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<sad_plan> wtf, xfsprogs has a new update, and its an tag.xz or tag.gz file, instead of tar.*
rohan has quit [Quit: Quit]
<testuser[m]> Hi
<sad_plan> hi testuser[m]
<wael_> Hi
<wael_> Omg its sad_plan
<sad_plan> lol
Torr has quit [Quit: leaving]
ioraff has joined #kisslinux
<ioraff> wael_: re my KISS_HOOK - I decom'd the VPS that had my git server. might self-host again at some point in the future
<ioraff> for the upgrade to sway 1.8, I'm dropping sway-no-seat and sway-tiny. upstream has dropped support for running sway with setuid root, and I don't want to maintain sway-tiny.
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<phinxy> :(
<phinxy> what the fuck are seats
<phinxy> I aint afraid of no seat!
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<wael_> ioraff: what happened to your VPS? and what does decon mean?
<illiliti> decommissioned i think
asdfhjkl has joined #kisslinux
<asdfhjkl> Hi
<testuser[m]> wael_: seized by fbi
<asdfhjkl> anyone mess with oasis much?
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<testuser[m]> The GUID (globally unique identifier) for a BIOS boot partition in the GPT partitioning scheme is 21686148-6449-6E6F-744E-656564454649, which forms the ASCII string Hah!IdontNeedEFI
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niceguy5000[m] has joined #kisslinux
<niceguy5000[m]> I just installed kiss Linux. I can now focus on installing electron apps.
<testuser[m]> flatpak
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<illiliti> webvr webgl webusb webmidi webasm webnfc webhid webrtc webbluetooth webar webxr webserial webauthn
<illiliti> did i miss something?
<niceguy5000[m]> yes webkernel
<illiliti> oh right
<niceguy5000[m]> WebeBPF 3.0 will change everything.
<niceguy5000[m]> * Web eBPF 3.0 will change everything.
<travankor> "No one ever knows what value a variable is, or what its type is. Now we use typescript and we still don't know."
<travankor> "We had callback hell, and then we went to promises. Await came out, we went back to promises. And now we wrote everything back to callbacks... because it's just more comfortable."
<travankor> "Is it scaleable? No. Is it maintainable? No. Is it portable? Not really."
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<wael_> testuser[m]: is the guid actually that or am I gullible
Torr has joined #kisslinux
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