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<cheater> hi
<cheater> i have a music clip and a video clip. i would like to skip the first x seconds of the music clip and have that start playing when the video clip starts. can i somehow do it with filters? all i can find is the -ss flag.
<cheater> also, what happens when the -ss flag receives a negative number?
<furq> -af adelay=1s:all=1
<cheater> ahh adelay
<cheater> i searched the manual for every word i could think of. except delay
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<cheater> furq: can it do negative numbers?
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<BtbN> It can't do magic unfortunately
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<cheater> well the obvious thing to do would be to pad with silence
<cheater> and skip forward
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<furq> if you want to mute the first few seconds of the track then use atrim or something
<cheater> no here's what i want to do
<cheater> i have a video clip, and an audio clip
<cheater> they might have different lengths
<cheater> and for each, i have a timestamp. so a different timestamp for the video and the audio
<cheater> and i want to align these
<cheater> but i also want to mix in the audio from the video clip
<cheater> using amix
<cheater> etc
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