Marth64 changed the topic of #ffmpeg to: Welcome to the FFmpeg USER support channel | Development channel: #ffmpeg-devel | Bug reports: | Wiki: | This channel is publically logged | FFmpeg 7.1 is released
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<fairway> anybody know the difference between these options?
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<Shreyyy> Hello everyone
<Shreyyy> Hello everyone, myself Shreyansh, currently UG3 student from IIIT Hyderabad. I am skilled in C,git, assembly, Python, Javascript etc. I am willing to participate in GSoC 25 from this org. Can you please confirm if you are participating this year in GSoC or not? And please let me know that how to get started.
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<Mirarora> if i have a stereo file with pro logic 2 matrixing, how would i tell ffmpeg to upmix it to 5.1?
<Mirarora> i tried searching on the goog but i can't find anything telling how to go that way, everything tells how to go from 5.1 to prologic but not the other way around
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