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<wael_> Hi
<sad_plan> hi
<Torr> Hi
<Torr> These greeting sequences are always funny.
<sad_plan> how so?
<Torr> Like a hamster.
<sad_plan> lol
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<Torr> Hey testuser[m]
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<aelspire> Hi
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aelspire has joined #kisslinux
<aelspire> I've managed to find motivation to build lagrange on KISS this lazy saturday
<aelspire> and now my system is complete
<aelspire> at last
<wael[m]> whats a lagrange
<aelspire> gemini browser
<aelspire> gemini - something like web but with simplified protocol, but not as simple as gopher
<wael[m]> is gopher gemini or are they both different protocols
<aelspire> different protocols
<wael[m]> i believe they are meant to fight the big bad web, so then why are there two different protocols for that matter
<aelspire> good question
<aelspire> but I don't know answer, I'm on gemini because few cool guys I like reading are there
<aelspire> and I don't like current state of web
<wael[m]> so so so silly
<aelspire> what is silly?
<midfavila> ur mom
<midfavila> gottem
<wael[m]> aelspire: midfavila is silly
<aelspire> yup, You got me here
<midfavila> no, i'm gote
<midfavila> there's a difference
<midfavila> gosh
<aelspire> I asked for this
<wael[m]> what is your native language aelspire
<aelspire> polish
<wael[m]> silly is głupi
<aelspire> yup, but what is silly? gemini? web?
<aelspire> or what?
<wael[m]> the fact theres two different fucking protocols fighting for the same god damn cause
<aelspire> yup, but there is always the same thing everythere
<aelspire> I read XKCD about it some time ago
<aelspire> everywhere*
<aelspire> but I accepted this as natural thing in OSS space
<aelspire> people has differend values and want to have fun making something
<wael[m]> bdsygb8i9dfyrfwsi8ywefgybhjtgeogb7erua8agyh789ufxdcgyh6ystdrg6yr7eyghbs5etgy7u83wg6yu8irsdyb7u89osdf794w2678w35y6tg789weygb7rtuey6gb789udgb678rwsygb789agbaer796ygb7890g78uewagbhy78uasb ujolsby79edwg
<aelspire> so there is always rewrite of rewrite or reimplementation but in language X
<aelspire> the rewrites but in other languages are super stupid IMHO
<midfavila> wael[m] competition is a good thing
<midfavila> ultimately you could argue that GNU and BSD are working towards the same goal, to liberate computer users
<aelspire> if they have some better implementation or better desing - it's ok
<midfavila> but their different approaches are a result of different interpretations of that ideal
<aelspire> but rewrite for the sake of language hange?
<midfavila> well, i think that also depends
<midfavila> for example
<midfavila> i would, if I had the {skill, knowledge, need, ...} rewrite any computational libraries I needed in scheme instead of C or C++ or something because I'm of the opinion that scheme is better suited for such a task
<midfavila> you also avoid many of C's footguns, which can be important for highly complex tasks
<aelspire> well thats valid point
<midfavila> rewriting it in another language as a fad is bad, but rewriting things in other languages because those languages are perhaps legitimately better suited to the task is perfectly valid
<aelspire> but if code is battle testes and works well?
<midfavila> i don't particularly care if something is quote, "battle-tested", un-quote, if it's unreadable
<aelspire> C has some flaws but for smaller utils net sum is positive of using C
<midfavila> programs should be written for others first, yourself second, and the machine last
<schillingklaus> just don't use Rust, the downfall of linux
<aelspire> yup
<midfavila> also, C is only efficient because it's the native language of most operating systems in use today
<aelspire> why? I'm starting to like rust more and more
<midfavila> many other languages can be competitive with it in the right environment
<aelspire> it's far from bad language but I'm still in progress of checking it
<midfavila> for example, FORTRAN, Pascal, FORTH, LISP, and so on
<schillingklaus> Rust has trademark problems and a fascist cental committee
<midfavila> even BASIC can compete with C
<midfavila> >uses the name schillingklaus
<midfavila> >complains about fascist central committee
<midfavila> kind of ironic ngl
<aelspire> rust has some strong points and inclusion in linux is big one
<aelspire> that was the point when I decided to try rust
<aelspire> if it is in linux and firefox
<midfavila> the problem with rust isn't the language itself
<midfavila> it's the infrastructure
<aelspire> this is now one the basic tools one expect to have installed
<midfavila> everything orthogonal to the language itself is what's wrong with rust
<midfavila> although i've heard the language itself is even harder to read than C++ once you strip away sugar
<midfavila> anyway, rust for things like a userland, or a browser, or whatever, is fine
<midfavila> my real problem is when projects written in C start depending on libraries written in Rust
<aelspire> I look on this problem from other perspective
<aelspire> as I'm still checking things with rust
<aelspire> why more and more things depends on rust?
<aelspire> maybe it's not bad?
<midfavila> a million people aren't necessarily any more correct than one
<aelspire> so I'm checking it as I want to replace C++ in my toolset
<aelspire> and Rust looks like replacement of C++
<schillingklaus> most of these millions do not know what they are running
<aelspire> I'm not in need of replacing C
<midfavila> one of my main problems with rust is that it seems to promote tools over methods
<aelspire> so Zig works a little worse here
<midfavila> "just have the compiler handle all your memory problems" doesn't fix the underlying problem, which is poor method
<midfavila> not that people can be blamed for screwing up, but that's why the idea of moving fast and breaking things needs to be scrapped
<aelspire> thats cultural problem
<aelspire> I'm pragmatist but hate this
<midfavila> yes, and culture is for better or worse massively important in the real world
<aelspire> this and fact that computers which are more powerful than I ever deamed of works so slow
<midfavila> rust doesn't help that
<aelspire> but this is problem of layers and layers of abstraction on everything
<aelspire> rust is compiled language on par of C and C++ with performance
<aelspire> of -> with
<midfavila> in order to achieve that, do you not need to remove a lot of the checks rust's runtime does?
<aelspire> nope
<midfavila> legitimately news to me
<aelspire> I've read fun article
schillingklaus has quit [Quit: schillingklaus]
<aelspire> first step is literal transcription of C into Rust
<midfavila> i'll read it later perhaps
<midfavila> if it turns out unsafe rust and safe rust tend towards equivalent performance, then i'll retract that statement i made
<aelspire> rust makes all of this things compile time
<aelspire> so It checks for this during compilation
<aelspire> for most of things
<aelspire> final machine code is mostly the same like C sans panic strings that are currently worked on
<aelspire> to remove them when they are not necessary
* midfavila shrugs
<aelspire> and from what I see evolution of this language looks sane for now
<midfavila> so maybe performance isn't a problem, but then there's also the lack of portability
<aelspire> as thinks looks like there is a lot of rfcs
<midfavila> last I saw it still only ran on x86(64), ARM, and RISC-V
<aelspire> but most of them are removing limitation of existing features and not adding new ones
<aelspire> that the problem of LLVM backend
<aelspire> but now rust in gcc is worked on
<aelspire> I'm not sure yet if I like rust
<aelspire> I'm in progress of checking it
<aelspire> so take it with the grain of salf
<midfavila> if a rust gcc frontend can be added then maybe that'll fix the portability problem
<aelspire> but things don't look bad at all
<midfavila> but the question is if people will be write compliant code... is there a spec for the language right now?
<midfavila> or is it still "implementation is spec"?
<aelspire> I don't know
<aelspire> if they are working on rust in gcc there should be spec?
<aelspire> I'm not sure
<midfavila> i'll take rust seriously when it's portable to embedded systems, has a proper spec, and there's more than one implementation that actually works
<midfavila> and you'd think, which is why I asked
<midfavila> but idk
<midfavila> i have a very low opinion of the rust community at large, justified or not
<aelspire> I've compiled toy program for STM32F4 but this is ARM so nothing exotic
<aelspire> for such systems replacing C might be much more problematic
<midfavila> and that's the only area that really matters as far as i'm concerned
<aelspire> as C is super simple do C compiler will be first one ported on new archs
<midfavila> the idea that having a memory safe browser is important is laughable to me
<midfavila> or, you know, other desktop programs
<midfavila> desktops don't need to be high reliability, although it's nice if they are
<midfavila> the worst that happens in a poorly-written program on a desktop (or even a server that focuses on serving "consumer" services) is a segfault or an OOB memory access
<midfavila> serious problems, to be sure
<midfavila> but like
<midfavila> society still runs on fuckin
<midfavila> emulated IBM mainframes and z80s
<aelspire> the idea that browser can be serious attack vector shows that things gone too far
<aelspire> and it doesn't stop
<aelspire> WebGL, WebASM, WebXR
<midfavila> mfw i run links
<aelspire> like, guys, really?
<midfavila> mfw i don't have any of the problems that firefox or chrome users do
<aelspire> but the point is - I don't belive that there is "silver bullet" programming language
<aelspire> they are just tools
<aelspire> some fit one problem better some worse
<aelspire> midfavila: what pushed You into ed - like editors?
<midfavila> simple to learn and use
<midfavila> and i can use ed for hours without risking RSI
<aelspire> simple - yes
<midfavila> emacs pinky in contrast is an actual thing
<aelspire> but not seeing more text on screen all of the time seems hard for me
<midfavila> plus, the ed command set is pretty generic across unix tools
<midfavila> and yeah ed kinda falls flat when it comes to extremes
<aelspire> You are literally the first person I ever heard of that uses ed and likes it
<midfavila> :p
<midfavila> if you want a "better" ed, look at 'se'
<midfavila> literally just ed with a GUI and *very* basic line editing
<wael[m]> simple ed
<midfavila> screen editor actually
<aelspire> well, ed is not my thing
<wael[m]> sed
<aelspire> well sed is important tool
<midfavila> i only mention se because it shows you the region you're currently editing
<midfavila> graphically i mean
<aelspire> but I currently like kakoune
<midfavila> vanilla ed does fall flat when it comes to extremes
<aelspire> using shell in editor is super powerfull
<midfavila> it's difficult and tedious to, for example, make single character changes, compared to *any* other editor i've used
<aelspire> I've heard that acme does it too
<midfavila> because you just *can't* address single characters
<midfavila> it's just not possible. you need to use a regular expression with the substitute command to make edits
<midfavila> and because ed doesn't display a region of text at a time, it's difficult to jump around in a file like you can with emacs
<midfavila> (se fails to solve the latter because of erroneous implementation)
<aelspire> pretty interesting
<midfavila> (it does, however, solve the former thanks to its rudimentary line editing capabilities)
<midfavila> indeed
<aelspire> have You tried to use ed as intended on real paper?
<midfavila> if i could connect my dot matrix to my PC i would probably have experience with that
<midfavila> alas I don't have a SuperIO card right now
<midfavila> also fwiw you don't need to capitalize "you"
<aelspire> this is custom in my country, little forgotten one
<aelspire> but ok
<aelspire> this is not polite form in english?
<midfavila> fair enough
<midfavila> it's just not grammatically correct, is all
<aelspire> AFAIK in german there is something similar too
<midfavila> you only need to capitalize things that are at the start of a sentence, proper nouns, or acronyms
<midfavila> at least if i'm remembering my grammar classes from like third grade or whatever correctly
<aelspire> ok, thanks for clarification
<midfavila> (of course i don't exactly write properly either, so it's not a big deal :p)
<midfavila> mhm
<aelspire> who is "Owen Rafferty
<midfavila> no clue
<wael[m]> he is the magical ioraff
<aelspire> guy works really hard on KISS
<wael[m]> 🍔
<aelspire> well, whoever you are thanks a lot for maintaining KISS linux, and other maintainers too
<wael[m]> thank ioraff, testuser, illilti, jedahan, armaanB, dilyn, kiedtl, ehawkvu, and among others
<aelspire> there are many people I need to thank, but lets say that "KISS Linux/Community maintainers" will cover most of them
<aelspire> I've just read mails from arch-devs
<aelspire> And they are grilling some poor soul for sugesting init diversity
<aelspire> at such times I'm realy grateful for distros without systemd which still exists
<wael[m]> ~/repos/community $ git log | grep author
<aelspire> diversity was always the OSS greatest strength and weakness at the same time
<aelspire> but now suggesting something something as basic as supporting something other than systemd is taken as great offence
<wael[m]> where did that hpapen
<aelspire> on arch dev mailing list
<aelspire> I'm lurking here to be prepared for incoming changes
<aelspire> I've checked authors in repo and community
<aelspire> KISS might has bigger team than void
<wael[m]> no
<wael[m]> void is very very huge
<wael[m]> thats why maintainers are quite shitty to deal with
<aelspire> why shitty?
<aelspire> I've checked void and alpine and both system showed helped me learn cool things. alpine - muslc and void - runit and other deamontools compatible tools
<aelspire> I'm running alpine on my server and purged void to install KISS on my laptop
<aelspire> but the problem with void was its build system
<aelspire> I wanted OS which I can play with and xbps-src was pretty cumbersome to use
<aelspire> as it requires cloning main repo and merging your changes into it to build custom packages
<aelspire> and gcc was pretty old together with llvm
<aelspire> but I haven't heard of shitty maintainers except of founder
<wael[m]> i said maintainers
<wael[m]> the distro itself is fine
<aelspire> and I'm asking about maintainers, too
<aelspire> it was pretty bad, I've seen how things went on llvm update
<aelspire> but I'm not sure who is the bad one
<aelspire> demanding user coming and throwing shit everywhere can make people short tempered
<aelspire> midfavila: apropos segfaults
<aelspire> Thread 15 "lagrange" received signal SIGSEGV, Segmentation fault. 0x00007ffff7fb75e9 in pthread_setname_np () from /lib/
<aelspire> it couldn't find better time to crash :P
<aelspire> I'll need buid this in debug mode when I find motivation and time for it
<wael[m]> whats a aproporsprosropsrsrpaiedsagsduy
<wael[m]> whats a apropos
<aelspire> wael: man apropos
<wael[m]> /bin/sh: man: not found
<aelspire> linux without man pages?
<aelspire> pretty extreme
<aelspire> well apropos - Fitting and to the point. synonym: relevant.
<aelspire> or: apropos, whatis - search manual page databases
<wael[m]> no im just too stupid to read manpages
<aelspire> searching everythin on the net is tedious when you are in front of terminal anyway
<aelspire> but:
Torr has joined #kisslinux
<Torr> Ahoy
<wael[m]> aelspire: mfw i use the net more than i use a terminal
<wael[m]> Torr: hi pirate
* Torr hoists the black flag
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<sad_plan> hi
<Torr> sad_plan: Hi
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