris_> metadata yeah no email content
<kris_> they did the minimum they could as required by law
<midfavila> they could have just not
* midfavila sniffs
<kris_> who do you use or do you selfhost
<kris_> ive been running just a straight up postfix server for a few years but im getting kind of tired of dealing with it
<midfavila> i use sdf for personal and proton for "PrOfEsSiOnAl" shit
<midfavila> hoping to change away soon
<midfavila> from proton i mean
<kris_> ive been using proton for my personal stuff for like 5 years now but like
<midfavila> if it's actually confidential i talk to whomever irl in the middle of nowhere
<kris_> if you suck up to a fascist you're a fascist
<midfavila> :v
<kris_> if i have to actually speak to someone confidentially i usually use xmpp
<midfavila> idk too many loose strings
<kris_> opsec can be a bit of a beast yeah
<midfavila> better to drive out in the middle of nowhere, leave everything in the car, walk 250m away and have an actual convo
<kris_> and xmpp is kinda shitty
<midfavila> of course if you go full schizo you could have microphones in the seams of your clothes
<kris_> ..i've actually had that thought a few times.
<midfavila> so you should probably use ASL just to be safe
<kris_> i'll just compile my own clothes ezpz
<midfavila> i mean you might as well these days
<midfavila> not like it'll cost much more and you'll get a better run of things
* midfavila sips
<midfavila> i'm about at that point
<kris_> honestly ive been wearing mostly the same clothes since i was 14 or so
<kris_> i'm a small person and didn't grow much past that so no point in replacing them
<midfavila> fair
<kris_> only recently got a bunch of new shirts but i'm one of those goobers that wears pretty much only metal band shirts
<midfavila> i figure i'll be wearing my current clothes for a while unless i get super jacked or something
<midfavila> i mean you're in good company
<kris_> yeah i gotta start hitting the gym, gotta beat the femboy allegations
<midfavila> i'm the kind of goober that has three identical copies of the same buttoned shirt and nothing else
<kris_> dude yes
<midfavila> >three copies of the same pants
<kris_> at some point i intend on getting like 10 pairs of just black cargo pants and black t shirts with nothing on them
<midfavila> >three copies of the same shirt
<midfavila> >eight sets of identical undergarments
<kris_> it's meta
<midfavila> >two identical pairs of boots
<midfavila> yes
<kris_> eh shoes wise i either wear high top black converse or black timbs
<kris_> timbs are for when there's snow
<midfavila> i need to get a new pair of boots actually
<midfavila> i've settled on solovair. they're cheap enough, easy to get fixed, and good quality for the price
<kris_> getting my timberland boots was a nightmare
<midfavila> i'll probably switch to their full grain 11-eye derbies
<kris_> as i said earlier i'm a small person and i couldnt find any that were small enough
<kris_> eventually found some womens size ones that fit and ordered them
<midfavila> check solovair
<midfavila> they have everything from US3 to like size 14 or 15
<midfavila> iirc
<kris_> i'll look the next time i go to get a pair of boots
<midfavila> yeb
<kris_> i just also have a thing for everything i wear being just solid black
<kris_> so that was a bit of a limiting factor
<riteo> uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just opened my client
<riteo> kris_: posteo working great
<midfavila> this is now #fashion riteo
<riteo> 1€/month, no custom domains
<riteo> crap
<kris_> yeah custom domain is what im after
<kris_> gotta have my
<riteo> oh I see
<midfavila> if i wore black i would literally die during the summer
<kris_> im just over selfhosting email honestly
<midfavila> it already gets up to 50C+
<kris_> tuta kinda stinks because you can't use third party clients
<riteo> ye proton and tuta suck
<riteo> they are only web-based which is honestly, not very based
<kris_> i was fine with proton until the twitter event
<riteo> the what
<kris_> he was sucking up to trump on twitter
<midfavila> apparently the ceo sucks up to- yeah
<kris_> and then defending it and gaslighting people on reddit
* riteo *skull*
<kris_> and its kinda like okay you're a braindead techbro
<kris_> im out
<midfavila> i mean
<midfavila> the writing was on the wall tbf
<midfavila> i should probably look at self-hosting
<midfavila> i've been meaning to lease a vps from sdf anyway
<kris_> fwiw this is fine in my opinion
<kris_> if you dont wanna do it manually
<kris_> assuming you're okay with using debian
<midfavila> wait until you watch his videos
<midfavila> :^)
<kris_> ive seen all of his videos lol
<kris_> some of them are based, some of them are not
<midfavila> did you see the one where he shows off his tree farm
<kris_> let'
<kris_> let's see what happens if i punch this tree*
<midfavila> :V
<midfavila> aaaaaaaaaa fuck
<kris_> i'm not a fan of debian so this script is a nogo for me until i stop being lazy and "port" it to void
<riteo> oh no luke smith
<midfavila> yeah debian is weh
<kris_> i still have one debian install around hosting my searxng unfortunately
<midfavila> :gun:
<kris_> gradually getting rid of that and alpine
<kris_> i have a lot of installs
<riteo> wait why no alpine
<midfavila> replace them all with kiss
<kris_> riteo i don't want to stir shit up but i'm not confident in alpine
<riteo> you stirred it when you said no alpine :P
<riteo> I'm curious now
<kris_> the packaging is kinda low quality and i've had systems break on update too many times because something slipped under the radar despite it being a stable release
<kris_> and i **really** do not like openrc
<kris_> as for debian the packaging is just outright low quality
<riteo> that's interesting
<kris_> everything i actually care about and/or needs to be stable long term i keep on void
<riteo> and what do you use for servers then
<riteo> void?
<kris_> ye
<riteo> I see
<kris_> for networking stuff i use a mixture of openbsd and freebsd at the moment
<riteo> I never really looked into void before
<kris_> eliminating freebsd in favor of openbsd though
<riteo> oh it has its own package management system
<kris_> i could ramble on for hours about amazing decisions the void team has made
<kris_> the only issue i have with it is that they're still on musl 1.1.24
<kris_> albeit with like 25 patches lol, its like a weird hybrid 1.1.* and 1.2.5 compatible build
<kris_> glibc is up to date though if you're cool with using glibc
<riteo> how do they handle both libs?
<kris_> separate repos
<riteo> oh all right
<riteo> kinda expensive though
<kris_> they have infra covered :p
<riteo> who pays
<kris_> and despite the fact that void is a rolling release you shouldn't expect it to be super up to date
<kris_> ^ for who pays
<riteo> nice
<riteo> I guess I could try it next time I setup a server
<midfavila> something something your mom pays
<midfavila> something something
<riteo> I wonder how does it handle diskless stuff though
<kris_> it's really more of a desktop OS
<kris_> i'm in a bit of a minority using it for servers as well
<kris_> also, unlike alpine, voids kernel is actually fairly hardened
<riteo> oh I see
<kris_> alpine tends to just disable LSMs for no valid reason
<kris_> on void basically all of them are enabled
<kris_> just no selinux support
<riteo> ye that's a bit weird
<kris_> but yeah despite being a rolling release the focus is really more on stability, and there is no real structure to it
<kris_> "loosely directed anarchy"
<kris_> people work on what they wanna work on when they wanna work on it
<riteo> nice
<riteo> as it should be
<kris_> also xbps-src is insane, it's basically its own container solution for building packages
<kris_> you can treat void like something like gentoo if you'd like to as well, tools for that exist
<riteo> oh that's a bit like my immaginary distro
<riteo> damn i should really let it stop being immaginary
<kris_> ive been thinking about forking kiss to have it build inside of containers
<riteo> if you have the means and the time, do
<kris_> id probably end up just building inside of a regular old chroot, serves its purpose to keep the host clean of build deps
<kris_> right now i'm being filtered by getting a working build of elogind though
<riteo> how do you install the packages then?
<riteo> just copy the package cache to the host?
<kris_> yeah, makes the most sense
<kris_> every transaction you unpack a prebuilt rootfs tarball with make dependencies already built, so you only have to compile those once unless they're out of date
<kris_> chroot into it, build there, pull the package out
<kris_> and then destroy the env
<midfavila> lookin at grocery prices in vancouver
<midfavila> found a few nice little bulk places where you just bring your own container for rice or w/e
<midfavila> but ofc it's like five times the price of a regular store!
<midfavila> 10$ for a kilo of white rice!
<midfavila> absolute highway robbery
<kris_> midfavila that's ridiculous
<midfavila> ikr
<midfavila> i want to save the planet as much as the next guy, probably more, but like
<midfavila> i'm not fucking made of money holy shit
<midfavila> the going rate is 2$ a kilo
<midfavila> i won't pay a fucking cent more unless there's damn good reason
<midfavila> and even then 3$ a kilo is the limit
<midfavila> it's the same deal with oats
<midfavila> 1-2$ a pound, no more
<midfavila> er
<midfavila> kilo
<midfavila> it's really frustrating too because the store i'm looking at otherwise has some okay deals
<midfavila> but then you see shit like that and it's just aaaaaaaaaaaa
<midfavila> oh shit it's 0215
<midfavila> i should sleep
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<riteo> it's funny that they're actually saving money too probably
<riteo> like, a huge big bag of rice definitely weighs less than, dunno, 30 boxes of paper with plastic bags inside
<riteo> so they pay less and you pay more for... less?
<midfavila> basically
* midfavila sniffs
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<asimov> yo yo yo guys
<asimov> back again in kiss
<riteo> wahoooooo
<riteo> welcome back asimov
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