Its a cool idea, if it werent for the fact that Im disconnected from time to time :p
not sure if they just keep rebooting the vps, or if tmux is killed by the admins of w/e. I just find it annoying
i just have soju running on one of my vps'
i usually do a monthly reboot or so depending on vulns and whatnot
i run a rolling release on all of my stuff though so i usually try to keep my systems fairly updated
I get that. running fedora or something?
im starting to consider a vps, but Im not a fan of having to pay for something that I can get for free :p
i run void on like 14/17 of my systems
there are some free tier vps' though
the others are a mix of freebsd, openbsd, and 2 debian boxes
damn, you got 17 systems?
im including VMs and containers
and base installs
its a lot to keep up to date since void rolls
why on earth do you need 17 though?
i host a *lot* of stuff
I see
most of it isnt public though
one of the few things that is would be my searxng instance at https://search.kris.sh/
that's also probably the most high maintenance thing i host because usually when i sync my fork with upstream i have to find out what PR broke XYZ
hm, I see. I never really knew what I would do with a vps, but I suppose I would just host a few things instead. invidious for one perhaps
sounds tedious
somewhat but it shits on every other search engine
as oposed to just running ddg
I get that
well searxng searches are actually anonymized
the reason this is public is because the more people that use it the less identifiable searches become
i pipe all logs to /dev/null
this being public is also slightly shitty because i have maybe 20 minutes to resolve any broken PRs and get it back up before people start complaining
I get that. do you have a pastebin aswell? if not, consider hosting 0x0.st thingy
as an example if anything
i used to host a thing my friend wrote called bobashare but i got worried about people uploading illegal content of some sort
protections against that don't apply to an individual like they do a company
bobashare being a file upload and paste server