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I went to rebuild ffmpeg last night (to test some code I changed in my build scriot—but I have a recent, **working** build) and when I told it to install the dependencies I can pull via apt from the Ubuntu Plucky/Devel repo I got ths error:
libsvtav1enc-dev : Breaks: libsvtav1-dev (< 2.1.2+dfsg-1~) but 2.1.0+dfsg-2 is to be installed. apt policy shows:
since my script is trying to install libsvtav1-dev AND the individual enc-dev and dev-dev packages, it seems to me like I should go with one or the other. Is there a preference?
the separate enc/dec packages are the newer ones
are there any characters in filenames known to be incompatible with ffmpeg?
not in general other than ones forbidden by your filesystem/os
but :,; will cause you trouble if you want to use the filenames in filterchains
they're not incompatible but they might need a daft amount of escaping
furq: which quoting works best? single quoting or double quoting?
I'm looping over many .vtt files and converting them to .srt
and I keep getting errors like:
No such file or directory
if you're just using them with -i then it makes no difference
the quotes will be interpreted by your shell either way
so what could be the reason for those error messages?
do the filenames contain quotes
here's an example filename from the set:
Exposing Custom Host Metrics Using the Prometheus Node Exporter _ _textfile_ Collector Module [youtube, dGMhynriydE].en.vtt
how are you looping over them
for vtt_file in *.vtt ; do ffmpeg -i "$vtt_file" "$( basename "$vtt_file" ".vtt" )"".srt" ; done
run the same loop but just echo the filenames and make sure that's not a problem
I did, echo works Ok
could be some IFS nonsense
`set -x` could help diagnose what's actually being sent
wait I passed one of the filenames to od -a
and they end with a '/n'
good spotting
you can also save a subshell with "${vtt_file%.*}.srt"
on wait, that's beczause I didn't do echo -n
ok, something must be messy with either cygwin and my version of ffmpeg
I transfered those .vtt files to a linux box and everything worked
or maybe I've exceeded the maximum filename length, with my daedalic directory structure
thank you furq and grib
i don't think that would be an issue under cygwin but who knows
if they're still using some old win32 apis then that could easily be it
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it must be something related to the maximum filename length
because when I try vieweing the video with the .srt files it won't load them where I was trying to convert them
but when I moved one of them to the root of my disk/drive everything worked