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<Peetz0r> Hey. I have a bunch of plain old wave files with the wrong sample rate in their file headers. Is there an easy way to change the sample rate metadata without resampling everything?
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<aaabbb> Peetz0r: it's a simple enough format that you could do it with a python script or smoething. do you know what the correct sampe rate is?
<Peetz0r> yeah the files claim to be 16000 but I thought they're either 12000 or 11025
<aaabbb> you're 100% sure they're not 16khz?
<Peetz0r> but then I noticed that sox could do it easily. so I tried both, and 12000 sounds correct
<Peetz0r> yes I'm 100% sure
<Peetz0r> there's a bunch of files in 2 categories, converted from some weird propotary embedded format with a tool that is probably the wrong version. all of the files claim to be 16 khz. that's correct for one category, but the other one is very clearly wrong
<Peetz0r> either that or everyone was slurping helium during recording :p
<aaabbb> so i'm not sure if ffmpeg can do that, but you can certainly do it with a simple script
<aaabbb> actually
<aaabbb> no ffmpeg can do it easily
<Peetz0r> yeah I found that sox can just do it with `sox -r 12000 in.wav out.wav`
<aaabbb> just export it to raw pcm, then import (and convet to wave) with whatever the ight rate is
<furq> ffmpeg -i out.wav -f s16le - | ffmpeg -sample_rate 12000 -f s16le -i - out2.wav
<aaabbb> ^
<Peetz0r> I assume ffmpeg is not much harder, but ffmpeg does so many things that finding the right spot in the docs is hard
<aaabbb> that will destroy all metadata however, but it will work
<Peetz0r> anyway, thanks :)
<Peetz0r> yeah there wasn't any metadata to start with :)
<aaabbb> then furq's command will work, it does exactly what i described (export to raw pcm, then import)
<aaabbb> assuming 16-bit audio of course
<aaabbb> (s16le)
<Peetz0r> yep, it's s16le
<aaabbb> furq: i'm curious now if there's a way to do that with a single command with a filter chain
<aaabbb> ah, asetrate
<aaabbb> Peetz0r: so another way is possible "ffmpeg -i in.wav -af asetrate=12000 out.wav"
<aaabbb> which is probably right
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<Peetz0r> yes, that looks like what I was looking for :)
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<aaabbb> manpage says "Set the sample rate without altering the PCM data. This will result in a change of speed and pitch"
<furq> yeah that's easier for pcm
<aaabbb> also makes preseving metadata possible if desired
<furq> it should be easy enough to do it inplace though
<furq> not with ffmpeg obviously
<aaabbb> yeah if ffmpeg couldn't do it i would have written a quick perl or python script and put it in a paste
<Peetz0r> sox also can't do it in place
<aaabbb> do you wish to do it in-place?
<Peetz0r> nah I've already done what I needed :)
<furq> well i wrote a oneliner now so i'm going to post it in here anyway
<furq> printf "\xe0\x2e" | dd of=out.wav bs=1 seek=24 count=2 conv=notrunc
<aaabbb> a littl extra efficiency with bs=2 seek=12 count=1, to save a few microseconds ;)
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<rmaw> hi, new to using libav and am setting up an AVCodeContext. I want to set some encoder specific options using av_opt_set_xx. The header for the encoder I am using defines some AVOptions of AV_OPT_TYPE_CONST, and they have a name (
<rmaw> in the above, how can I set "profile" using the name, am I meant to av_opt_get() first to get the value from the const and then set them using av_opt_set_int using that value? or is there something i'm missing to be able to set the option by name of const value?
<rmaw> av_opt_set(codec_context,"profile","1",0) works
<rmaw> av_opt_set(codec_context,"profile","baseline",0) doesn't
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<rmaw> nvm, looks like av_opt_find2 is the way
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<DHE> you can also build an AVDictionary, fill it with the options, and then send the whole dictionary to one of them various codec functions
<DHE> that's the 3rd parameter to avcodec_open2. it will apply all the settings you specify as it opens
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<travisghansen> Anyone hang out around here that does professional services/consulting around ffmpeg?
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<Hikaru_> i got an amd ryzen 9950x chip, and i no longer max out the cpu with when encoding to x264
<Hikaru_> what is the bottle neck?
<Hikaru_> it's like 49% cpu utilisation
<kepstin> probably a combination of size of the video and using encoding options that don't require a lot of cpu time per thread.
<kepstin> video encoding doesn't scale well to very large core counts - you're better off encoding multiple videos in parallel to use a big cpu like a 9950x
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<Hikaru_> thats a good idea, i will try run multiple jobs
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<rmaw> DHE: thank you
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