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<midfavila> hey do any of you guys know the name of that new image format that came out a while ago?
<midfavila> its reference library is like 250 lines of C or something
<midfavila> it was a big deal on slashdot and stuff I think?
<midfavila> sorry for not being able to be more specific
<midfavila> it's supposed to be way smaller than png without any notable loss in quality
<midfavila> came out like 2020-2021..?
<midfavila> nvm found it
<midfavila> QOI
<illiliti> what about farbfeld?
<midfavila> farbfeld is also on my list
<midfavila> one of my longish term projects is to write a set of image manipulation tools. i'd like to have discrete binaries to handle encoding and decoding of specific formats
<midfavila> idea being you might, say, dec_png|iview, or dec_png|enc_ascii, or dec_png|img_invert|enc_ff -o foo.farb, or whatever
<midfavila> no idea how viable it is but I'm going to give it a shot regardless
<illiliti> good good
<midfavila> ye
<midfavila> i figure the accompanying image viewer could be relatively simple as a result of splitting functions up like that. would only need to support "raw" data
<midfavila> add the ability to redisplay whenever it receives data via stdin or something and now you can do animated images for free
<midfavila> add a framebuffer backend and an X11 backend and boom. all your image viewing (and potentially video viewing with the appropriate decoders?) needs met
<midfavila> *probably* gonna start with XPM/XBM-based utilities first though
<midfavila> i need something for taking screenshots that isn't xwd
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<wael_> Hi
<wael_> midfavila: what sort of X software do you use anyway?
<phoebos> aren't qoi images larger than png
<midfavila> wael_ mostly what's included in the default X distribution
<midfavila> although I use rxvt instead of xterm
<midfavila> soon:tm: i'd like to modify a program i found called zterm to build without freetype-harfbuzz and Xft, and then I'm going to use that
<midfavila> mostly functional ansi terminal in ~2k lines of C
<midfavila> compared to the "small" rxvt, which is around 27k, and the "minimalist" st, which is like 7k
<testuser[m]> Hi
<midfavila> iH
<wael[m]> HH
<midfavila> :thinking:
<midfavila> i'd be careful posting that out of context given today's climate
<wael[m]> wat
<midfavila> just uh, look it up
<testuser[m]> What
<testuser[m]> Hand hug?
<wael[m]> whats a HH
<wael[m]> His Highness?
<midfavila> yeah something like that
<wael[m]> whats wrong
<wael[m]> with that
<testuser[m]> Ohhhhh
<testuser[m]> LOL
<wael[m]> i dont get it
<midfavila> like i said
<midfavila> look it up
<wael[m]> its 'his highness' or 'her
<wael[m]> what more is there
<midfavila> jfc
<wael[m]> whats ajfc
<wael[m]> i know kfc
<midfavila> it's too early for this shit
<wael[m]> wat
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<Guest62> i heard it's not possible to flash an imei on google phones starting from pixel 6 because of the tensor chip the new devices have. does anyone know how that's so? i don't quite understand it and i haven't come across any explanations.
<wael[m]> this is a channel about kisslinux
<wael[m]> testuser: you might be one to answer lol
<Guest62> can i go off on a tangent a little bit? this is the only place i know
<wael[m]> hell yeah you can
<testuser[m]> wael: idk i don't deal with android crap much now
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<wael[m]> when is gonna be back up and very good phoebos
<wael[m]> and also why not use scandir
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<wael[m]> ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:-"${HOME%"${HOME##*[!/]}"}/.cache"}
<wael[m]> why
<wael[m]> why this
<wael[m]> what
<wael[m]> why not just ${XDG_CACHE_HOME:=$HOME/.cache}
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<phoebos> wael[m]: dilyn owns
<phoebos> not sure what you meant, but suggestions/patches for the website are very welcome
<wael[m]> then why is kisscommunity a valid cname for your site
<phoebos> scandir where?
<wael[m]> phoebos: try visiting it and youd see what i mean
<wael[m]> phoebos: in kisscommunity wiki generator
<phoebos> it's not? wdym
<phoebos> could do yeah
<wael[m]> is 404
<phoebos> acheam copied the generator from suckless
<wael[m]> oh
<wael[m]> cool
<phoebos> yes, dilyn's domain points to github pages
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<wael[m]> well why doesn't it work is my question, since it contains alot of important stuff i believe like install info and wiki
<phoebos> because github pages isn't set up, but the site is generated on my server
<wael[m]> then let dilyn forward the domain to your server i suppose
<phoebos> i could try setting up github pages tbf but it's totally awful
<phoebos> which is why we just went with using a server as usual
<wael[m]> dilyn: dilyn: dilyn:
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<noocsharp> wael[m]: has install info and some (maybe old) wiki content
<wael[m]> noocsharp: it has the old tarball
<wael[m]> and basically everyone using that is gonna end up with the grandpa repositories
<noocsharp> well the instructions still work i think, it's just the tarball that's bad
<wael[m]> exactly
<noocsharp> so use those instructions and the new tarball
<noocsharp> a sufficiently motivated user will figure it out when all their packages are outdated
<wael[m]> noocsharp: thats just a hassle to deal with
<wael[m]> when theres an install guide thats pretty up to date i believe
<noocsharp> where in is the install guide? i think if it was there that's where it would be, but i couldn't find it
<wael[m]> the one that was made by phoebos
<noocsharp> oh nvm, it's there
<noocsharp> where did you get from anyway?
<noocsharp> doesn't everything point to
<noocsharp> oh, i guess the repo name is
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<wael_> dilyn owns the domain
<wael_> which is why I really suggest having it forward to phoebo's servers
<wael_> midfavila: are you unable to have multiple devices on the same account? Is that why you have midfavila-laptop ?
<phoebos> hei noocsharp
<phoebos> yeah i figured just a page of those differences to the official install guide is sufficient
<phoebos> there seemed to be a not-negligible number of new people getting confused by the old repos
<phoebos> this being kiss, not-negligible means more than 1
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