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<gur_2> I want to overlay images 1:1 onto video frames. I run 'ffmpeg -i video.ts -i images-%06d.png -filter_complex overlay out.ts' but the png sequence is interpreted and applied at a different frame rate (25 fps) from the video (30 fps). I've tried -r 30 prior to the second -i but it doesn't seem to help.
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<gur_2> I was judging results by the status provided on the input streams, which is unaffected. But the output seems to be affected. I thought I had checked the output before, but perhaps was mistaken.
<BtbN> -framerate, not -r
<BtbN> I think -r will take the 25 fps input stream, and try to fudge the timestamps or something
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<gur_2> Thanks, I'll try that.
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<gur_2> BtbN: result was byte-for-byte identical using -r 30 and -framerate 30
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<olndrxyz> Hi, is -b:v 0 the correct way for CRF encoding in VP8?
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<BtbN> I don't think libvpx has crf
<furq> yes but it seems like it's broken right now
<furq> i just tried it and i get the same error
<furq> or warning
<BtbN> ah, the ffmpeg wrapper just decided to use -crf for it
<furq> so i guess set some very high value for -b:v and then set -crf
<BtbN> libvpx does not call it crf
<furq> yeah libvpx calls it cq
<furq> i guess the moral of that bug is that nobody uses vp8 any more and you should probably be using vp9
<furq> because somebody definitely should have fixed that by now
<BtbN> Yeah, not sure in what scenario you'd want to use vp8 nowadays
<olndrxyz> why does this guide suggest to use -crf?
<furq> because you can
<furq> vpxenc itself calls it cq-level but ffmpeg calls it crf
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<tM^caoX> Still no ffmpeg-way of settin' the JPEG (metadata) orientation tag? (landscape or portrait usually) Been diggin' thru dozens of forum threads, mostly old ones tellin' that best practise is to use exiftool or exiftran before ffmpeg.. I'm thinkin' it should be possible to use -metadata with ffmpeg and make it do the same thing as exiftool/exiftran? =o
<olndrxyz> furq: I'm trying to convert a video encoded with AVC (9859kb/s, 1080p, 30fps, 7min, 550MB) to VP8/webm. If I set -b:v 0 with a low -crf value (eg:10), the output is always of bad quality with a bitrate of 500-600kb/s.
<furq> 22:36:56 ( furq) so i guess set some very high value for -b:v and then set -crf
<olndrxyz> I don't understand why the quality/file size degrades so much with those settings
<furq> i just linked the bug report
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<olndrxyz> furq: Yes, I tried that and I get a good output when I set a bitrate of 1-2 mbps but the vp9 guide suggests to set b:v 0 and let -crf handle the quality.
<furq> well that will work for vp9
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<olndrxyz> so vp8 supports only constrained quality and not constant quality.
<olndrxyz> ?
<furq> well that bug report suggests it should work
<furq> like i said if you just set the constraints very high they should be the same thing
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<olndrxyz> ok thank you. I'm using vp8 because vp9 encoding is really slow with my hardware.
<furq> -row-mt and -cpu-used
<furq> it should be better quality than vp8 at the same speed
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<olndrxyz> I'll take a look at those parameters since I don't know what they do precisely.
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