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how can i grab a window with -f x11grab that is being displayed via xwayland?
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what i tried, so far is to open an x11 application, in my case xeyes so that it would run on xwayland. i determined its window id with "xlsclients -l". it had id 0x20000a. converted to decimal that is 2097162. then i tried "ffplay -f x11grab -i :0.2097162 -vf scale=-1:360" which should display that window, but it just says cannot open display, error 6
if i do "ffplay -f x11grab -i :0 -vf scale=-1:360" to capture the whole screen, as expected pure wayland clients do not display and only the cursor is visible over a black background. but even the x11 clients via xwayland aren't visible!
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Hi. I'm trying to concat two video files using concat demuxer, but getting "No start code is found. Error splitting the input into NAL units." errors, so the output file has only first video. It happens no matter I use '-c copy' or not. How do I troubleshoot it?
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you can only concat videos like that if they perfectly match
i.e. exactl same codec with exact same parameters
BtbN: and how do I concat non-matching videos?
with the concat filter and transcoding them
BtbN: any chance concat filter can use list of videos to concat from same file as concat demuxer?
no, filters have no clue what files are.
I see, thanks
And if I'm getting "No such filter: '' ... Failed to set value '...' for option 'filter_complex': Filter not found" - does it mean I have some syntax error inside 'value'?
hard to tell without seeing what you're doing
it's saying you are trying to use a non-existent filter
I'm trying to put snow overlay over another video: `ffmpeg -i "in.mp4" -i "snow.mp4" -filter_complex "[1:v]scale=512x582,colorkey=0x000000:0.3:0.2[ckout];[0:v]scale=512x582,[bg];[bg][ckout]overlay[out]" -map "[out]" "out.mp4"`
extra trailing ,
here: scale=512x582,
so ffmpeg tries to initialize a filter with an empty string as name.
ePirat: thanks, now it works
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I am recording via obs studio. One track for mic, other for desktop audio. but I only get one track in output file (.mkv) despite I checkbox 2 tracks #1,#2. What might be wrong?
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