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<Neville> My current ffmpeg command generates an MP4 file with a 23.98 frame rate, even though I explicitly set both the input frame rate (-framerate 24000/1001) and output frame rate (-r 24000/1001) in the parameters.
<Neville> The goal is for ffprobe to display the frame rate as 23.976 fps (avoiding the rounded value of 23.98). Could you suggest additional parameters or adjustments to the parameter order to achieve this?
<Neville> Below is my ffmpeg command for reference:
<Neville> ffmpeg -start_number 00001000 -framerate 24000/1001 -i <input_file.%08d.exr> -vcodec libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -preset veryslow -tune stillimage -crf 8 -timecode 00:00:41:16 -r 24000/1001 -force_fps "<output_file.h264.mp4>"
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<furq> ffprobe -show_entries stream=avg_frame_rate foo.mkv
<furq> the framerate displayed in the summary is always rounded to two decimal places
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<Neville> I do have Quicktimes that display as 23.976 with ffprobe.
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<boombatz> this line doesn't work what am I doing wrong?
<boombatz> ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c copy -metadata:s:v:0 rotate=90 output.mp4
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<grib> boombatz: there's a few things to fix -- the "rotate=90" is an output filename at the moment, you probably want -filter:v (or the shortcut -vf) for a simple video filter
<grib> unless you mean the rotate=90 to be part of the metadata specifier?
<grib> if you mean to turn the video 90 *degrees* (sideways), -vf "rotate=PI/2" because the angle is in radians (and PI/2 is equivalent of 90 degrees)
<BtbN> That's exactly the point, so NOT re-encode
<BtbN> can't copy and filter
<BtbN> mp4 supports rotation metadata.
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<grib> ah, i get it.
<BtbN> Just use -display_rotation really
<grib> for what it's worth, the original line that boombatz gave does actually seem to work now that i try it
<BtbN> Yeah, it's the old way of doing it.
<BtbN> It entirely relies on the player actually respecting the rotation metadata though
<BtbN> and not all do
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<Xafg> Encoded Date + Tagged Date how to remove because I've been sitting for 2 days and none of the commands I found work. Thanks for your help
<another|> What exactly do you mean by that? What problem do you have?
<Xafg> Hello, I don't want the media info to show the file encoding date.
<Xafg> Unfortunately ffmpeg always adds information about Encoded Date + Tagged Date
<another|> What "the media info" are you talking about?
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<Xafg> mediainfo is a program for checking video files
<Xafg> ffmpeg adds information about the file encoding date to the metadata. But I know it can be removed but I don't know how
<Xafg> Here you have an example, but the command they gave here doesn't work.
<another|> Do you have an example file?
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<Xafg> Here is the file that was created and each time I have information saved in it when the file was created.
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<Xafg> Audio
<Xafg> ID                                       : 1
<Xafg> Format                                   : AAC
<Xafg> Format/Info                              : Advanced Audio Codec
<Xafg> Format profile                           : LC
<Xafg> Codec ID                                 : 40
<Xafg> Duration                                 : 2 min 0 s
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<Xafg> Duration_LastFrame                       : -1 ms
<Xafg> Bit rate mode                            : Constant
<Xafg> Bit rate                                 : 322 kb/s
<Xafg> Channel(s)                               : 2 channels
<Xafg> Channel positions                        : Front: L R
<Xafg> Sampling rate                            : 44.1 kHz
<Xafg> Frame rate                               : 43.066 FPS (1024 spf)
<Xafg> Compression mode                         : Lossy
<Xafg> Stream size                              : 4.60 MiB (100%)
<Xafg> Default                                  : Yes
<Xafg> Alternate group                          : 1
<Xafg> This is an example and as you can see the last 2 lines always have information about the encoding date
<another|> No, I can not see that. Because those lines where not properly send. Which is why you should not paste omre than 2 lines to IRC.
* elChippo sees no info about encoding date in his AAC files + MediaInfo
<another|> as far the example file: `ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -c copy foo.mp4`
<Xafg> in mediainfo it shows the date of encoding
<Xafg> screenshot from mediainfo, in metadata the file encoding date is saved
<elChippo> Xafg: which mediainfo version? this is what I get here on an AAC file (encoded with ffmpeg + libfdk-aac)
<elChippo> i do not have any dates
<Xafg> MediaInfo 24.06
<Xafg> look i have all info about date
<elChippo> mine is 22.12
<Xafg> I have done 400 tests of different commands and each time I have information about the encoding date.
<another|> <another|> as far the example file: `ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -c copy foo.mp4`
<another|> strips out any date tag for me
<elChippo> Xafg: i installed latest Mi (24.12) and still nothing
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<Xafg> How is it possible that it shows me and not you?
<Xafg> :/
<elChippo> Xafg: try upgrade to 24.12
<another|> ffmpeg -version
<Xafg> ffmpeg version N-117825-g970d57988d Copyright (c) 2000-2024 the FFmpeg developer
<elChippo> could be a "bug" in Mi
<Xafg> I updated mediainfo and still have the information about the encoding date
<elChippo> weird
<Xafg> Only the encoding date is displayed correctly, so the correct information must be saved in the metadata
<another|> try HEAD
<Xafg> Head ?
<another|> elChippo: I think you're completely on the wrong track
<elChippo> ?
<Xafg> -vf scale="'if(gt(a,16/9),1920,-2)':'if(gt(a,16/9),-2,1080)'" -c:v libx264 -crf 25 -maxrate 6000k -bufsize 12000k -g 240 -preset medium -profile:v high -level 4.0 -b-pyramid strict -pix_fmt yuv420p -color_primaries bt709 -color_trc bt709 -colorspace bt709 -movflags +faststart -an -map_metadata -1 -f mp4
<another|> elChippo: There seems to be nothing wrong with mediainfo
<another|> Xafg: ffmpeg HEAD -> master
<Xafg> This is my command and -map_metadata -1 should remove everything but it doesn't
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<elChippo> Xafg: oh, I see it on a video file but not audio file
<Xafg> Since audio is separate and you are using Dash for this this is a video only command
<elChippo> I don't use Dash
<elChippo> have you tried -bitexact ?
<another|> I cannot reproduce this with either 7.1 nor master
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<another|> none have any date set
<Xafg> ok i try
<another|> e.g. `ffmpeg -i test.mp4 -c copy bar.mp4`
<Xafg> It didn't help, I still have the file creation date
<Xafg> Maybe dash is adding something to the header because I have no idea how to solve this
<another|> wait. dash?
<Xafg> Yes
<another|> What is dash having to do with this?
<Xafg> It shouldn't do anything, but I don't know where the problem is that removing the date doesn't work in any way
<Xafg> I'll keep looking and let you know if I find a solution. Thanks for your help
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<Xafg> On Windows it removes the date to install the latest ffmpeg on the server and the same command on Windows removes it on Linux, any ideas how to remove the file creation date?
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<another|> Could not parse.
<Xafg> It would be best if someone from dev could comment because I have no idea how to solve this.
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<BtbN> First step would be describing what you mean in an understandable way.
<Xafg> I need to remove Encoded Date + Tagged Date from metadata, on windows after converting Encoded Date + Tagged Date is removed, the same done on linux does not remove Encoded Date + Tagged Date
<BtbN> That seems rather unlikely, there are no differences like that depending on the OS
<Xafg> So where to look for the cause?
<BtbN> probably just vastly different versions?
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<Xafg> No my friend both 2 versions are the latest 7.1
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<another|> Full command and full output
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<Xafg> -vf scale="'if(gt(a,16/9),1920,-2)':'if(gt(a,16/9),-2,1080)'" -c:v libx264 -crf 25 -maxrate 6000k -bufsize 12000k -g 240 -preset medium -profile:v high -level 4.0 -b-pyramid strict -pix_fmt yuv420p -color_primaries bt709 -color_trc bt709 -colorspace bt709 -movflags +faststart -an -map_metadata -1 -f mp4 -y output-1080.mp4
<Xafg> I use Dash so there is only a video command here
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<Xafg> The same command on windows returned a file without Encoded Date + Tagged Date
<another|> that is neither the full command nor the full output
<furq> are you using the same input on both
<welder> I'm toying around with the routines written in assembly. Is there a method in ffmpeg to benchmark these?
<Xafg> No, because on Linux I have a script in Laravel and on Windows I run the command manually.
<Xafg> I will run the conversion manually on the server and see if it will be the same
<another|> welder: checkasm