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<ahmadraniri> Hello, I'm attempting to build the 6.1.2 version (I have 6.1.1 installed). I'm facing this error ( . I'm using gcc 14 and musl libc. The previous build (6.1.1) is just fine. Any clue to fix my build ?
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<ahmadraniri> I will move my discussion to reddit. See you.
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<clever> libtoxcore> Option BOOTSTRAP_DAEMON is enabled but required library LIBCONFIG was not
<clever> libtoxcore> found.
<clever> oops, wrong room
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<noobaroo> I kind of want to crop out parts of a video but not all of it... There so much background scenery that is super dynamic and i not the focus point. I almost thought of splitting it up but would rather not. Whats the easiest way to cover chosen areas of a video with black rectangles or something ? Maybe even a blur effect ?
<noobaroo> Seems like this should be an integral function of any video editing software... My elderly mom's phone is actually way more advanced of a video editor than my Linux desktop ... :/ i was surprised to discover this as I have not owned a mobile phone in a few years
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<vlt> noobaroo: drawbox for the simple rectangles, gblur for blurring.
<vlt> noobaroo: I would propably use a -filter_complex chain with split, crop, blur, and then overlay.
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<wanne> Hi I am trying to get av1_vaapi running:
<wanne> > ffmpeg-local -t 100 -vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -i BigBuckBunny_640x360.m4v -vf 'format=nv12,hwupload' -an -rc_mode 1 -c:v av1_vaapi output.mkv && ls -lah output.mkv
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<wanne> produces an huge but unplayable output
<wanne> ffmpeg-local -t 100 -vaapi_device /dev/dri/renderD128 -i BigBuckBunny_640x360.m4v -vf 'format=nv12,hwupload' -an -rc_mode 3 -b:v 300k -c:v av1_vaapi output.mkv && ls -lah output.mkv
<wanne> Produces an smaller but still unplayable output...
<wanne> any ideas? Anyone ever got it running? If yes: In wich ffmpeg/mesa versions?
<wanne> Running ffmpeg n6.1.2 from git and mesa 24.2.8 on a RX 7900 XT
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<JEEB> wanne: try latest master build from BtbN's open dailies
<JEEB> you can extract and run from a custom directory with full/path/to/ffmpeg
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<wanne> Static builds won't work with a newer mesa version...
<JEEB> rip
<JEEB> uhh wait
<JEEB> no
<JEEB> it only links to libva
<JEEB> then you have a libva driver, which is in your case provided by mesa
<JEEB> but I think as long as the ABI has not changed and you are on glibc it should werk, if vaapi is enabled in the static build
<wanne> Yes. And then you get something like that:
<wanne> implib-gen: failed to resolve symbol 'vaMapBuffer2' via dlsym: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: vaMapBuffer2
<wanne> ffmpeg: _libva_so_2_tramp_resolve: Assertion `0 && "Assertion in generated code"' failed.
<JEEB> fun, that's a libva difference. your libva might be too old or so?
<JEEB> but yea, that will indeed then not work
<wanne> No. The other way arround.
<wanne> But for you switched to 7.1
<JEEB> nah, 2 is newer but if it's not found on your system by the loader
<wanne> So same source Code like the one the static builds use
<JEEB> there's a configure check for it apparently
<JEEB> but I guess the static builds were built with new enough libva that it had that enabled
<JEEB> if you built the newer FFmpeg yourself, the check would not pass
<JEEB> and thus you would get a binary that would run
<JEEB> or wait, you're probably complaining about something that's fixed in master if the configure check is correct :D since the only vaMapBuffer2 call in the code base is now surrounded by an #if clause
<JEEB> also the static build if it's built with vaapi would not be affected since libva would be statically linked
<wanne> The binary was build against mesa 21.1.5 I am running 24.2.8
<JEEB> that's mesa, that's unrelated and comes much later in the chain
<JEEB> FFmpeg -> libva -> libva dynamic loader
<JEEB> then only that loads up the libva driver that would be provided by mesa
<JEEB> the static builds most likely are built without mesa at all, since it's not required
<wanne> I have build it! It is running.
<JEEB> I'm not saying you haven't. I'm just saying that FFmpeg itself with vaapi has no dependencies on mesa
<JEEB> so saying that a static build of FFmpeg is built against older mesa is untrue
<wanne> JEEB: I am running exact the same source code as the static builds. <
<JEEB> so master?
<wanne> The check checks for libva-version 1.21.0 I am running 2.17.0
<JEEB> yes, so it should not be using vaMapBuffer2
<wanne> It isn't. Only the static build is using it. Because checks are done at compile time.
<wanne> If I compile it myself there is no problem.
<JEEB> yea
<JEEB> but weird that it's affected in the static build
<JEEB> since you'd expect libva to be linked statically
<JEEB> (unless libva blocks static linking)
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<wanne> I not totaly sure. Not that deep into this stuff. But I think libva is not a normal library that just implements stuff. Its more a more stable wrapper/code generator for different mesa/kernel/GPU implementations. Since the whole purpose of that thing ist to morph dependign on your implementation and use the matchin IPC/Hardware interfaces, you do not have normal linking like you are used to do it in C. Therefore there is no gnu-ld like linking.
<BtbN> JEEB: libva cannot be statically linked
<BtbN> I use implib-gen to generate a shim loader for it
<BtbN> Hence it'll only fail at runtime if the systems libva is too old
<wanne> @BtbN: But it isn't the problem.
<wanne> Compiles fine. Runns fine. (Produces propper h.264. Only AV1 produces gibberish.)
<BtbN> "failed to resolve symbol 'vaMapBuffer2' via dlsym"
<wanne> With the static builds....
<wanne> I never wanted to use these.
<wanne> As JEEB pointed out: There is a cgeck in libavutil/hwcontext_vaapi.c:898. For the libva-Version the static builds are using.
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<wanne> Since I have a more recent libva version I won't have problems as long as the code is not compiled on libva 1.21.0.
<BtbN> are you saying they removed the function again?
<wanne> Yes. Seems so.
<BtbN> That seems very unlikely to me
<BtbN> Given all the libs in the builds were updated a few days ago
<BtbN> It'd also be a massive ABI break, given no soname bump
<wanne> @BtnN:
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<wanne> Why are we discussing about develpment decissions?
<wanne> Why are we having a discussion about static builds which are knwon to break hardware acceleration on most systems?
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<wanne> There is an explicit check for exactly one version. And surprisingly it does not work on other versions.
<wanne> There is absoulut nothing wrong with that.
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<wanne> @BtbN/JEEB are you able to use av1_vaapi?
<wanne> or anybody else?
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<noobaroo> vlt: And do you cut the video up first into a million parts ? Then use -vf drawbox on each segment and then concat them back together?
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<vlt> noobaroo: No, drawbox takes both x/y and width/height params.
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<vlt> noobaroo: Or do you mean "cut" in the time axis? Then I’d use enable() for the filter chain.
<vlt> noobaroo: enable="between(t, 10, 20)", for example.
<vlt> noobaroo: `ffmpeg -filters | grep -E "\b(gblur|drawbox)\b"` says, both of them support timeline ("T").
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<superded> hello
<superded> i found a bug
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<superded> i can't stop kmsgrab video recording normally, only with several ctrl+c
<superded> i found this commit with git bisect d119ae2fd82a494d9430ff4d4fc262961a68c598
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<superded> kmsgrab with hwdownload and software libx264 encoding
<superded> post log here?
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<putacho> pastebin
<superded> putacho: tested in tty and wayland
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<putacho> report to bugzilla?
<superded> yes
<superded> thanks
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<superded> putacho: you will report, or do you mean that I need to report?
<putacho> of course you
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