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<aaabbb> another|: no, v4l2 does not support audio on linux (ie /dev/videoN itself does not do audio)
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<jemius> hmm. I encoded an old black-white movie with h.265. It became surprisingly large. I suspect that might be due to the codec not being able to compress the quite strong noise
<JEEB> with any modern format you should be able to compress things quite a bit (anything sane like x264 for that format or newer), so if something didn't compress it means that you didn't make it compress hard enough rate control wise
<JEEB> if you do not care about a specific bit rate, then with CRF you just raise the number until you get into ranges that you are OK with. then you can look at whether such compression looks good enough for you
<jemius> I just kept the CRF default, which is 20
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<JEEB> which is just some default set by the encoder. I do not expect you to know what it leads to result-wise for your content type (fps, what kind of content etc)
<JEEB> so just bang it upwards if in your opinion it doesn't compress enough
<jemius> sure. I might try that. But might be a good opportunity to fire up a denoiser, too
<JEEB> yea I am just saying that without knowing what the expected quality level given by that quantizer range to which that CRF value leads to, you can't really say whether it's a case of "not being able to compress (enough)"
<JEEB> with modern formats unless you're going deep into the weeds ("I'd like this 20 min animated thing with audio fit into 1.44MiB"), "not being able to compress" should not be a problem with any modern format with a sane encoder
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<JEEB> then the question is whether that compression ratio that you'd like looks good enough. that should then be the trigger for thinking about additional filters.
<JEEB> (if you really require the content within that range - even if modified)
<JEEB> although I would first poke at "make the encoder try more things and look at more things" first, also looking at the GOP duration. 5-10 second GOPs are normal for final playback content that doesn't need to be quickly seeked through into any frame.
<jemius> JEEB, what's a GOP?
<JEEB> group of pictures
<JEEB> how long the encoder may utilize until the next random access picture
<jemius> that's not the same as a key frame, is it?
<JEEB> no
<JEEB> in earlier formats (before H.264 etc) keyframe was generally also a random access point
<JEEB> keyframe = all intra, random access point = point from which a decoder can start decoding with the promise that following images can also be decoded
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<JEEB> actually now that I think about it, didn't earlier formats like mpeg-2 video or mpeg-4 visual let you do intra only (= keyframe), but not promise that you can decode anything further starting from it
<JEEB> but yes, for example due to Older Simpler Times the flag for random access points in FFmpeg is called FLAG_KEY :D
<JEEB> but to my knowledge keyframe is just an intra picture that you can decode by itself (if you have the headers to initialize the decoder)
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<znf> BtbN, the build script, when using "7.0" as an addin, _will_ compile 7.0.x or whatever minor is there, right?
<BtbN> it just builds the 7.0 branch
<znf> ah, so even not-tagged builds
<znf> got it
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<aaabbb> JEEB: iirc keyframe is any frame that can be independenly coded *and* which is an idr point, so i frames in an open gop are not considered keyfames by ffmeg even though they are all intra blocks
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<aaabbb> so like ffv1 is an intra-only codec and all frames are i frames, but you can actually set the gop and only have one keyframe every 15 frames for example (much more doesn't make sense for ffv1 because it doesn't use motion compensation at all), it's just that the frames within a gop are compressed together so damage to one frame will damage the whole gop, and the first i frame is vital. in that case only
<aaabbb> the first frame of the gop is a keyframe, even though they are all iframes
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