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<aaabbb> what is the difference between me=esa and me=tesa for libx264? i keep hearing tesa is better but that esa, being exhaustive, is "mathematically equivalent to brute force"
<furq> Normal exhaustive motion search uses a highly optimized sequential elimination algorithm (SEA) to search every single candidate within <merange> pixels of the best predictor. Its about 7 times faster than a naive exhaustive search.
<furq> The Hadamard exhaustive search (TESA) attempts to approximate something that would normally be about 70 times slower than the aforementioned SEA; running a SATD (sum of absolute [Hadamard] transformed differences) on each motion vector candidate instead of a much faster SAD. This is more accurate, but much slower. Obviously, if it was actually 70 times slower, it would be totally useless. As such, TESA uses
<furq> a thresholding algorithm to run SATD on the X best results from the exhaustive search, where X is <merange>/2.
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<aaabbb> furq: then i'm confused about esa being described as "mathematically equivalent to brute force". how could something be more accurate than a completely exhaustive search?
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<aaabbb> i might be confused about exactly "what" is being exhaustively searched. i assumed that esa checked every possible motion vector within a search radius and so could only be optimized for speed, not accuracy
<aaabbb> oh, the difference is that tesa just has a different (and more accurate) way of determining what "best" is? but both esa and tesa do go through every possible mv?
<aaabbb> i misunderstood you when i first read what you wrote. i think i see what you mean. so with esa, sad is run on each mv candidate to determine which is best. but with tesa, it uses sad on all mvs but instead of choosing the best, it chooses merange/2 mvs and runs the slower satd to determine which one to pick?
<aaabbb> it's a shame that there is no "placebo4realz" preset for testing purposes, something that uses satd on every mv, something that sets merange to the highest that doesn't make future predictions worse (64 i think), disables the internal fast-bskip etc
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<aaabbb> furq: why does x264 lossless disable tesa and only use esa on placebo?
<aaabbb> even with merange=tesa explicitly, it changes it to esa
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<bray90820> How would I do something like ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:a copy output.mp4 but have it grab the second audio track instead of the first
<aaabbb> bray90820: -map a:1 i think
<bray90820> I'll ry it thanks
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<bray90820> aaabbb: That sorta worked i get the audio without any video
<aaabbb> then add -map v:0
<bray90820> Well that pulled the first auio track without video
<bray90820> Let me restart my computer and see if that fixes it because I was experencing something weird earlier
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<bray90820> I'm back
<bray90820> aaabbb:
<bray90820> Yeah I get audio no video
<aaabbb> <- check out this for info on using -map
<aaabbb> -map 1:a -map 0:v should work
<bray90820> Are you sure it's not -map a:1 map v:0
<aaabbb> i rarely use -map but maybe you'd want -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:1
<aaabbb> to take file 0, video stream 0, and file 0, audio stream 1 (ignoring audio stream 0)
<bray90820> I'm trying -map a:1 map v:0 right now and i'll see what that does
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<bray90820> It seems as if -map a:1 map v:0 worked
<bray90820> aaabbb:
<aaabbb> a:1 and v:0 are the same as 0:a:1 0:v:0
<aaabbb> when you have only one input file
<bray90820> What do you mean
<aaabbb> meaning a:1 is implicitly the same as 0:a:1 i.e. the leading 0 is implied
<bray90820> so 0::a:1 should work as well?
<aaabbb> 0:a:1 should work the same as a:1
<aaabbb> the purpose of the first of the three is if you have multiple input files eg ffmpeg -i input1.mp4 -i input2.mp4
<bray90820> so to recap -map a:1 map v:0 is the same as -map 0:a:1 ?
<aaabbb> "-map a:1 -map v:0" is the same as "-map 0:a:1 -map 0:v:0"
<bray90820> Ok thanks
<bray90820> That's all i really needed thanks
<aaabbb> np
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<bray90820> How would I do something like this for i in *.mkv; do ffmpeg -i "$i" -c:a copy "${i%.*}.mp4"; done but with -map a:1 -map v:0
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<BtbN> I don't understand the question. Just add the mappings in there?
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