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<wael_> Hi
<wael_> <midfavila> ""; <- i dont get it
<midfavila> you will when you're older :^)
<wael_> im gonna fucking kill you
<midfavila> you're gonna try~
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<wael_> oh no its asdfhjkl
<asdfhjkl> are we still alive
<asdfhjkl> wheres all the dylans and dilans
<asdfhjkl> is this the primary comms location now days?
<wael_> this is kiss community
<wael_> we have uh
<wael_> dilyn:
<wael_> dylan has dissapeared i think
<testuser[m]> Hi
<asdfhjkl> ello
<asdfhjkl> > dylan has dissapeared i think
<asdfhjkl> AGAIN
<asdfhjkl> Hope he's well
<asdfhjkl> i love that this project just keeps going, that's how he made it to be
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<wael_> linux 6.1 is out
<wael_> which i assume means the bash patch is in position
<wael_> testuser: why is gnu patch and gpu grep so much faster than busybox's
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<testuser[m]> cuz such programs are based heavily algorithms
<testuser[m]> so it'll vary wildly implementation to implementation
<testuser[m]> gnoo grep uses boyer moore string search and busybox probably uses something thats slow but compact in terms of code size
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<midfavila> muh algoos
<midfavila> need to learn more about them gosh
<midfavila> phoebos you're like a math nerd or w/e
<midfavila> let me eat your brain so i can gain your powers
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<wael_> what the fuck did i just read
<midfavila> :3
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<sad_plan> o/
<aelspire> Hi
<midfavila> hi
<aelspire> After weeks of using less to read man pages on KISS linux I noticed that it doesn't support colors
<aelspire> is it true?
<sad_plan> gnu less does, but iirc busybox does not
<aelspire> ah ok
<midfavila> greenwoodsoftware less also does
<aelspire> but considering fact it took so much time for me to notice lack of colors I think this is not needed
<aelspire> but still I like my terminal to look christmasy
<sad_plan> midfavila: btw, I found a patch to get cmus to work with netbsd-curses. if thats of any interest of you. iirc you were considering using that instead of ncurses
<midfavila> i've been using it for a while as my curses implementation
<midfavila> i don't use cmus, but if you pass the patch along i'll put it in my repos, assuming cmus builds with tcc
<aelspire> is there any alternative pager that do not require many deps?
<midfavila> aelspire: more or pg
<sad_plan> aelspire: its not. but some users do want it though.
<aelspire> I dont like more
<midfavila> then you won't like pg
<aelspire> I'm checking pg
<sad_plan> aelspire: cat :p
<sad_plan> and head and tail
<aelspire> I've tried to use bat for it
<sad_plan> isnt bat written in rust?
<aelspire> it has nice syntax highlighters
<midfavila> if it's any consolation, aelspire, i intend to write my own pager soon
<midfavila> "least"
<aelspire> yup bat is written in rust
<midfavila> explicit goal is minimal dependencies
<midfavila> (but also minimal features so)
<aelspire> will it have colors?
<midfavila> no
<midfavila> featureset will be "it pages text"
<aelspire> well
<midfavila> although considering i intend to use curses it shouldn't be hard to add color support down the line
<aelspire> unix way would be pipe output to some highlighter which will add colors and then pipe it to pager i think
<aelspire> so if pager will not mangle escape codes
<midfavila> considering colors are managed by the terminal emulator idk if that would work
<midfavila> like, programs emit color control based on the contents of TERM
<midfavila> and your terminal emulator interprets it
<midfavila> and that's kind of the end of it
<midfavila> at least afaik
<midfavila> i'm no expert
<aelspire> so if pager doesn't strip escape codes it should work
<midfavila> perhaps! i don't know much about curses programming yet, or about terminals
<midfavila> that's partially why i intend to write least
<sad_plan> wut, sbase tar errors out on 'unsupported tar-filetype L' on latest python tarball. which is just a regular tar.xz file. strange
<aelspire> well, I'm intending to write my own pinentry for gpg as the ones existing are quirky…
<wael_> <aelspire> "unix way would be pipe output to..." <- one of those 'colorizers' was ccze but thats abandoned
<midfavila> lmao holy shit
<midfavila> i've just about got redirect working in the next apportate prototype
<midfavila> like, http redirect
<midfavila> i mean it's shit rn but it *works*
<midfavila> i'm thinking of copying bearssl's idea of using OO in C to allow for cleaner code and easier extensibility
<aelspire> how bearssl used OO?
<aelspire> "parent" struct as first field in "child" struct?
<aelspire> and then casting pointers?
<midfavila> i'm not entirely sure of the technical details, as i've not looked at bearssl's source in-depth, nor do i have any experience with OO
<midfavila> but I intend to research both before making a decision
<midfavila> right now a lot of apportate's main routine is just branching based on what protocol is in use -- if i could use a function pointer to refer to a structure containing the necessary function and its associated data, i could eliminate basically all of those redundant branches
<midfavila> which would make the program much easier to reason about, much smaller, and probably a little faster, too, although that's less of a concern
<midfavila> it'd also make it easier to extend :D
<aelspire> I'm looking into bearssl
<midfavila> :+1:
<aelspire> I was modifying modbus library in the past
<aelspire> to support more instances than 1 global for our device
<aelspire> and I feel my solution of casting pointers are less than optimal
<aelspire> but C has its flaws so maybe threre is no better solution
<aelspire> pretty standard solution
<aelspire> I've found good example of vtable in C
<midfavila> aaaaaaa emacs is so goddamn *slow*!
<aelspire> ha ha ha
<midfavila> no seriously
<aelspire> are You using client mode?
<midfavila> doesn't make a difference
<midfavila> this is an elisp thing
<aelspire> I was impressed in emacs some time ago
<midfavila> idc or have problems with startup time
<aelspire> this is possible to compile it
<aelspire> it helps a little
<midfavila> i already have native compilation
<midfavila> with gcc
<aelspire> I was pushed off from emacs when I looked on that keyboard chords
<midfavila> chords are fine
<midfavila> what's not fine is elisp
<midfavila> elisp is *shit*
<aelspire> and than I had epiphany that that emacs jokes were to jokes
<midfavila> if i could find an implementation of ed with a UI that wasn't designed as a joke program *other* than se, i'd just use that
<aelspire> I don't have opinion on elisp
<aelspire> I was interested in emacs becouse it rich text display and org mode
<aelspire> I was looking for something to manage my personal notes
<midfavila> i've been thinking of making a personal wiki at some point based on gopher
<aelspire> for them to be viewable in rich format without compiling it first
<aelspire> I have one on gemini
<aelspire> writtable by hand viewable without compiling it
<aelspire> perfect
<midfavila> personal in the sense of on my disk
<midfavila> not on the net
<aelspire> yup
<aelspire> file://dir/dir/dir/index.gmi
<aelspire> in lagrange or amfora
<midfavila> and i was thinking of just using a bunch of rc scripts to manage adding, removing, searching, etc
<aelspire> links works too if they are relative
<midfavila> yeah ik
<aelspire> I've considered libreoffice, zim and emacs
<aelspire> emacs looked the most promising
<midfavila> ed man! !man ed
<midfavila> only real option
<aelspire> but life is surprising so now I've gemini personal wiki
<aelspire> I'm used to kakoune
<aelspire> yup, I know that I'm heretic
<midfavila> gemini seems overkill to me
<aelspire> well. I'm not so against bloat
<aelspire> I'm pragmatic so I'm looking for how much features you got for what price
<midfavila> that pragmatism should point to gopher :p
<midfavila> if you're gonna use emacs just use org-mode
<aelspire> what pushed me to KISS is that current way of making everything slower despite computers being much much faster makes me fruious
<aelspire> I'm using kakoune emacs was not for me
<aelspire> too much bloat, too much fetures that clashes with my prefered keybindings
<aelspire> I was considering deleting all keybindings from it and creating one from 0
<aelspire> as all good combinations was used for something I don't need
<aelspire> so no org mode, but gemini text is sufficient
<aelspire> man, I think my first real PC (not Commodore 64) on 486 worked much faster than current medium-spec laptop
<midfavila> afaik there have been benchmarks that show that to be the case, at least in regards to latency
<aelspire> its insane how much bloat is in current apps
<midfavila> part of that, as far as I understand it, is the move to shared instead of static linking
<aelspire> so I'm heretic guy too suckless for normal linux user on Ubuntu and too pro-bloat for true suckless guy
<aelspire> shared or static linking is only part of the problem
<aelspire> layers of layers of layers of abstracion on everything is the cause
<testuser[m]> midfavila: that's measured in ms
<testuser[m]> Shared vs static
<midfavila> hundreds of thousands of ms is a measurable difference
<midfavila> across all programs
* midfavila shrugs
<midfavila> i don't much care about whatever so-called modern systems are doing any more
<midfavila> i'm doing my own thing
<aelspire> have you seen:
<midfavila> so it's not like it matters to me
<aelspire> ?
<midfavila> no, but it seems worth further investigation
<midfavila> >Join our Discord
<midfavila> this is a problem tohugh
<midfavila> though*
<aelspire> cool things here
<aelspire> yup, there is always something
<aelspire> usual triangle problem
<aelspire> no-github, no-discord, no-someotherweirdshit; choose 2
<midfavila> no github, no discord
<midfavila> i can usually fit weird shit into my machine as long as it's not webshit
<midfavila> but like, just use IRC
<midfavila> bitreich does it, suckless does it
<aelspire> forum for me
<aelspire> I like search option
<midfavila> forums or a mailing list are a good option but IRC is essential
<aelspire> IRC is nice, I was missing much refusing to use it in the past
<aelspire> I had minimal expirience with IRC untill now
<aelspire> man, dbus again is haunting me
<aelspire> there is only one software that I consider truly malicious in OSS space and this is systemd
<aelspire> but dbus is close
<aelspire> I'm usually stopping myself from bitching about other people having fun even if they are writting electron apps
<aelspire> but man, who thought that JAVA like OO desing is required for message bus?
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<phoebos> damn i missed mid
<phoebos> none of them are in, but noocsharp and dilyn are better mathematicians than i
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<midfavila> will release a maybe production ready beta of apportate later today
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<midfavila> just ironing out a few kinks in the redirect following rn
<midfavila> we're still at around 50% the size of hurl in terms of both source and binary, yet feature parity is just about there
<midfavila> ...actually, if I can find the link to it again, I might be able to say that apportate has more features
<midfavila> yeah looks like it at this point
<midfavila> most of the "features" of hurl just modify internal state, patching apportate to have all of those plus apportate's existing features would be trivial
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<midfavila> slightly less terrible than last time
<midfavila> still, unfortunately, has a number of errors, but they're less severe this time
<midfavila> program is capable enough to download every program in my system's core save one, so
* midfavila shrugs
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<phoebos> midfavila: if you're using the results of getaddrinfo in connect(2) for address, you should also use it for address_len
<phoebos> otherwise you get EINVAL
<midfavila> thank
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