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<phoebos> midfavila: your URI regex doesn't work on openbsd, it has the bit you want to be the fqdn just empty
<phoebos> this fixes it
<phoebos> why did you have the second + as well as the * anyway?
<midfavila> i'd give you an answer but i can't remember :D
<midfavila> the day i worked on the regex initially is completely gone
<phoebos> :V
<midfavila> chronic sleep deprivation is a hell of a drug kids
<phoebos> that it be
<phoebos> was also gonna ask why you made a subexpression for fqdn and path together, as well as separately
<phoebos> like ((fqdn)(path))
<midfavila> i copied the regex from the RFC and tweaked it until it mostly did what I wanted to
<midfavila> i don't have much experience with extended regex so
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<virutalmachineus> HI
<wael[m]> Hi
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<aelspire> Hi
<sad_plan> hi
<wael[m]> Holt shit its sad_an
<wael[m]> Hello sad an
<wael[m]> Sed_pan
<wael[m]> Sad_plan
<sad_plan> hey wael[m]
<wael[m]> Sign my toaster plz
<sad_plan> sure. just.. hurl it over here :p
<aelspire> I didn't like how zig-bootstrap compile llvm twice and trying to fix it
<aelspire> I'm at my 8th recompilation of llvm
<sad_plan> yeah I can see why thats not favorable :p llvm takes some time to build :p
<aelspire> If my calculation are correct around 2038 my hard work will pay off if current iteration will succeded
<sad_plan> lol
<wael[m]> Why do you need to recompile llvm
<sad_plan> zig does that, if I didnt get that wrong
<aelspire> yes
<aelspire> bootstrap compiles llvm to compile stage2 zig compiler
<aelspire> and than recompiles llvm using zig
<aelspire> to link it to stage 3
<aelspire> I'm trying to remove second llvm recompilation
<aelspire> and in result zig compiler reports that is has version SEGFAULT
<sad_plan> should you be able to make a switch for it or something, to avoid bootstrapping, if youve built zig already on that system?
<aelspire> if there was some more interesting error message somewhere I would know what is wrong
<aelspire> but it just segfaults
<sad_plan> run valgrind on it?
<aelspire> so I'm not even sure where to look for problem
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<aelspire> ideally it should link to system llvm
<aelspire> but haven't reached this step yet
<sad_plan> yeah, or that
<aelspire> building zig with zig is pretty useless
<aelspire> as you can only build current version with current version
<aelspire> so no building current version with older version
<sad_plan> thats stupid
<aelspire> I really want to like zig
<aelspire> but if I cannot build it normally how can I?
<aelspire> it leaves rust for my main lang…
<aelspire> I
<aelspire> I'll try untill evening and pass on zig if there is no way to build this compiler
<aelspire> I need something that works *now* not 10+ years in future
<sad_plan> you can see if alpine has a bin for it though, and just use that one instead?
<wael[m]> ok i guess ill not look into zig bevause of that
<aelspire> If it will work in future I will make switch in future
<aelspire> it has official binary for musl ready to download
<aelspire> this is how I was evaluating this language
<sad_plan> a switch would probably be favorable. similarly to how gcc has, to avoid bootstrapping if youre building the same version or a minor version bump
<sad_plan> ah, I see
<aelspire> but not fucked build system is one of my requirement for language I want to by my main
<aelspire> be*
<aelspire> yup, even official bootstrap fails
<aelspire> on version 0.10.0
<aelspire> ok, so nope for me
<aelspire> I'll wait for 1.0 and reevaluate then
<aelspire> if I do not fall in love in rust untill then
<aelspire> To clarify as I never like to bitch about other people's passion projects
<aelspire> zig is not bad, just not ready yet
<aelspire> and I want to have something to play with this holidays
<aelspire> so working now is requirement
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<testuser[m]> aelspire: buildn host llvm with all targets enabled
<testuser[m]> or patch zig in one file to not use undefined llvm functions
<testuser[m]> i got it to build but idk it keeps setting _start to 0x000
<testuser[m]> same issue with official binary
<aelspire> I tried official unmodified zig-bootstrap repo last time
<aelspire> version 0.10.0
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<aelspire> so no bleeding-edge
<aelspire> and it succeded but zig compiler segfaults immediately
<aelspire> so this is not the problem with removing second recompilation of LLVM
<aelspire> but something isn't working in zig
<testuser[m]> did u check what _start is set to
<testuser[m]> symbol
<aelspire> nope
<testuser[m]> check its probably null
<aelspire> libc is linked to ldd
<aelspire> weird
<testuser[m]> thats irrelevnt
<aelspire> what is current pastebin fad?
<aelspire> or just paste command out on IRC?
<aelspire> $ readelf -h ./zig gives Entry point address: 0x2dcba40
<aelspire> is this reliable?
<aelspire> what I see and def is weird that all that hoops in bootstrap is so zig will be statically linked
<aelspire> and this is dynamic linked
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<aelspire> I've installed gdb
<aelspire> and zig crashes in address 0x0
<aelspire> so start is indeed 0x0
<aelspire> what does it mean?
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<testuser[m]> something causes zig to tell linker to set that as the start address instead of addr of main
<aelspire> well, it has version 0.10.0
<aelspire> I'll give it more time and see
<aelspire> I've lost my motivation to compile llvm again
<aelspire> as first compilation of llvm is probably skippable
<aelspire> second one is compiled by zig compiler stage2
<aelspire> probably not skippable I think
<aelspire> rust is interesting too and uses system's llvm
<aelspire> I've played with rust w few times since it doesn't even had version 1.0 yet
<aelspire> but nothing too deep
<testuser[m]> zig can use system llvm too
<testuser[m]> if you make a 5 line patch for it, or build system llvm with more targets for cross compilation
<aelspire> it should but I'm not sure why it SEGFAULT
<aelspire> so I tried official bootstrap script
<aelspire> and it doesn't work too
<testuser[m]> might be musl related
<aelspire> I'm not sure if this is musl problem
<testuser[m]> i mean the addr not being set properly by zig
<testuser[m]> not musl bug
<aelspire> zig defaults to musl on linux
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<aelspire> so basically building it on musl is as official as it can get
<aelspire> Note: Generally, for Linux targets, we prefer the musl libc builds over the glibc builds here, because musl builds end up producing a static binary, which is more portable across Linux distributions.
<wael[m]> gnupg good or bad
<jslick> fwiw I was able to build & run ncdu2 a while back in a musl gentoo chroot a while back using dev-lang/zig from the gentoo repository, but still wasn't sure how to get it to work with kiss zig
<testuser[m]> wael: bad
<testuser[m]> extreme bad
<aelspire> wael: gnupg pinentry is pretty funny
<aelspire> instead of opening GUI or whatever to ask for password and return password to stdout which can be forwarded to app
<aelspire> it has its own special protocol to ask for pin etc
<aelspire> but there is no real replacement for gnupg AFAIK
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<wael[m]> gnupg is cool
<wael[m]> i like to have a key to expire when i die
<wael[m]> (made a key 9000 times because i kept losinv jt
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<horo> hello
<horo> i'm currently learning about the linux console and how to render glyphs with different console fonts (the .psf.gz type)
<horo> is there a tool what will simply dump the entire character set of a font? Ideally with corrisponding mapping?
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<horo> nvm, it's "showconsolefont"
<horo> hmmm, still don't know how to escape the various glyphs for ascii art purposes
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