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<asdfhjkl> You're using git sources?
<phoebos> yes
<asdfhjkl> You used my build file?
<asdfhjkl> CRAZY
<asdfhjkl> Alright, will post that xtrace hang on
<asdfhjkl> are you using their bootstrap script from the release tarball inside your git sources, or how are you generating the configure?
<phoebos> there's a bootstrap in git
<asdfhjkl> what
<asdfhjkl> WHERE
<asdfhjkl> hold on, i have `find`
<asdfhjkl> Here's your xtrace phoebos
<asdfhjkl> Hmm
<asdfhjkl> Ok, I missed that, but i get the same error with the bootstrap provided from git too
<asdfhjkl> Are you on the same commit hash as me
<phoebos> no, i'm on the latest commit
<phoebos> also can't reproduce on v1.16.5
<phoebos> i've got none of this amhello stuff
<testuser[m]> Hi
<asdfhjkl> amhello hell
<asdfhjkl> i've got autoconf already built on the system phoebos, could be that too
<asdfhjkl> im gonna try latest commit
<asdfhjkl> hey phoebos i get the same issue building from @master and if i kiss r autoconf, it errors 127 when trying to build automake.
<asdfhjkl> Do you have autoconf?
<asdfhjkl> Will you please be so kind to share with me your whole build/version/sources/depends for automake, and autoconf too if you have that
<asdfhjkl> It concerns me that it works for you and not me, definitely want to see if there's any glaring differences so that I can try your setup
<asdfhjkl> I'm 8 hours deep in to troubleshooting this damn package
<asdfhjkl> perl too, i assume you had to install perl, right?
<asdfhjkl> i know these packages are blasphemous in here, but pretty much required if you're trying to bootstrap an entire kiss ecosystem without tarballs, so I appreciate your putting up with it
<phoebos> testuser[m]: up early?
<phoebos> i have auto*, perl, etc
<phoebos> i'm just running ./bootstrap etc in the git dir
<phoebos> autoconf 2.71-1
<phoebos> automake 1.16.5-1
<phoebos> (installed)
<sad_plan> why not cheat and patch in the bootstrap script though asdfhjkl ?:p
<sad_plan> or just add it in files or w/e works best
<sad_plan> clone the repo, unpack the tarball and diff them
<asdfhjkl> yeah sad_plan that's not it, it turns out bootstrap IS in the reository from git, I was wrong about that, but unfortunately that's not my issue either
<phoebos> bootstrapping autoconf needs automake installed. bootstrapping automake requires autoconf installed. thanks, gnu
<phoebos> asdfhjkl: i have tried with a fresh chroot and amhello isn't extracted.
<asdfhjkl> makes no sense
<asdfhjkl> why its extracting and building for me
<sad_plan> gnu is horrible in that sense. hence why people despise it
<asdfhjkl> half of core is gnu
<asdfhjkl> errrgh
<asdfhjkl> look how i build autoconf, friggin rediculous
<phoebos> do you have anything like texinfo installed
<sad_plan> doesnt have to be though. you can switch out more or less all of them actually
<sad_plan> it gets abit more complicated though, when you want stuff like firefox or other usefull things :p
<asdfhjkl> secondary source pulls what I need from the release tarball
<asdfhjkl> i'm trying to get all sources self hosted so, i know there's easier ways to juts get a file i need, but i'm keeping it in a separate repo for archive purposes
<phoebos> asdfhjkl: in your build file, between make and make install, do a `sh >/dev/tty` and when you get dropped into a shell see if ~/.cache/kiss/......../home/asdf/.cache/kiss/....amhello* is there
<asdfhjkl> phoebos stand by
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<phoebos> also, what version of kiss are you running?
<asdfhjkl> let me find out
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<phoebos> kiss v
<asdfhjkl> d2408309065f70aa2bd2e6b8aecff1b68789385b
<asdfhjkl> 5.6.4
<phoebos> same
<asdfhjkl> yeah phoebos /mnt/home/asdf/.cache/kiss/proc/858157/pkg/automake: contains home and var
<asdfhjkl> no usr/ though, i guess that gets put there by make install
<asdfhjkl> did the shell trick you mentioned. :)
<phoebos> hmm
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<phoebos> this could be a bug in kiss
<asdfhjkl> wait a minute
<phoebos> no it's not
<asdfhjkl> it's not
<phoebos> something with DESTDIR in their configure script
<asdfhjkl> i did something insane by accident, inside the subshell after make
<asdfhjkl> i ran kiss build automake again
<asdfhjkl> and the bug didn't hapen
<phoebos> yep, unsetting DESTDIR in the build file removes the issue
<asdfhjkl> but i dropped out of the shell and re-reran kiss build automake
<asdfhjkl> and the bug returns
<phoebos> hm might have had weird _KISS_LVL stuff
<phoebos> try putting `unset DESTDIR` at the top of the build, then using make DESTDIR="$1" install as usual
<asdfhjkl> is my build
<asdfhjkl> k
<asdfhjkl> i've tried every variation of destdir known to man
<asdfhjkl> except this one
<asdfhjkl> here i go
<asdfhjkl> DESTDIR="$1" make DESTDIR="$1" install "DESTDIR=$1"
<asdfhjkl> lmao
<phoebos> jesus
<asdfhjkl> GNUHELL=100
<asdfhjkl> fries the cpu
<phoebos> is what i'm using
<asdfhjkl> so do you reproduce without the unset?
<phoebos> yes
<asdfhjkl> OKAY
<asdfhjkl> That made my day
<asdfhjkl> Thank you for saying that.
<phoebos> :D
<asdfhjkl> I've sent a long time fiddling with this.
<asdfhjkl> i'm just happy you can reproduce it
<asdfhjkl> let me try your fix
<asdfhjkl> if you'd like to take a look as to if its a kiss bug
<asdfhjkl> that'd be worthwhile
<phoebos> pretty sure it's because kiss sets DESTDIR. still is a bug in their configure
<asdfhjkl> i've dug around kiss code a lot today looking for it
<asdfhjkl> i too think it's a bug in their configure
<asdfhjkl> if you don't mind, please share your autoconf build file too
<asdfhjkl> because mine is kinda fugly
<asdfhjkl> i'm curious as to your personal method of building that one
<phoebos> i'm just using the one in community
<asdfhjkl> oh, sick diddn't know it was there
<asdfhjkl> yeah your unset does the trick
<phoebos> yay
<asdfhjkl> wait phoebos your autoconf, you didn't build it from git though right, just release tarball on that one right?
<phoebos> yes
<asdfhjkl> ah, makes sense
<asdfhjkl> because i had to hack around quite a bit
<asdfhjkl> see these 3 files they're not in the git for autoconf and there is no bootstrap script for autoconf
<asdfhjkl> so i slap those in to my git autoconf package and run a few sed commands to get around missing manpages
<phoebos> ah i see the problem
<phoebos> doc/ runs configure again for the amhello tarball rule
<asdfhjkl> yes
<asdfhjkl> I feel like the secondary configure isn't inheriting the env
<asdfhjkl> am i close?
<wael_> Hi
<phoebos> make install is called from within make
<phoebos> amhello uses make install to get the right files for its tarball
<phoebos> but i think if DESTDIR is set, those files get lost somewhere else and then aren't cleaned up by the rm
<phoebos> probably the easiest fix is to sed dist_doc_DATA out of DIST_COMMON and DATA
<phoebos> or just delete the definition of dist_doc_DATA
<asdfhjkl> Sweet
<asdfhjkl> Thanks
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<testuser[m]> I run a "topsite" FTP server and I'm in the piracy scene. AMA
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<wael_> how many users do you get per day?
<midfavila> >in the piracy scene
<midfavila> is it a supper sekrit klub now or some shit?
<midfavila> >mfw mpv fails to use hardware acceleration by default
<midfavila> is this the power of the strongest media player???
<midfavila> > relies on cuckflare
<midfavila> jfc
<testuser[m]> Name one thing you don't hate
<midfavila> curry
<midfavila> butter chicken in particular
<midfavila> intel's ClearSans font is pretty good
<midfavila> MGR is cool
<midfavila> old WRT routers are also decent
<midfavila> scheme is a cool language, as is forth
<illiliti> midfavila:
<illiliti> orig ip
<illiliti> you can put it into hosts to bypass cf if you like
<midfavila> hmm
<midfavila> fair enough, i'll give it a shot
<midfavila> connecting directly to it still redirects to cloudflare
* midfavila shrugs
<illiliti> yeah that's why you need to put it into /etc/hosts
<midfavila> hrm
<midfavila> i wonder why connecting to the IP directly redirects but it doesn't when the DNS lookup returns the IP
<midfavila> there's clearly something going on there
<midfavila> either way neat trick
<illiliti> it's all depends on Host value
<illiliti> in case of directly connecting to ip, Host will contain that ip and hence redirect
<midfavila> in the request header- ah, okay
<midfavila> i see what happens
<midfavila> hmm
<illiliti> actually should refuse connections from non-cloudflare hosts
<illiliti> it is bug if one can bypass cf
<illiliti> but who cares right
<midfavila> s/bug/feature/
<midfavila> doesn't work in links otherwise
<midfavila> or any CF site ofc
santa25 is now known as bvrc
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lol is now known as cock
cock is now known as vbt
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<phoebos> just came across a copy of thinking forth
<phoebos> good book
<wael_> thoughts on
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<van2022> hi
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<wael_> hi van
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<van2022> I am currently in the process of installing the system. I have interrupted my attempt to install/build the system for several weeks and don't know how to proceed properly. when I stopped I wrote "exit" and copied the contents of mnt to another folder. how to continue?
<wael_> just for safety, are you using the installation guide from
<van2022> i stopped at step 010. how to continue?
<midfavila> perform step 011
<midfavila> :^)
<wael_> skip to 014
<midfavila> and don't forget to install gentoo
<wael_> and also systemd
<van2022> it looks like a joke. I chose kisslinux because it doesn't have systemd
<van2022> how to fix it?
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<illiliti> make sure you extracted tarball properly
<Torr> Wonder if Pax overtook Tar, people'd refer to their archives as paxballs.
<van2022> illiliti, I haven't gotten to that step yet.
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<van2022> step 011 fails. gnupg1 not found
<dilynm> So install gnupg
<van2022> gnupg not found
<dilynm> I believe it's named gnupg1
<van2022> gnupg1 not found
<phoebos> it's in dylan's repo in extra, not in community/repo
<phoebos> but in repo-community
<phoebos> and kiss-community/repo uses ssh for signing rather than gpg
<van2022> how to do it?
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<phoebos> if you read the logs van2022, instructions are in the README
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<sad_plan> hi
<Torr> sad_plan: Ahoy
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