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Hi. I've been putting together a makeshift vod and streaming service using ffmpeg. Right now I have "ffmpeg -i file ... -f mpegts pipe:0" -> some custom code to read stdin, buffer, and write to stdout -> "ffmpeg -i pipe:1 -c copy -f mpegts zmq:tcp://localhost:12345". The custom code picks a file and then spawns another instance of ffmpeg. This
works mostly fine. But in looking to simplify I tried removing the pipe and buffer and just output to zmq. Then, given how zmq pub/sub works, I have "ffmpeg -i zmq ... target" to transfer to an rtmp server or whatnot. Problem is that zmq only setup ends up with corrupted packets seemingly randomly on restarting the instance pulling from disk. I've
tried adding -flush_packets and fflags flush_packets but no luck. Any ideas? I would have expected the zmq pubsub would be reliable enough for this usecase.
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