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<welder> can you briefly tell how to get it up and running?
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<Xafg> I executed the same command manually and it returned without any metadata. Very strange
<BtbN> almost like it's not the same command than that other thing runs
<welder> make checkasm
<Xafg> The rest of the command is typical for Laravel so that it knows what to do with the file.
<BtbN> well, something it does clearly messes with the metadata
<Xafg> well, something it does clearly messes with the metadata
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<welder> I recall someone recently posted a link to a forum/channel (or was that discord) about developing assembly within ffmpeg, do you happen to have a link to it?
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<c_14> That's the link from the tweet anyway, not sure it's still correct
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<spuos> hey would anyone mind helping me learn some ffmpeg stuff for icecast video broadcasting? I'd go into more detail but I'm thinking of 3 different methods and I'm not sure which makes more sense
<spuos> actually I think I can explain what I'm trying to do better
<spuos> so basically, the end goal is to stream movie files to watch with friends, and I'm thinking of these three methods to go from file to stream
<spuos> one: use x11grab while playing the video in mpv (I couldn't figure out a way to get alsa into the stream)
<spuos> I'd prefer to not do it that way because it requires me to keep my laptop screen on the video and alsa grabbing would play other audio I might have in the background (not that important, I'm watching a movie)
<spuos> two: (I'd like to do this one) bang out a ffmpeg oneliner that transcodes the video directly into a webm or other icecast-compatible format
<spuos> the issue is my attempts here so far result in stuttering and buffering. (maybe software transcoding, maybe poor webm options chosen, I wouldn't know how to figure that out)
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<spuos> three: transcode and then stream. Probably the 'ideal' option because it would let me do a double pass and would probably be better bitrate and file size, which probably would make for a cleaner viewing experience
<spuos> that said it would mean I need to transcode it in advance, twice. doable, but I'd like to be able to just directly toss the file onto the icecast in one line, at the time I run it
<spuos> that's the gist of it
<spuos> additionally, if anyone has any guides like 'so you want to become a ffmpeg wizard' I'd also love to see that
<spuos> I could paste(bin) my ffmpeg command attempts if anyone wants to look at them
<spuos> by the way from my mention of alsa and x11 grab you might be able to deduce I'm on linux but in case you didn't, I'm on linux, I have ~3 computers I could run the command from too. One has a fairly new AMD GPU, one has plenty of CPU, and one's a laptop that's strong enough to probably do the x11grab
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<popsch> how come "-hwaccel auto" doesn't select any of the available hardware decoders for a video? "ffmpeg -hwaccel auto -i test_h264.mp4" uses h264(native) but "ffmpeg -c:v h264_cuvid -i ..." uses the available hardware decoder. Amy I am using it wrong?
<spuos> ooh that could be useful for my issue too
<another|> popsch: What are you talking about?
<popsch> another|, -hwaccel auto doesn't use the hardware acceleration when available
<another|> Why do you think `auto` does not work?
<popsch> because when I use "-hwaccel auto", the steam mapping shows that it uses h265 (native) instead of h265_cuvid
<another|> `native` here doesn't mean it's not hw decoded
<popsch> another|, but I see what it doesn't use the GPU to decode
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<popsch> with nvidia-smi
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<another|> What's the full output?
<popsch> which online pasteboard do you prefer?
<another|> anything not
<another|> Is this a joke?
<another|> of course it won't decode anything if you stream copy
<popsch> You were correct. Here is the one:
<popsch> I tried to simplify my command line and made that mistake.
<another|> >[vist#0:0/h264 @ 0x55968f8cd480] [dec:h264 @ 0x55968f8c2e40] Using auto hwaccel type cuda with new default device.
<popsch> but it doesn't list it in the stream #0.0: Stream #0:0 -> #0:0 (h264 (native) -> hevc (hevc_nvenc))
<another|> <another|> `native` here doesn't mean it's not hw decoded
<popsch> Ok. My mistake. Thanks a lot!
<another|> also, if you just want to test decode, you can use the null muxer: `-f null -`
<popsch> another|, thanks for the pointer. Btw. does "-hwaccel auto" also automatically use a hw encoder when available?
<another|> pretty sure it doesn't
<popsch> yes, it's what I noticed. Makes sense, because the software ones are more optimized. So it forces me to explicitly chose speed over size.
<spuos> in case anyone missed it, I need a little help, I typed a ton up in the log but can rewrite it if anyone wouldn't mind helping me with streaming video to icecast
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<BtbN> It works better to ask actual conrete questions. Just vague concepts are hard to respond to.
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<spuos> BtbN: I said a lot of things above, I didn't want to flood the chat again
<BtbN> yes, and I responded to those lots of things.
<spuos> ohhhhh
<BtbN> At least I don't know what to tell you otherwise. If you have a concrete question, it's much better to ask that instead
<spuos> alright so what I wanted to ask was: 1) is it realistic to transcode a mp4 into a webm/opus in real time for a livestream, 2) if I can, how do I check what part of the pipeline is causing issues for my command? 3) if it's the transcoding, how can I implement hardware encoding/decoding to make my script work
<BtbN> Entirely depends on how powerful the CPU is.
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<BtbN> mp4 can contain a ton of things as well, but usually not vp9 or whatever you need for webm
<BtbN> And most hw encoders can't produce vp9 either
<BtbN> I think only Intel can?
<BtbN> and iirc it's not great
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<spuos> Yeah, I was worried that my approach was fundamentally flawed, hence why I asked so many questions. Is there a way to tell if my cpu is strong enough? will enough threads suffice?
<BtbN> if it's a half modern desktop CPU, it can probably handle it
<BtbN> though libvpx kinda sucks and is hard to deal with
<BtbN> Why even icecast? Isn't that for radio stuff?
<spuos> I was running it on a m1 macbook air running linux, so maybe that's it. Besides that my desktop has a double xeon something, it's probably good
<spuos> as for if icecast is for radio, it does both, actually. It's pretty cool
<spuos> it supports ogg (which I know nothing about), and webm video
<BtbN> webm is just a container
<spuos> I think ogg is too
<BtbN> and by "ogg for video" I guess it means theora?
<spuos> yep
<BtbN> If you can use VP9, that's clearly better
<BtbN> though you could also just use an rtmp server and most likely stream your mp4 without any re-encoding.
<BtbN> Or just throw the mp4 files onto an http server and people can stream them as they please
<another|> I think you can also do matroska over icecas
<furq> you can change -deadline and -cpu-used if you really want to use libvpx for live streaming
<furq> or you could just use nginx-rtmp/mediamtx and serve h264/aac
<BtbN> You also really want to use two-pass mode iirc, even for streaming
<BtbN> which makes no sense, but libvpx is weird
<furq> i don't think you can use 2-pass with -deadline realtime
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<furq> also you can sort of serve h264 in mkv over icecast but it doesn't work reliably in my experience
<another|> BtbN: yes, you want to. but how does 2pass work with live?
<furq> last time i tried it would fail to initialise about 10% of the time
<BtbN> You pretty much just turn it on
<BtbN> Not actually do two passed
<furq> once it got over that hurdle it worked perfectly
<BtbN> *passes
<BtbN> libvpx is just weird
<another|> BtbN: that is true
<BtbN> If you don't, it can't do proper rate control or something
<spuos> wait there's a difference between vpx and vp9?
<furq> you can probably massage that with encoder settings but why bother
<furq> vp9 is the standard, vpx is the encoder library
<furq> inasmuch as they wrote a standard
<furq> same as the difference between h264 and x264
<BtbN> libvpx pretty much is "the standard" still
<BtbN> luckily there isn't much need for VP9 anymore, with SVT-AV1 being as good as it is, it can at the very least compete with libvpx-vp9
<spuos> alright there's a lot to unpack, furq, I don't really want to use vpx, as much as I want to stream over icecast. Are there other (good) options for that goal? BtbN: 2-pass doesn't actually do two passes? what's rate control?
<BtbN> libvpx is pretty much the only widely available VP9 encoder
<BtbN> I'd say if you want to run a small private video livestream, you'll have a much happier time looking into rtmp
<another|> others being Intel HW and eve
<spuos> I've never heard of nginx-rtmp or mediamtx but it sounds cool. As for rtmp, I've heard of it before, but never used it. I
<furq> i've never used mediamtx but it seems to be the popular thing nowadays
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<furq> i have used nginx-rtmp and it's good but it only does rtmp which means only h264 and aac and no subtitles
<spuos> 'll bring it up with the guy who handles the icecast, but I'm unsure if that will change at any point.
<furq> and it's kind of annoying having to set up a separate nginx instance
<spuos> I like subtitles personally. Does rtmp not do them? What needs a separate nginx instance, nginx-rtmp?
<furq> well i already have an nginx instance and i don't really want rtmp and the lua scripts i use for auth in my main nginx
<furq> it used to be worse because you had to actually build a separate nginx from source and keep it separate from the distro nginx
<furq> if i still needed to do this a lot i'd probably start with mediamtx
<BtbN> nginx-rtmp is kinda dead sadly
<BtbN> so if you want to stream modern codecs over rtmp, mediamtx is your better bet
<furq> either way if you are stuck with icecast then more or less any non-ancient cpu should cope if you tune -deadline and -cpu-used
<furq> unless you want to stream 4k60 or something
<BtbN> flv does do subtitles, but that's not something I ever tested
<furq> that never worked for me over rtmp
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<BtbN> the server needs active support for it
<furq> ffmpeg would mux them fine but the rtmp server just rejected the connection
<furq> yeah
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<spuos> does anyone mind if I paste the command I last used to try streaming?
<furq> put it in a pastebin if it's very long
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<spuos> ehh medium
<spuos> ffmpeg -i Downloads/DOYLE.mp4 -f webm -r 25 -s 1280x800 -cluster_size_limit 2M -cluster_time_limit 5100 -content_type video/webm -c:v libvpx -b:v 1M -crf 30 -g 60 -deadline good -threads 4 icecast://not:showing.the@icecast.uri:8000/mount
<furq> you'll want -row-mt or that will be singlethreaded
<another|> vp8 is kinda meh
<furq> oh
<furq> yeah that only works with libvpx-vp9
<BtbN> You will also most definitely want -re, or it'll just dump that file to icecast as fast as it possibly can
<furq> yeah
<furq> before -i
<spuos> alright so if I replaced vpx with libvpx-vp9, could I add -row-mt?
<furq> -row-mt 1
<furq> that should probably be faster than vp8
<furq> if it's not then add -cpu-used 4 or something
<furq> 1 is default, 8 is fastest
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<ape_din> hi, im using this commeand: ffplay -window_title Webcam -vf hflip -fast /dev/video0 but my webcam seems to have latency. any suggestion on how to make it better?
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<grib> ape_din, is it any faster without the filter (-vf hflip)?