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<da5id> whelp answered my own question saw a different url in the chat header for the official unofficial repo lol
<da5id> although it seemed to work until it got to xz and got a checksum mismatch ugh
<illiliti> update kiss first
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<da5id> no wonder im having all these issues with xz theres something up with
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<wael[m]> Hi
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<testuser[m]> Hi
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<nullcoder> Hi
<virutalmachineus> HI
<virutalmachineus> I been working on my machine learning compiler, it's going to be revolutionary.
<virutalmachineus> of course using rust.
<wael[m]> machine learning compiler?
<wael[m]> does it.. compile itself with machine learning?
<nullcoder> O_O
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<virutalmachineus> I just send Linus Torvalds a telegraphy to not push rust in future releases. I'll text back when I get a reply,
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<aelspire> I'm interested how rust in linux kernel will work, as I decided to try to use rust as main language until one of events: a) linux drops rust; b) zig hits 1.0; c) during learning rust I decide that this is too much of kitchen sinkhole design;
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<wael[m]> any obscure unheard of amazing CLI tools?
<testuser[m]> reptyr
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<midfavila> >mfw still using haswell so i'm not affected by this
<midfavila> updooters btfo yet again
<midfavila> when will they learn
<wael[m]> testuser: why is bzip2 a dependency of ffmpeg, firefox, python, cmake?
<wael[m]> i am able to install all of them without bzip2
<midfavila> probably someone just copy-pasting the output of elfdump, again
<midfavila> when i get around to hard forking kiss i'm *so* stripping that feature
<wael[m]> zlib is already important on the system, so just remove the dependency need on bzip2
<wael[m]> waat wdym
<wael[m]> midfavila: wdym
<testuser[m]> wael: did u remove bzip2 entirely?
<testuser[m]> Or just noticed that kiss doesn't dynamically add bzip2 as a dep
<wael[m]> entirely
<wael[m]> firefox, python, cmake have it as explicit depend
<wael[m]> ffmpeg doesnt tho
<wael[m]> i'm not sure if its kept to be used for preformance reasons or just because someone added it by mistake
<wael[m]> any clue?
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<wael[m]> is ominitay alive
<wael[m]> yajl is broken
<wael[m]> LAIn
<midfavila> indeed
<wael[m]> im so glad im not the only fucker here who knows lain
<midfavila> come on
<midfavila> look at the room you're in
<midfavila> ofc people here know about lain
<midfavila> lain probably uses kiss desu
<wael[m]> testuser doesnt
<wael[m]> he hates anime
<wael[m]> midfavila: ok but have you watched lain
<midfavila> yes, of course = w=
<wael[m]> what happened in the final episodes
<wael[m]> what plot twist happens
<midfavila> not just gonna dump spoilers here. besides, it's not like i have to prove it or anything
<midfavila> dunno why it's such a big deal
<wael[m]> encode it in base64
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<umop3plsdn> can anyone lend a hand for a sec i can't figure out why this keeps messing up? I've followed everything to a T i downloaded the latest stable kernel ive got libelf and perl and everything installed made defconfig made menuconfig selected my gpu put the firmware drivers in the folder but when i go to just run make i get Warning: Kernel ABI header at 'tools/arch/x86/lib/insn.c' differs from latest
<umop3plsdn> version at 'arch/x86/lib/insn.c'
<umop3plsdn> diff: unrecognized option: I for busybox
<testuser[m]> Find the text that says waiting for unfinished jobs
<umop3plsdn> ahh it looks like bash lol
<umop3plsdn> thanks ill see if that fixes it
<umop3plsdn> wow i can't believe bash wouldn't be installed in the chroot package
<testuser[m]> Look
<umop3plsdn> prob uses dash by default?
<testuser[m]> Apply this
<testuser[m]> It should be probably be included in the guide
<umop3plsdn> thank you soo much! ya i didnt see any mention in the guide about it although im not sure if theres a newer one since im using the official one and it was outdated for the repos and stuff
<umop3plsdn> again thanks a ton literally the simpelest thing that i never would have thought of
<wael[m]> you're using the right
<wael[m]> for the installation guide
<testuser[m]> umop3plsdn: did you get the tarball from codeberg btw?
<umop3plsdn> i did after i figured out everything was outdated lol
<umop3plsdn> i was having a heck of a time then i stumbled on the community repos
<wael[m]> testuser: phoebos: can we have an updated kiss linux installation guide plz
<testuser[m]> umop3plsdn: yea there's no way to direct more attention to community repos cuz dylan just vanished
<testuser[m]> And only he controls the official stuff
<umop3plsdn> im quite resourceful ive been using linux for almost 30 years now although never used busybox and musl always had gnu stuff i remember when it took days to compile the kernel lol
<wael[m]> WHAT
<wael[m]> 30 YEARS?
<umop3plsdn> lol
<umop3plsdn> 1995
<umop3plsdn> i was quite young at the time
<umop3plsdn> playing with slackware
<wael[m]> bro ur so old
<umop3plsdn> unfortunately
<umop3plsdn> 42
<wael[m]> you are like grandpa
<umop3plsdn> what i miss the most is the old irc days
<wael[m]> i know i shouldn't say that but woaaaa
<umop3plsdn> LMFAO
<wael[m]> my pleasure to meet you i guess
<umop3plsdn> you whipper snappers
<umop3plsdn> trying to think of old sayings
<umop3plsdn> haha
<umop3plsdn> back when i was your age i had to compile my kernel uphill bothways in the snow
<wael[m]> 14?
<midfavila> something-something bus mice
<umop3plsdn> LOL
<midfavila> something-something don't pick up the phone mom i'm downloading linux
<wael[m]> midfavila: wat
<umop3plsdn> totally
<midfavila> wael[m]: imagine not knowing about bus mice smdh
<midfavila> this is what wayland does to your brain
<wael[m]> im not using wayland
<umop3plsdn> HAH
<wael[m]> wtf is a bus mice
<schillingklaus> I installed slack from floppies in 1996
<umop3plsdn> dude they ran on serial back in the day
<umop3plsdn> i wish i still had my slack floppies
<midfavila> before USB and PS/2 were standard you needed to drive a mouse over serial or in some cases a proprietary interface provided by an expansion card, afaik
<umop3plsdn> prob be long effed tho
<midfavila> the latter is a "bus mouse"
<wael[m]> i'm not a granpda like you guys
<midfavila> i'm barely older than you wael jfc
<midfavila> how old do you think i am
<wael[m]> what is jfc
<wael[m]> midfavila: um i think ur
<midfavila> xwx
<wael[m]> 31
<schillingklaus> I had a serial mouse back then... almost never used a mouse, anyways
<umop3plsdn> 31 youngins!
<umop3plsdn> lol
<umop3plsdn> you and your pokie monz
<midfavila> back in my day we only had three colors and we were happy
<midfavila> (red blue yellow)
<umop3plsdn> lol
<midfavila> (yellow was shit though)
<schillingklaus> black and white would be enough for me
<umop3plsdn> based
<midfavila> gen six was pretty okay
<midfavila> or, no, that was fiev
<midfavila> five*
<midfavila> idk i haven't touched nintendo stuff since like 2011
<midfavila> i do adult things now, like worry about paying my phone bill
<schillingklaus> wayland is unusable for me, only mouse fetishists enjoy it so far
<umop3plsdn> eff the mouse
<umop3plsdn> rat poison all the way lol
<midfavila> phoebos and anyone else interested in athena, btw: messaged the guy who maintains the "Survey of Widget Sets" page about the licenses for his programs, gonna see if he'll relicense under LGPL or X11
<schillingklaus> mice back then had no sc roll wheel and a ball on the bottom...
<midfavila> idk why he'd license Frame under GPL but FileSelector under X11
<umop3plsdn> you wouild have to clean the gunk off the rollers on the mouse
<umop3plsdn> it wouldnt move
<midfavila> hmm
<midfavila> you know, i really should install an early slackware
<midfavila> see if i can get GWM and MGR running
<wael[m]> wtf is a gwm and a mgr
<schillingklaus> ratpoison is great. the so-called substitute for wayland, cagebreak, suffers from the defieciencies of wayland as everything else does
<midfavila> GWM is a window manager from the late 80s developed by INRIA's Koala project
<midfavila> it's sort of like Emacs
<midfavila> has a C core that defines primitive window management operations, and then all higher-level policy decisions are written in their own Lisp variant, WOOL
<midfavila> (Window Oriented Object Lisp, if I recall)
<midfavila> has a super extensive manual
<midfavila> unfortunately I was never able to get it to build on a modern machine -- i don't know enough about lex to refurbish its interpreter
<midfavila> MGR is a smaller alternative to X11 developed by Bellcore and presented at Usenix, also in the late eighties. it's basically a terminal multiplexer on steroids
<midfavila> display server, terminal and window manager are all rolled into one binary, and it allows for curses-based programs to be used effectively identically to a native MGR graphical program through termcap/terminfo abuse
<midfavila> whole distribution is ~66k lines of C
<midfavila> and that includes a bunch of specialized drivers and optional demos and stuff
<midfavila> i've gotten it to compile on a moden Linux, but it never runs and I lack the experience required to refurbish that, as well
<midfavila> ibiblio has source archives for both programs, and TLDP has a section on MGR
<midfavila> also has MGR screenshots
<midfavila> (sorry I kind of derailed the topic >.<)
<midfavila> but yeah I want to see if MGR and GWM's approach to graphics and window management respectively are valuable or if i'm just retrooming
<midfavila> ...haha! efalk (xaw guy) just responded
<midfavila> he's moving the widgets to X11
<midfavila> s/moving/relicensing/
<wael[m]> midfavila
<midfavila> wat
<wael[m]> hello
<midfavila> yes hi
<wael[m]> you fucker you made my firefox crash
<midfavila> based
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<schillingklaus> firefox isn't very kiss-ish, so it likes to crash when talking about KISS
<wael[m]> then what is a kiss-ish browser
<umop3plsdn> links
<umop3plsdn> lol
<umop3plsdn> qutebrowser?
<schillingklaus> the whole web is anti-kiss
<wael[m]> i want one that actually works tho
<wael[m]> yerah i odnt have a choice but for firefox
<midfavila> links works great idk what you're on
<wael[m]> um,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
<wael[m]> i need um,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, drm
<wael[m]> so i dont have to use a at-spi2 electron chromium proprietary application
<wael[m]> for my music consumtiopn
<midfavila> >he doesn't download 30kbps mp3s from invidious
<midfavila> for shame
<midfavila> shaaame
<wael[m]> i like spotify ok
<wael[m]> its nice
<midfavila> you're welcome to your opinion, even if it's wrong :D
<midfavila> i kid
<midfavila> mostly
<wael[m]> if im gonna download music im gonna pay my artists
<wael[m]> and my mom does not want me to pay my artists
<wael[m]> i would download music if it didn't give me inconveniences like not being able to sync to my phone
<midfavila> you can't use rsync or something
<midfavila> ?
<wael[m]> yes i can't.
<midfavila> or like
<midfavila> write a script that fires when your device manager detects that you've plugged it in, that autocopies music and shit from your PC to your phone and vice-versa
<midfavila> s/it/your phone/
<wael[m]> too much inconvenience
<midfavila> idk about that but if you say so
<wael[m]> id rather have it sync automatically to my pc
<wael[m]> via some server or something
<wael[m]> but thats basically equivalent to spotify so...
<midfavila> = w=
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<wael[m]> maybe if i wasn't introduced to spotify 2 years ago i would still be using cmus
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<phoebos> i'd be happy to write an updated installation guide. what's better, a document that points to the official guide but mentions the changes required, or a totally separated full guide
<phoebos> mid: oh cool
<wael[m]> phoebos: plz
<phoebos> hm, i seem to have lost that survey of widgets page
<phoebos> wael[m]: my second sentence was a question ^
<phoebos> thx
<wael[m]> phoebos: whers the question makr
<midfavila> i asked him specifically about Tabs, Frame, Gridbox and FileSelect
<midfavila> efalk said he totally forgot about XawM and his widgets, and that he was surprised Xt and Xaw were even still being published lmao
<phoebos> lol
<midfavila> also didn't believe i intended to use his programs
<midfavila> *little did you know*
<midfavila> efalk's athena extensions are officially relicensed to X11 :D
<midfavila> he also just mentioned that he's considering putting them on github
<midfavila> so that'll potentially be neat i guess
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<midfavila> will be pushing a libXawPlus package to my repo tonight containing a mostly autotool-less build for Xaw including the recently X11'd widgets like FileSelect and Gauge, for those interested
<midfavila> having bundled the widgets together also seems to have resolved the weirdness going on with tcc's linker-loader?