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<midfavila> well, I have something approximating a start to an abstraction library working
<midfavila> currently includes a SimpleMenu creation convenience routine and a tool bar creation routine that expects efalk's widgets to be available
<midfavila> dump a triplet of a name, a callback and data N times to XawMakeSimpleMenu and you get a menu widget back that includes those entries, and XawVaCreateSimpleMenuBar accepts triplets of a name, a menu, and a Widget pointer, and returns a pointer to a toplevel Frame widget containing all children, with individual buttons stored in the widget pointers passed
<midfavila> the toolbar routine also automatically includes a spacer to ensure the final button is on the right hand side of the toolbar
<wael[m]> Hi
<Torr> Hey wael[m]
<Torr> wael[m]: midfavila is almost ready with his Xorg lib work.
<midfavila> i wouldn't say almost ready
<midfavila> but i'm making good progress on the mockup
<Torr> Nearing almost ready.
<midfavila> let's go with that :p
<Torr> =D
<midfavila> i'll push the source tree in a second here so you can all laugh at it
<midfavila> it's mostly just me screwing around with Xaw and Xt trying to figure shit out rn ngl
<midfavila> caveat emptor and all that
<midfavila> reminds me that i need to rewrite libXawPlus' buildfile to not be completely ass
<midfavila> this is what using ed at 3am does to a mf
<midfavila> anyway, i'm going to bed
<Torr> U've gotta quite the unique indentation style.
<midfavila> it's sloppier than usual
<midfavila> half of this was written in xedit, half of it on emacs. i need to rerun the autoindenter
<midfavila> anyway, it's not that weird. whitesmith.
<Torr> Late night programming usually leads to this xD
<midfavila> also in advance: i know the Athena convenience routines are rubbish
<midfavila> and yes, yes it does
<midfavila> i can't even think right now
<midfavila> i'm dead-tired
<Torr> Rest well buddy
<midfavila> actually i should probably upload a screenshot
<midfavila> bed fr now
* Torr salutes midfavila
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<virutalmachineus> Hi
<virutalmachineus> Rust recommend by the NSA. It's secure! No more vulnerabilities! This is a game changer! C is outdated, Linus Torvalds made the right call.
<virutalmachineus> * Rust is recommended by the NSA. It's secure! No more vulnerabilities! This is a game changer! C is outdated, Linus Torvalds made the right call.
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<midfavila> >rust
<midfavila> >recommended by the NSA
<midfavila> >it's secure
<midfavila> :thinking:
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<wael[m]> the NSA protects us and keeps us safe!
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<phoebos> oh my god there's a motif HTML viewer library
<midfavila> indeed
<midfavila> i'm surprised you haven't encountered XmHTML sooner
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<vouivre> hi
<vouivre> any users of zathura here ?
<phoebos> it's so beautiful
<phoebos> vouivre: yes
<phoebos> wael[m]: did you have any thoughts on the install page I posted?
<wael[m]> i mean its really really realrelayrealryarleyreylry short
<wael[m]> but you got the repo parts right
<wael[m]> i really do suggest marking 003 as optional tho.. i don't think its necessary
<vouivre> phoebos: I need to update girara for zathura
<vouivre> girara has support for dumping the configuration, I think the configuration of zathura
<vouivre> do you need such a feature ? Personally I don't need. So I would disable it
<vouivre> I'm the maintainer of zathura and girara
<vouivre> phoebos: by the way, I have a comment about the install page
<vouivre> I would add a note about grub. I wasn't able to boot my system with grub and it had to
<vouivre> do with the compile flags
<midfavila> >not using a pure assembler bootloader you found on page three search results
<vouivre> midfavila: is it for me or the install page ?
<midfavila> just messing with you, ignore me :v
<vouivre> ok, now I get it :)
<phoebos> vouivre: i'm not sure I understand your question about zathura, but I don't think I need a feature to dump config
<phoebos> re: grub, sounds like a good thing to add - what was the problem/solution?
<phoebos> wael[m]: mark commit verification as optional?
<phoebos> it is short, but I don't see much point in just repeating what exists on Dylan's page
<phoebos> apart from that it's nicer for a user to just follow one guide rather than flicking back and forth
<vouivre> phoebos: yes, it's about dumping the configuration. At the moment it should be possible. But I don't know how.
<phoebos> in the build or a flag to zathura?
<vouivre> build of girara
<vouivre> take a look here
<vouivre> under "Requirements"
<vouivre> json-glib-1.0: configuration dumping support
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<vouivre> about grub: I have install it a lot of times without problem
<phoebos> oh yeah that seems unnecessary
<phoebos> (json-glib)
<vouivre> only one time I had no idea why my system was not able to boot
<vouivre> hhhhmmm, I can't find the problem now. I send the link later.
<phoebos> sure
<vouivre> phoebos: thank you for your input about girara
<phoebos> having said that, zathura and girara already depend on glib, so it's not another dep
<phoebos> but i generally think that packages in community should be as minimal as possible
<phoebos> since it's trivial for people to fork them and add functionality
<phoebos> but making packages smaller is more difficult
<vouivre> I had an endless grub loop
<vouivre> I have install kisslinux with mbr on a computer with coreboot
<vouivre> I have no idea if coreboot was the problem
<vouivre> I have in mind it's also recommended to compile grub without CFLAGS
<vouivre> I have always compiled grub with CFLAGS, only one time it didn't work. But I had no idea what was the problem.
<phoebos> weird
<phoebos> i have used grub, with -march=native, without problem
<phoebos> that was efi though
<phoebos> says that grub on coreboot x86_64 only supports "32 bit"; maybe it was something to do with that
<vouivre> ok, maybe
<vouivre> m
<vouivre> maybe you can add a note. But I expect it will work 99 out of 100 or 999 out of 1000
<vouivre> I would personally add some notes. For example about partitioning or /etc/fstab. I know some steps which are missing.
<vouivre> But it's because kisslinux was not my first distribution.
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