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<yeloxp> hello while trying to update the gkiss tarball i get this error? ig -> glibc Checking out aa533d58ff12e27771d9c960a727d74992a3f2a3
<yeloxp> error: Server does not allow request for unadvertised object aa533d58ff12e27771d9c960a727d74992a3f2a3
<yeloxp> never had this problem before on kiss
<yeloxp> i can see that i should just do a git submodule update but i dont think i can do that here\
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<sad_plan> damn, no wonder webkit gets increasingly slow to build. 2.40.0 and 2.46.5 differs ~500k loc
<sad_plan> 2.40.0 is just shy of 5 million loc, whereas 2.46.5 is almost 5.6. damn
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<yeloxp> anyone know what to do when getting error: server does not allow request for unadvertised object when trying to update/build glibc on a fresh install of gkiss