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<xpilot> BtbN: I finally ended up solving the x11grab issue by just increasing the framerate from 30 to 60
<BtbN> It's not able to sustain 30 fps, but 60 works? That sounds strange.
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<meklu> sounds very odd unless it's doing frame blending in the 30 fps case o.O
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<xpilot> I think the type of video I'm recording (a video game) just looks particularly bad at 30fps, and this is somehow amplified when I stream to twitch via rtmp. But if I just record/stream at 60fps it looks fine.
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<xpilot> the game itself always claimed to be outputting 60fps
<xpilot> so I don't think it was a question of be able to sustain anything
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<meklu> if it's just about viewer comfort, then yes, 60 fps is much easier on the eyes than 30
<meklu> 30 looks _really_ bad unless the content is sufficiently smooth from the get-go with motion blending and slow enough videographic transitions (such as in tv/movies)
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<bcn_> meklu: why is 30 bad if cinema is 29.997 and everyone fawns over that? The user guide of Filmic Pro I think even called 60 and higher fps "jarring" and dizzying
<bcn_> I've been using 4k 60fps to record meetings because storage is more less free and maybe I would want to digitally zoom at a later point
<meklu> cinema is usually 24 methinks. the odd fractional 29.9whatevers are so as to avoid whatever interference might arise from the power grid, which would be 60 hz in the u.s. and japan (50 hz in europe -> 24.9whatevers)
<meklu> movies and tv have the luxury of directors: real world is too erratic. a slowly panning camera is easy to pull off when you have control over the situation
<meklu> people are also used to slow and blurry movie type content. your mind can fill in the gaps fairly well. a higher framerate might make the viewer notice how something's not quite right in the scene
<meklu> (or at least that's how I see it – this might not be the only truth if it even is one)
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<bcn_> meklu: any advice if I want to record video on an android phone, but "monitor" the recording and control zoom from another phone or laptop? sometimes the best angle for the camera is somewhere I can not comfortably stand behind. in the corner of a small room for example but I want to know if the recording fails or something is out of frame
<meklu> I'm afraid I don't have experience with that. there are some apps to use one as a webcam (like droidcam for instance) but they probably take over the camera function so you'd have to record that stream instead
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<meklu> the OBS version thereof works over wifi at least. don't know whether there are any real F/OSS solutions for that sort of thing
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<bcn_> I have a large list of 1 minute mp4 files from a wyze cam microsd card, and I am running ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i /tmp/list -c:v copy -c:a aac /home/bcroan/WyzeMergeSaves//bcroan-newlable//20240916-p1of3.mp4 and there's 90 files but the file it generates is about 53 minutes long and ends with static sounding audio. What might cause that?
<bcn_> The static sound is present in the source file when I play ti in vlc. so I'b guessing that file has some error. but the video continues to play after the static audio moment in the source file
<bcn_> I can a check for errors on the source files and many had non-monotonically increasing dts. the file where it has static audio and the concatenate fails is07/24.mp4 and it has a lot of Invalid NAL unit size errors
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