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<Nevin1332> Hello folks, is this a chat where I could ask a question about something I am trying to accomplish using ffmpeg
<Nevin1332> I couldnt find a forum or friendly folks who could help me with an idea i need executed using ffmpeg so not sure if this would result in me getting any help but I wanted to see if it would be possible
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<termos> how could you reduce the most latency if bandwidth was not an issue, over some ip transfer? i've tried rawvideo over nut but that was just over unix pipes. is there something that ffmpeg supports over udp/srt? thinking of just reaching for h264 with gop = 0
<aaabbb> termos: no don't do gop=0, use -tune zerolatency
<termos> would need something thats very fast to decode as well, hopefully no decoding at all, so raw frames would be nice
<aaabbb> then -tune zerolatency,fastdecode
<aaabbb> that will turn off cabac and weighted frames
<termos> hm interesting thanks will run some timing tests
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<aaabbb> the compession efficiency will be reduced but it will speed up decoding
<termos> seems like fastdecode is more tied to cpu usage on decode and not latency?
<termos> bad compression is fine, i can just bump the bitrate to get desired vmaf
<aaabbb> yeah fastdecode is only about cpu, you did say "something that's very fast to decode as well"
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<aaabbb> termos: zerolatency determines latency. it is truly zero latency, there is no need to buffer any frames
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<Schrostfutz> Marth64: Wanted to thank you for your input the other day, I tried the approach you suggested but it didn't really work for me, so I checked and found that gstreamer actually exposes their parsing API which I now use :)
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<stkw0> Hello. I was trying to play a sine wave for one second and then exit, I tried with "ffplay -autoexit -f lavfi -i "sine=frequency=1100" -t1" but after playing the sound it doesn't exit. Is this a bug or I'm doing something wrong?
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<solomoncyj> hey
<solomoncyj> I would like  to merge all of the .dts files in my current directory into 1 file called out.dts using ffmpeg with chapters corresponding with the length of the audio in the files in bash
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<solomoncyj> .
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<jprjr> solomoncyj: I assume .dts is a raw dolby dts bitstream? Not sure what you're asking for is possible, I don't think dts bitstreams have a chapter concept.
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<Marth64> Schrostfutz: glad you found a soln!
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<another|> stkw0: -i sine=f=1100:d=1
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<stkw0> another|: Thanks! seems a bit weird but it works
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<stkw0> I see. I guess I am a newbie, but seems akward that "-t N" also produces sound for that N seconds, but without exiting
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<DHE> depends where you use it. you may be ordering ffmpeg to process input up to a fixed amount of time, or produce an output of limited duration
<DHE> oh wait that's ffplay...
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