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<qesat60> Is there a container or a method that would allow putting two equal resolution videos side by side without reencoding them?
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<bpmedley> qesat60: Do you want a single physical file with two video streams?
<qesat60> bpmedley: my desired end result is two videos playing in a single video player with unchanged quality
<qesat60> simultaneously
<bpmedley> qesat60: So, for example, a single instance of VLC running with two videos side by side?
<qesat60> Correct, but it would be great if I could operate on them afterwards
<bpmedley> Operate, how?
<qesat60> using ffmpeg or other video editors
<bpmedley> What are your source for the two videos? Are they physical files?
<qesat60> yes, they are files captured from different monitors that for some reason had to be separate
<qesat60> I want to reconstruct them without reencoding
<bpmedley> Do you want to keep the separate and only join them on-the-fly for viewing?
<qesat60> I would want a single file to avoid the mess
<qesat60> So a single video file with two video streams that could be played side-by-side
<qesat60> maybe there's some obscure format which supports that
<grib> several players can *switch* video stream (eg "angle") multiplexed within a single container, but I don't know of any players that present those literally side-by-side (or even picture-in-picture)
<bpmedley> qesat60: mpv --lavfi-complex="[vid1][vid2]hstack[vo]" joy.mp4 --external-file=joy.mp4
<bpmedley> ffmpeg -i sintel-1280-surround.mp4 -i bbb_sunflower_1080p_30fps_normal.mp4 -map 0:v -map 1:v -filter:v scale=1280:720 -c:v h264_videotoolbox joy.mp4
<bpmedley> The above just worked for me
<furq> you don't need --external-file for that
<bpmedley> Thanks for the correction and validated.
<qesat60> let's check it out
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<furq> also if you don't want to reencode then ffmpeg -i foo.mkv -i bar.mkv -map 0:v -map 1:v -c copy out.mkv
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<furq> assuming you don't want any audio
<qesat60> not reencoding was the whole point, yes
<bpmedley> [ffmpeg] Parsed_hstack_0: Input 1 height 1080 does not match input 0 height 544. ### I feel like, with the mpv command given, the width and height must match, for the streams.
<bpmedley> My original files did not match
<furq> only the height needs to match for hstack
<furq> and the width for vstack
<furq> also there probably isn't any point actually muxing them into the same container
<bpmedley> The goal was to have a single resultant file?
<furq> well if you really want that then sure
<furq> but if you just want to view two videos side by side then mpv --lavfi-complex="[vid1][vid2]hstack[vo]" foo.mkv --external-file=bar.mkv
<furq> if you need to use mpv from the cli anyway
<qesat60> ah, right, mpv is a video player
<furq> right
<furq> it's just applying the ffmpeg hstack filter on playback
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<qesat60> I thought it was some scriptable container magic
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<bpmedley> qesat60: You may need to adjust pts for the different sources, I'm not 100% sure. If you have sync issues, you might try "-bsf:v setts=ts=PTS-STARTPTS"
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