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when looping a video multiple times, how come the encoder isn't "smart enough" to reduce the resulting output to "unique" frames?
It'd need to keep several gigabytes worth of frames in ram, and compare every new one to all previous ones.
depending on how long the video is, gigabytes might not even cut it anymore
And the decoder would also then need to keep all frames around, cause they might be referenced again way later
trying to loop an 8s @ 30s video about ~15 times, but it feels so wasteful that it just basically does it 15 times
make the gop length long enough to contain the whole thing, if you are fine with not being able to start anywhere but at the beginning
that's actually not a bad idea
But even then, the usual reference distance does not reach 10 seconds
Cause even just 8 seconds of 60 FPS video is a lot of data
it's 30, but I see what you mean :)
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yeah you'd need to set the refs to some amount that probably won't be legal
Wouldn't surprise me if there isn't some container level looping, like mp4 edit lists or something
you could maybe use mkv ordered chapters to do it
but it probably wouldn't work everywhere
But that needs active support from the player
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it would also mean all tracks get looped
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so if you want to loop the video but have a single audio track then that doesn't work
I assume libvlc should know how to do that?
you'd hope so
or, let me rephrase: would it be sane to assume that the default behavior would be to respect the looping?
>90% of my players are either based on libvlc or exoplayer
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Hi there. I was wondering whether it is possible to output info rows eg [Parsed_astats_1 @ 0x42db3d00] RMS level dB: -29.346918 into a standard format and can be output even if I use -v silent?
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i did 'ffmpeg -i file_audiovideo.mp4 -i file_audio_only.opus -c:a copy -c:v copy -map 0:0 -map 1:0 out.mkv'
while in mplayer or ffplay the output file plays correctly none of these player, neither ffprobe are displaying the audio bitrate. smplayer which has mplayer as its core player is showing 0kbps in its information pane
anybody can say something?
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i would have never thought that such irony would be found here...
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there is no easy way to determine that unless the audio streams are cbr
furq: i set -b:a xxk when producing that opus audio file. So i think it is cbr
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not unless you set -vbr off
which you probably shouldn't do
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AFAIK matroska does not save the bitrate
so what even is your question?
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mkvtoolnix writes separate tags for it which some tools recognise
if you really need it then try mkvmerge
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Is there any way to save the output from the info log level to a file?
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furq: that doesnt capture the info level output when you use -v info
furq: actually nm it works I had a pipe in the command
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Hello, is there a way to download a Google Drive video using ffmpeg?