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<phoebos> wael[m]: community install coming up
<phoebos> s/install/install guide/
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<midfavila> phoebos: working on a UI mockup for a direct Athena IRC client, it's coming along pretty well so far
<midfavila> do you have any resources you consult while doing athena programming? the lack of manuals is kind of annoying
<midfavila> i'd look at the oreilly books but all i can find is a 128mb PDF that takes ages to flip through and a djvu my tablet refuses to read
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<testuser[m]> Hi
<midfavila> hello
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<wael[m]> Hi
<virutalmachineus> HI
<virutalmachineus> Is kiss Stallman approved, I only Stallman approved software.
<wael[m]> No
<virutalmachineus> * I only use Stallman approved
<testuser[m]> virutalmachineus: no
<testuser[m]> Use hurd
<testuser[m]> stallman approval
<testuser[m]> or guix
<virutalmachineus> Thanks gnu software changed my life.
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<testuser[m]> has anyone else encountered this? dont think it should be occuring
<wael[m]> try in kiss musl chroot maybe
<testuser[m]> no
<testuser[m]> don't have bandwidth
<testuser[m]> or time to build rust
<wael[m]> rust take like 10 minut
<testuser[m]> fake
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<testuser[m]> real
<wael[m]> Wait did mt msssahe not get sent
<wael[m]> About webkit
<wael[m]> Anyway
<wael[m]> Webkit is now taking twice as long as firefox holy fucking shit
<wael[m]> What the fucj
<wael[m]> Finally finished but god damn what the fuck
<wael[m]> All of my memory and half of swap taken
<wael[m]> sad_plan: How is this feasible
<testuser[m]> 2x longer for infX an worse browser
<wael[m]> But muh browser lightweigjt
<wael[m]> Firefox soo bloat at run time
<testuser[m]> na bro
<wael[m]> Firedox take like 6gigabyt
<testuser[m]> bro im at 5gb with 2 firefoxes and 1 chromium open
<wael[m]> Firefox does take up lots of memory when being ran at long periods of time tho
<wael[m]> Maybe caching?
<testuser[m]> memory leak
<wael[m]> Oh no
<wael[m]> How fix
<testuser[m]> no fix
<testuser[m]> what site do u keep open
<wael[m]> Matrix spotify discord
<wael[m]> Even if i close those and open an empty tab the memory usage is still there
<testuser[m]> how much
<wael[m]> 6GB
<testuser[m]> i've been running element + discord for 4 hrs
<testuser[m]> and total is below 5
<wael[m]> Unreal
<testuser[m]> real
<wael[m]> Webkit just fauled to conpule because of atk
<wael[m]> Smh checks for literally every fuckung library but not atk in cmake lists
<wael[m]> Fuck this
<testuser[m]> check
<wael[m]> What
<wael[m]> O3?
<testuser[m]> wtf does o3 have to do with memory usage lol
<wael[m]> becuz profermance
<wael[m]> muh performance
<testuser[m]> lol
<wael[m]> $ kiss orp | wc -l
<wael[m]> 66
<wael[m]> i love
<testuser[m]> u should learn programming
<wael[m]> wat language
<testuser[m]> i dont think compilers optimize anything around memory allocation (other than UB like assuming pointer would be nonnull)
<testuser[m]> c
<wael[m]> but i literally cannot do anything with c
<wael[m]> ----------------------with what im expecting to do
<testuser[m]> wdym
<wael[m]> i don't have real use case for C
<testuser[m]> u mean u dont have a real use case for programming
<wael[m]> sure
<wael[m]> i know learning programming is quite important right now but i just don't see wy
<wael[m]> hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
<wael[m]> maybe learning go or rust is like harmless since its pretty easy i think
<testuser[m]> sure
<testuser[m]> rust isnt easy tho
<testuser[m]> start with anything
<wael[m]> i made a program that says something in stdout
<wael[m]> im so pro
<testuser[m]> show
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<wael[m]> hello aelspire
<aelspire> hi
<aelspire> I see that I started discussion with my firefox issue
<wael[m]> yes totally
<wael[m]> aelspire: oh shit i ran into that before
<aelspire> I don't know firefox build system much
<aelspire> but I think that our python is too new for this script somehow
<aelspire> and they are checking if this is not too new for some mysterious reason
<aelspire> dirty hack i just to remove this line from build script so it will install what it needs in version it wants using pip
<aelspire> but this will download stuff during build…
<aelspire> I know that newbie showing up and telling how to do stuff is infuriating
<aelspire> but are KISS still bound to dylan vision?
<wael[m]> wdym?
<aelspire> eg. if nobody is interested in firefox, should it be in main repo?
<wael[m]> if no one is going to maintain firefox in kiss repo then it is just gonna get droppe
<wael[m]> d
<aelspire> yeet it to graveyard so someone wanting to install firefox don't need to start from 0
<wael[m]> its just in the git commits
<aelspire> I personally didn't choose KISS to bitch on issues that something doesn't work and I'm fully aware that things are maintained as long as someone from community uses it and rest is for user to do
<wael[m]> p
<aelspire> p?
<wael[m]> p.
<jslick> The FF build issue is caused by a package that I maintain. Uninstalling it should allow firefox to build. Really I should just find a way to vendor it to trash-cli so that it doesn't get installed to the global python site packages, but I'm not familiar with python packaging
<testuser[m]> python stuff shouldnt even be packaged tbh, just install locally
<testuser[m]> with pip and venv
<midfavila> wael[m] re: learning programming is quite important right now, no it's not
<midfavila> programming is important if it's a tool that you can use to solve your problems
<wael[m]> okay midfavila
<wael[m]> midfavila: well programming doesnt solve real life problems like depression does it
<wael[m]> wait actually it probably does
<wael[m]> life advice
<midfavila> i was gonna say
<midfavila> since working on programs i've felt much better
<wael[m]> yesiey siese
<midfavila> tangible evidence you're not a waste of protein :D
<wael[m]> maybe because you have something to do and not nothing to do forever
<wael[m]> or maybe a job is fucking boring as well
<midfavila> meh a boring job is fine if it doesn't impede your hobbies
<midfavila> just don't live to work and you'll be fine
<aelspire> wael: install godot and make simple games
<wael[m]> doesnt godot require gui
<aelspire> pretty cool and interesting thing to do and there is not much programming
<aelspire> wael: it would be weird if it not
<aelspire> why GUI is problem?
<wael[m]> becus if im gonna make terminal games i want cli
<midfavila> why don't you start out writing patches for an existing game, instead?
<midfavila> easier and more immediately satisfying
<wael[m]> why the fuck am i supposed to write patches if i dont know how to
<aelspire> cataclysm dda for eg.
<midfavila> you learn by doing
<wael[m]> i do remember extending dwm for me a little bit and it felt cool
<midfavila> this is obvious
<midfavila> read K&R and maybe an intro CS book and work on games and utility software while you do
<aelspire> If you are not interested in becomming programmer but want fun hobby I would actually suggest to join the dark side and use python
<midfavila> this is also a valid option
<aelspire> C is good but if you want just to have fun in doing stuff python is ok and has batteries included so cool things will be possible in less lines of code
<aelspire> but don't expect much performance using more than 1 thread in python is blackmagicfuckery
<wael[m]> noted
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<wael[m]> how do i do a 'for foo in bar baz; do done' like loop in c
<wael[m]> more specifically 'for num in $(seq 0 $myvar); do'
<wael[m]> nvm
<wael[m]> i hate xlib
<Torr> Let the hate flow through you.
<wael[m]> no
<wael[m]> only in my brain is where it belongs
<wael[m]> unless you mean to flow through my entire consciousness, which in reality is just my head
<aelspire> xcb is fun if the motto: "source is our only documentation available" doesn't scare you
<wael[m]> it won't scare me if i dont know what the fuck it means
<Torr> aelspire: After many outdated doc visits, nowadays that's my default behavior.
<Torr> Even worse is when the doc is up to date, but incorrect.
<aelspire> heh
<aelspire> or there is question from 2010 about something you need
<aelspire> closed with "nvm guys soved it"
<Torr> Those are the hope torturers.
<Torr> Speaking about question, do you know <>?
<aelspire> Torr: nope
<Torr> Found out about it a little while ago.
<Torr> Underrated project imo.
<aelspire> ?
<aelspire> there are quite a lot such platforms it seems
<phoebos> midfavila: cool!
<midfavila> indeed
<midfavila> right now i'm just fighting with the list widget
<phoebos> re: athena resources, nope, just the C interface doc
<phoebos> i've enjoyed just using libsx and xt
<Torr> aelspire: Eh, didn't know this one.
<midfavila> it's kind of annoying to use, but it's the last major component to the main UI
<midfavila> and yeah libsx is comfy like that
<phoebos> what are you using the list for?
<midfavila> user display
<midfavila> idea is that you maintain an array of character strings each containing a user name, then on a relevant event you update the list, pass it to XawListChange, and there you go
<wael[m]> Torr: are the people there just bots
<Torr> No idea
<midfavila> i'm basically ripping off pidgin's UI, but also I don't think there are many other ways to arrange an IM client, fundamentally
<Torr> I just like Foss.
<Torr> midfavila: Are u writing an instant messenger?
<midfavila> an IRC client, yeah
<midfavila> right now I'm just writing a UI mockup
<aelspire> 4 KiB RAM for GUI
<midfavila> doesn't display anything
<aelspire> what to use for image share?
<midfavila> 0x0 is what i use usually
<midfavila> curl -F'file=@/path/to/file.ext'
<Torr> midfavila: Irc is awesome :3
<aelspire> this one works?
<aelspire> I've not used 0x0 yet
<midfavila> no.
<wael[m]> aelspire: give source code
<wael[m]> now
<wael[m]> Torr: matrix is awesome :3
<aelspire> its rust and wayland and I basically copied example
<wael[m]> ew
<wael[m]> where c
<Torr> wael[m]: and metadata creepy.
<aelspire> geez github sucks
<Torr> aelspire: Yup, it does.
<aelspire> how to search tags there?
<aelspire> nvm got it
<midfavila> this is a slightly better mockup than the earlier image
<midfavila> although it's still primitive
<wael[m]> my eyes
<wael[m]> it burns
<wael[m]> why isnt it black
<aelspire> this one compiled with musl
<midfavila> wael[m] because dark mode is fucking retarded
<midfavila> objectively inferior
<wael[m]> wait what
<wael[m]> but my eyes
<midfavila> turn on a gd light
<wael[m]> a what
<midfavila> i'm not going to squint at white-on-black just so you can cood in python in the dark
<wael[m]> but white on black looks nicer on the eyes and feels nicer
<midfavila> i disagree
<midfavila> fortunately xresources allows you to easily customize those things
<midfavila> so if/when you use my program you can change it to the hotdog stand color scheme if you want
<wael[m]> the what
<midfavila> >he doesn't know
<wael[m]> can you stop fucking with me pls
<Torr> midfavila: That color scheme makes me want to murder.
<aelspire> how to verify this RAM usage?
<wael[m]> ps_mem
<aelspire> it's basically minimal stack size in linux
<aelspire> seems impossible for me
<aelspire> 788.0 KiB + 0.5 KiB = 788.5 KiBwayland-client-test
<aelspire> ok now its looks plausible
<phoebos> wow mid, looks great
<midfavila> uwu
<midfavila> need to fiddle with the frames more obviously, and build some menus and stuff
<midfavila> but otherwise i think i'll start work on a primitive backend soon
<midfavila> with my XawPlus distribution bundling efalk's widgets together it even runs when built with tcc, which is nice
<midfavila> means i'll be able to use irc on my laptop soon:tm:
<aelspire> I'm looking thorught issues on community repo: is imv dead or just feature complete?
<testuser[m]> aelspire: use mpv image viewer lua script
<aelspire> testuser[m]: I'll look into it
<aelspire> imv doesn't look maintained :/ and I feel like yestarday I commited to this project and everything looked normal
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<phoebos> what else
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