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<bananicorn> Hi there! I am using filters for the first time and noticed that the frame rate of the input video does not seem to be preserved. The input file is 30fps, the output is 120fps for some reason
<bananicorn> Audio seems fine, only video is affected. I use `-vf` with a "select" filter, followed by "scale" and finally "setpts" to correct the output frame times.
<bananicorn> Will make a paste with the exact options, any advice is appreciated
<bananicorn> ffprobe shows input as 4k 30fps, output as 1080p 120fps
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<kepstin> bananicorn: need to see the ffmpeg command output to see what's going on.
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<bananicorn> This is the full output, with "-t 60" since my laptop takes ages to encode
<bananicorn> The video in the output file is significantly sped up (I assume 4x faster since we went from 30fps->120fps), audio is normal speed
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<putacho> bananicorn: use setpts=in-fps/out-fps*PTS (change in-fps and out-fps accordingly, eg 23.976/25*PTS) and set fps=fps=25 (change accordingly)
<putacho> bananicorn: you may also want -r 25 (change accordingly)
<putacho> oh yeah, scratch the fps filter, don't use it
<putacho> just setpts
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<bananicorn> putacho: I don't want to change fps, my in-fps is 30 and my out-fps is 30 so that setpts filter would do nothing I think? And it does not take into account that PTS needs to be shifted after the select filter
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<kepstin> bananicorn: it looks like the issue is that the setpts filter isn't able to accurately determine the input framerate for some reason, so you're going to have to manually specify it (replace "FR" with the actual framerate)
<kepstin> alternatively, use "settb=1/30,setpts=N" to get rid of the odd 1/120 timebase.
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<kepstin> keep in mind that if the video is actually variable framerate, you might run into issues. The fix for that is to add an "fps=30" filter _before_ your select filter.
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<bananicorn> kepstin: Neither the first nor the second suggestion worked, so the video must actually have a variable framerate, which I did not anticipate!
<bananicorn> I will retry with fps=30
<bananicorn> Is there an easy way to see whether a video has VFR?
<kepstin> depends on the format, but for many formats the answer is "not really, you'd have to read through and check the timestamps on every video frame"
<kepstin> what's the source of this video? If i had to guess... phone camera? less likely, a desktop pc screen capture?
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<bananicorn> Phone camera 😬
<bananicorn> With the fps filter all is well, thanks for the debugging help :)
<bananicorn> Lesson learned, phone camera does not produce video with a stable frame rate
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